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WSCR-New coach rumor

Uncle Buck

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Hub Arkush was on the Boers and Bernstein show this evening and stated that he had confirmation that someone above Jerry Angelo's position in the organization has started to inquiry into the posibilities of bringing in a new coach. This due diligence has been performed on John Gruden, Shanahan, and Cowher. This executive was looking into the parameters of the size and requirements of a compensation package should the Bears head down the path of replacing Lovie and perhaps Angelo (depending upon the amount of power needed by the new coach). Hub made it seem that if the season continues of its current trajectory, a new regime could be a possibility. He also felt that the Bears had identified Cutler as their greatest asset and are considering building a staff around him, someone who could bring more to the table than this staff. Arkush did not identify the executive, not that he would, but did state he is trying to find out exactly who this person might be. He felt that perhaps the Bear's management/McCaskey family has finally started to listen to the media and fans.


Start praying!

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Hub Arkush was on the Boers and Bernstein show this evening and stated that he had confirmation that someone above Jerry Angelo's position in the organization has started to inquiry into the posibilities of bringing in a new coach. This due diligence has been performed on John Gruden, Shanahan, and Cowher. This executive was looking into the parameters of the size and requirements of a compensation package should the Bears head down the path of replacing Lovie and perhaps Angelo (depending upon the amount of power needed by the new coach). Hub made it seem that if the season continues of its current trajectory, a new regime could be a possibility. He also felt that the Bears had identified Cutler as their greatest asset and are considering building a staff around him, someone who could bring more to the table than this staff. Arkush did not identify the executive, not that he would, but did state he is trying to find out exactly who this person might be. He felt that perhaps the Bear's management/McCaskey family has finally started to listen to the media and fans.


Start praying!


on the same day cowher said the bears would be one of his choices! make ya say hmmmm

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If true


(a) really interesting to know who it is "above Angelo" thinking this way.

(B) if Angelo is indeed out of the loop, it could well mean he would be out with Lovie, and a coach/GM could be coming in.


Of course, even if true, ownership could hear what the upper tier coaches want, crap in their pants, and tell us they still love Lovie:)


If not true, someone would string up Hub to giving Bear fans false hope.


Hub Arkush was on the Boers and Bernstein show this evening and stated that he had confirmation that someone above Jerry Angelo's position in the organization has started to inquiry into the posibilities of bringing in a new coach. This due diligence has been performed on John Gruden, Shanahan, and Cowher. This executive was looking into the parameters of the size and requirements of a compensation package should the Bears head down the path of replacing Lovie and perhaps Angelo (depending upon the amount of power needed by the new coach). Hub made it seem that if the season continues of its current trajectory, a new regime could be a possibility. He also felt that the Bears had identified Cutler as their greatest asset and are considering building a staff around him, someone who could bring more to the table than this staff. Arkush did not identify the executive, not that he would, but did state he is trying to find out exactly who this person might be. He felt that perhaps the Bear's management/McCaskey family has finally started to listen to the media and fans.


Start praying!


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Normally 3 straight years at missing the playoffs gets a coach fired. I really hope this happens. . we need to head in a different direction. Cowher would be my #1 choice if this occurs. My second choice would be Shanahan- the dude knows how to run an offense with an elite QB (Elway, Cutler). Cowher knows how to run a team period.

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Probably my only concern with Cowher is the offense. I mean, all those years w/ Cowher, Pitt was a run offense. In fact, now w/ new coaching, Rothlisberger has really jacked up his numbers as Pitt is now, believe it or not, a passing offense. While there is nothing wrong w/ a run oriented offense, is that really what we would want after giving up so much for Cutler?


This is not to say I would not love to get Cowher, but just questioning the look of our offense if we did get him. Also, if the report/rumor is true, and the upper management see's Cutler as the teams top asset to build around, would adding a defensive HC really be how to do that?


Normally 3 straight years at missing the playoffs gets a coach fired. I really hope this happens. . we need to head in a different direction. Cowher would be my #1 choice if this occurs. My second choice would be Shanahan- the dude knows how to run an offense with an elite QB (Elway, Cutler). Cowher knows how to run a team period.


