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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. I'm not too interested in Johnson. What we do need is for one of Currie, Davis, and/or Bradley to step up and become a threat to take the pressure off of Berrian and Moose.
  2. So this Ball guy equates out to a Tom Waddle type receiver?
  3. The only thing that bothers me is people wispering about his work ethic, and his lack of blocking. Those are huge for this team.
  4. I see David Ball's numbers, why did he fall so far?
  5. Yeah, I gotta agree. Leak is a nice pick up, and the nicest thing about it is that he doesn't have to make the team. If we cut him in camp, we basically owe him nothing. Walker was the really interesting pick. I wonder what the Bears plans are for him? Maybe as a special teamer?
  6. I think they will make a deal involving Briggs... What the details are, I have no idea.
  7. I'll bet the Bears are either trying to get more picks included in this deal, especially after the TJ deal where they got blasted for just moving up, and not getting an actual player, or they are looking to already trade down from #6 for a middle first round pick (maybe after the PSU linebacker?) and some middle round picks.
  8. I am excited to not only see who we draft, but if anything gets settled with Briggs.
  9. I would want to see Calvin Johnson fall to us before I would want to make an investment in the #4 pick. That is a ton of cap hit, and it has to be for a position we really want to make a big investment at.
  10. Interesting. There will be a hell of an impact player at #4. Heck if Johnson is still sitting there, a deal would be awesome.
  11. I would have said, cried like a little bitch, but hey that works too.
  12. Its actually cheaper to headhunt a QB, than it is to wear a non-sponsors hat at the super bowl. How stupid is that?
  13. The Scott signing isn't as important as it was now that the Bears have added depth.
  14. That is way too many big school guys for Angelo's tastes. There has to be a couple of "diamonds in the rough" he pulls out of schools no one else has ever heard of.
  15. That eighty three Bears class is pretty unimaginable.
  16. Did the Broncos need a water boy?
  17. Even if he is suspended for those games, it still counts as a year of service.
  18. [crosses Vikings off of potential Bears threats]
  19. I'd take a look... the guy is coming out of the worst franchise in the NFL, and maybe he can be salavaged. If he is anything close to his draft hype the Bears receieving corps would be set for a long time... If not, cut him.
  20. Judging by the new scale, it is going to be something in the 6-8 game range.
  21. It would be nice to get a LB for Briggs in a deal dumping him.
  22. Angelo is a wiz at draft picks outside of the first round. I definately want to see what this kid can do at the NFL level.
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