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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. Parrish was long gone before the Lovie era began, right? Either way, it can't hurt to kick the tires on this for a little quality depth.
  2. Right now we are fighting one hell of a battle with spammers. In order to keep the boards as spam-free as possible, we are not allowing people to approve their own registrations, instead it is taking one of the administrators to physically review each person who attempts to register, and approve/deline that account. We are literally getting 10-15 spam accounts registering each day, which is what led us to change the way that registrations are handled. The downside is that we have to ask for patience from those of you who are registering for the first time. It might take a little while for your account to be approved, but we will get your account tended to as quickly as possible. Hopefully you all understand that this is for the better, as it means we can keep the BS spam from ever being posted here, and instead leave the boards to what they are meant to be for, and that is damned fine Bears football discussion. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to let us here at talkbears.com know. Thanks again Southsider aka Mike
  3. Home field is nice, but it is secondary to actually winning playoff games IMO. Heck we had home field last year, and where did that get us? I want to see guys like Harris, Vasher, and the guys with nagging problems, fully healthy for a playoff run.
  4. You mean the same Leftwich who has been benched for Garrard?
  5. Let Harris and Vasher sit. In reality these games mean next to next compared to what happens in 6 weeks.
  6. I'd say more of a crybaby than a cancer, but still the guy is extremely egotistical, self-centered, and out of touch with reality. Heck just look at the flipside of the equation. Jones is a 1200-1300 yards/year PROVEN back, who does all of the things he is asked of him by his team. Now he is losing plays to a guy who can't block, and has proven nothing, and do you hear him going on AM 1000 to cry about it? Heck no, Jones instead of acting like a 2 year old, goes on and uses Benson antics as motivation to better himself. Heck with the amount of talent Benson has, if he could just stop thinking of himself for like 10 seconds, and think of the team signing his paycheck, he would probably be the starter already. Instead he is too worried about everything else but his team.
  7. I would have been more worried if Brad Johnson had done anything in that game either.
  8. The sooner Benson leaves Chicago, the better. Chicago is not the most talented team in the NFL, but what they do well is working together as a unit. It only takes one guy to ruin that, and I'll be damned if I want to see Benson be that guy. Even if Benson eventually ends up as a better back, I don't care. I would much rather see them keep Jones, and lose a little bit of statistics, versus keeping Benson, and losing a team concept.
  9. Good luck getting tickets, but it sound fun. I have never been to a Bears game.
  10. Its all good. Here, we are all Bears fans
  11. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...bears-headlines
  12. Hopefully Lovie Smith is amongst the probowlers
  13. Sharper is just trying to get something to help the Viqueens actually beat the Bears. I am waiting for Willis Reed to come limping out of their tunnel. Their season is on life support, and they are grasping at straws if they are worried about guys talking during a football game. EVERYONE does it.
  14. Ah, so in otherwords it is going to look a whole lot worse after we play 5 straight losing teams.
  15. How about the rest of the sub .500 teams they have played... How did those work out?
  16. Nice work. Out of curiousity does that include the games we still have to go, and does it include the division teams we play twice, twice?
  17. Why would you put your 3rd string RB in the game when you have two solid NFL backs on your roster, each of which are 1000 yard guys?
  18. The Bears second string could beat the Packers by 2 TDs, no joke.
  19. So how much crap do you think Urlacher is getting for getting juked out of his jock by TOM BRADY?
  20. I think 5-0, as we have a cakewalk the rest of the way. Maybe we lose a game at the end with our subs, but we should cleanhouse if we keep focused the rest of the way.
  21. Judging by the lack of touch on his deepballs, I think you are onto something there... His judgement seemed solid, but his throws weren't as accurate as usual.
  22. Which is exactly why you give him the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. Its just like any pro-sport, it takes a while playing the game, in actual game conditions, to learn what you can and can't get away with.
  23. As long as we don't embarass ourselves, a loss won't upset me too much. I'd much rather see us beat the rest of our division schedule, than to lose sleep if we lose to the Patsies.
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