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Probably my only concern with Cowher is the offense. I mean, all those years w/ Cowher, Pitt was a run offense. In fact, now w/ new coaching, Rothlisberger has really jacked up his numbers as Pitt is now, believe it or not, a passing offense. While there is nothing wrong w/ a run oriented offense, is that really what we would want after giving up so much for Cutler?


This is not to say I would not love to get Cowher, but just questioning the look of our offense if we did get him. Also, if the report/rumor is true, and the upper management see's Cutler as the teams top asset to build around, would adding a defensive HC really be how to do that?


My only concern with Cowher is the offense as well. The big upside would be the attitude adjustment and the fact we could expect alot better talent being drafted. I think the Steelers, Ravens and Eagles have good drafts year in and year out. I think it is time to shake up this organization and people are starting to talk about the coaching limiting Cutler as ESPN analyst Tim Hasselback and Chris Collinsworth have both stated this within the last 48 hrs. It is time for new GM, Coaches, players and schemes.

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thank god




From WSCR-AM 670: Someone in the Bears' organization at a level above general manager Jerry Angelo has begun surveying options for changing the coach or general manager, or both, according to Hub Arkush, a football expert on WSCR-AM 670 and publisher of Pro Football Weekly.


"Inquiries have been made, feelers have been put out," Arkush said on the radio station today regarding the initial step of gauging interest and affordability of some of the big-names candidates available.


Arkush specifically named former Broncos coach Mike Shanahan, who groomed Bears quarterback Jay Cutler and helped him earn a Pro Bowl berth in Denver; former Steelers coach Bill Cowher and former Buccaneers and Raiders coach Jon Gruden. All three have won Super Bowls.


Asked about the report, a team source said, "There's absolutely no truth" to the report.


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I find the timing of these two bits of info (Bears investigating coaching options and Cowher interested in Bears) to be very interesting and not likely coincidental. Somebody is inquiring or making it known they might be interested. For his part, Cowher is no dummy he sees a team with the QB and some good talent already on the roster. On top of that our salary cap situation is pretty good and the organization has shown a willingness to spend money. This is a good job to get!


The question is will the owners be willing to eat $10 million in salary to get rid of Lovie, plus more for his staff? Then on top of that we have to pay Cowher big $$$.


For those who love conspiracy theories it's worth speculating that we didn't spend much money in the last offseason in terms of bonuses. Nothing at all like we did the year prior. We also didn't have a 1st Rd pick to give a huge bonus too. I know we got Cutler and gave him a new deal but I don't recall a lot of upfront bonus money. Next year we again don't have a first round pick and now no second rounder either. Last offseason JA forced a lot of coaching changes on Lovie so clearly he felt things weren't going well.


Point is that in the event Lovie doesn't get it done this year did JA and Ted Phillips plan things this way so there was enough cash available to buyout Lovie and his staff and hire one of the two or three big name coaches (Holmgren is out there too). Maybe that's assuming too much forethought. How about this way: I know the Cutler deal wasn't part of any plan but the way it has ended up did it open the financial door to firing Lovie after this season if we want to? Have we exchanged player bonuses for the opportunity to hire an elite head coach?

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Wait just a second. The source of this information is Hub and he is actually saying something positive about the Bears organization. This can't be. According to several on this site, he has a huge grudge against the Bears and never, ever says anything positive about them (wheres Crackerdog when you need him)!!!! Maybe, this is just a ploy by Hub to build up the hopes of the Bears fans so they will come crashing to the ground. Then the fans turn on the team completely when Lovie is retained and the team's fall from grace will be complete.


My conclusion - Hub is a pure evil!!!!!! ;)


Peace :dabears

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Of course the Bears deny it:


Bears deny report of interest in new coach, G.M.

Posted by Mike Florio on November 25, 2009 12:52 AM ET

Despite a widespread belief that the Chicago Bears won't fire coach Lovie Smith and G.M. Jerry Angelo because to do so would require a buyout of their contracts, Hub Arkush of WSCR radio in Chicago said Tuesday that inquiries have been made in connection with a possible change.


"Inquiries have been made, feelers have been put out," Arkush said on the air.


The Bears say there's "absolutely no truth" to report. But what else would they say? "You got us. We're thinking about cleaning house. We tried to be discreet but since someone has caught wind of it we should just go ahead and admit it."


Besides, there's a chance that the "team source" who denied the report isn't in the loop on this one.


Angelo arrived on the job in 2001, hired late in the offseason after a lengthy dog-and-pony process that was directed by a consultant hired at the suggestion of the league office. The former Bucs exec fired coach Dick Jauron after the 2003 season, hiring Smith, who had also previously worked in Tampa.


The Bears entered the season with high expectations, given the decision to swing a trade for Broncos quarterback Jay Cutler. At 4-6 and with Cutler playing poorly, either the coaching staff has failed to use him properly, or the front office should have realized that he isn't very good.

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Wait just a second. The source of this information is Hub and he is actually saying something positive about the Bears organization. This can't be. According to several on this site, he has a huge grudge against the Bears and never, ever says anything positive about them (wheres Crackerdog when you need him)!!!! Maybe, this is just a ploy by Hub to build up the hopes of the Bears fans so they will come crashing to the ground. Then the fans turn on the team completely when Lovie is retained and the team's fall from grace will be complete.


My conclusion - Hub is a pure evil!!!!!! ;)


Peace :dabears

LOL! The picture of that just ruined my joygasm. Thank goodness it was just a joke and I can go back to dreaming.

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I think I would want Shanahan. His offenses have pretty much always been good and he has a previous relationship with Cutler. Shanahan actually ran plays that catered to Cutlers strengths instead of just runnign the same offense no matter who the QB is. They rolled him out frequently to give him the option to make a play down field or run. With our shaky O-line, I'd love to see more of that.

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I think I would want Shanahan. His offenses have pretty much always been good and he has a previous relationship with Cutler. Shanahan actually ran plays that catered to Cutlers strengths instead of just runnign the same offense no matter who the QB is. They rolled him out frequently to give him the option to make a play down field or run. With our shaky O-line, I'd love to see more of that.


Cower made Kordell Stewart a Super Bowl/Pro Bowl QB...He can do just fine with a talent like Cutler especially if he teaches the OL to spit in the DL's faces like he does to everyone he talks to... :bears

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Cower made Kordell Stewart a Super Bowl/Pro Bowl QB...He can do just fine with a talent like Cutler especially if he teaches the OL to spit in the DL's faces like he does to everyone he talks to... :bears

There is also a report in the Chicago Tribune that Mike Martz has his on eye Jay Cutler.



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Cower made Kordell Stewart a Super Bowl/Pro Bowl QB...He can do just fine with a talent like Cutler especially if he teaches the OL to spit in the DL's faces like he does to everyone he talks to... :bears



That is a good point and for the most part Cowher understands the concept of utilizing the talent he has a concept which seems foreign to the current staff. Cordella was a running QB and a crappy throwing QB but he built the offense around what Stewart could and could not do well. Pittsburgh has been a run oriented team because they've had some dam good RB to hand off to. If you have a bulldozer with speed in Bettis and a good change of pace back in Parker why wouldn't you feature the run? Ben is also a very big and mobile QB who can hurt you running the ball. He struggled early in his career in the passing game but didn't exactly have a ton of good targets early. Being a rookie they didn't want to put too much on his plate too quickly. The fact that he has developed into a better passer makes him a more versatile weapon, and shows that Pittsburgh knows how to develop talent. In Chicago we can't develop anything other than apathy. We take marginal guys with potential and ruin them, we bring in talent and waste it.


The fear of getting a guy who's previous team was a run oriented team may be a reflex reaction to our "we get off the bus running" bait and switch in which we actually get off the bus stumbling and sleepwalking. We are talking about the difference between a legit coach and an imitation one. Ever since Ditka we've been going from nobody to nobody giving guys their first gig as HC and what do we have to show for it? a handful of mildly successful seasons contrasted with many horrid seasons and one blown Super Bowl appearance. It's time to bring a legit coach in here. Sure we'd have to buy out some contracts and then pay a new coach/GM but like AZ54 pointed out "For his part, Cowher is no dummy he sees a team with the QB and some good talent already on the roster. On top of that our salary cap situation is pretty good and the organization has shown a willingness to spend money. This is a good job to get!" Despite the state of the current product on the field there is talent there to build around we don't have coaches outside of Toub that know how to make good use of it. We bring Jay in and are trying to convert him from a mobile gunslinger to a statue QB behind a horrid line. He probably wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares of walking to the line of scrimmage to realize he's the only one at the line and on the other side are snarling drooling D-linemen licking their chops. Ron is playing to Jay's weaknesses and avoiding his strengths and wonders why it won't work. IMO if we continue the route of hiring guys who have no experience as HC just be cause they are cheap and are friends with your GM or someone in the org. We will continue the path of wasting high dollar high level talent, not developing young talent, and being out coached regularly. It's time to pay the piper, take the hit, and do what's best for the team. Bears fans deserve better than a staff assembled to the lowest bidder. Us die hard fans who have ardently followed this team and supported it by attending games and buying merchandise deserve to have something worth cheering for.

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How about this.


Holmgren is hired as President of Football operations.

Cowher is hired as HC

Shanny is hired as OC

Gruden is hired as QB coach


Hey. A guy can dream, right :)


Hub Arkush was on the Boers and Bernstein show this evening and stated that he had confirmation that someone above Jerry Angelo's position in the organization has started to inquiry into the posibilities of bringing in a new coach. This due diligence has been performed on John Gruden, Shanahan, and Cowher. This executive was looking into the parameters of the size and requirements of a compensation package should the Bears head down the path of replacing Lovie and perhaps Angelo (depending upon the amount of power needed by the new coach). Hub made it seem that if the season continues of its current trajectory, a new regime could be a possibility. He also felt that the Bears had identified Cutler as their greatest asset and are considering building a staff around him, someone who could bring more to the table than this staff. Arkush did not identify the executive, not that he would, but did state he is trying to find out exactly who this person might be. He felt that perhaps the Bear's management/McCaskey family has finally started to listen to the media and fans.


Start praying!


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Pray I will!


Hub Arkush was on the Boers and Bernstein show this evening and stated that he had confirmation that someone above Jerry Angelo's position in the organization has started to inquiry into the posibilities of bringing in a new coach. This due diligence has been performed on John Gruden, Shanahan, and Cowher. This executive was looking into the parameters of the size and requirements of a compensation package should the Bears head down the path of replacing Lovie and perhaps Angelo (depending upon the amount of power needed by the new coach). Hub made it seem that if the season continues of its current trajectory, a new regime could be a possibility. He also felt that the Bears had identified Cutler as their greatest asset and are considering building a staff around him, someone who could bring more to the table than this staff. Arkush did not identify the executive, not that he would, but did state he is trying to find out exactly who this person might be. He felt that perhaps the Bear's management/McCaskey family has finally started to listen to the media and fans.


Start praying!


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I'd tend to agree.


My preference would be:


1. Shanny

2. Chin

3. Chucky



Probably my only concern with Cowher is the offense. I mean, all those years w/ Cowher, Pitt was a run offense. In fact, now w/ new coaching, Rothlisberger has really jacked up his numbers as Pitt is now, believe it or not, a passing offense. While there is nothing wrong w/ a run oriented offense, is that really what we would want after giving up so much for Cutler?


This is not to say I would not love to get Cowher, but just questioning the look of our offense if we did get him. Also, if the report/rumor is true, and the upper management see's Cutler as the teams top asset to build around, would adding a defensive HC really be how to do that?


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Wait just a second. The source of this information is Hub and he is actually saying something positive about the Bears organization. This can't be. According to several on this site, he has a huge grudge against the Bears and never, ever says anything positive about them (wheres Crackerdog when you need him)!!!! Maybe, this is just a ploy by Hub to build up the hopes of the Bears fans so they will come crashing to the ground. Then the fans turn on the team completely when Lovie is retained and the team's fall from grace will be complete.


My conclusion - Hub is a pure evil!!!!!! ;)


Peace :dabears


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I'd tend to agree.


My preference would be:


1. Shanny

2. Chin

3. Chucky


a good #1 and 2 but i don't like chucky at all anymore. at one time i thought he would be a good choice but after seeing what he did with the bucs and actually listening to him on the nfl channel and monday night football i think he is freaking nuts.

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Even so, I think he's an improvement from Smith...


a good #1 and 2 but i don't like chucky at all anymore. at one time i thought he would be a good choice but after seeing what he did with the bucs and actually listening to him on the nfl channel and monday night football i think he is freaking nuts.


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