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Everything posted by southsider2k5

  1. No that was team suspension, it is different from what the league office will hand him. I think it will be something like the first 4 games of the season.
  2. I am so in baseball mode, it isn't even funny.
  3. No doubt. This is one place where all of Chicago should be united.
  4. Good. Let him sit out the year. If seven million dollars is an insult, I sure wish someone would insult me!
  5. Hey SF, Since the Redskins have not picked yet, I can go ahead and still take them if you like.
  6. Hey guys, I am really sorry I have to do this last minute, but I am going to have to drop out of this. I have a funeral to attend in southern ill, and I can't be here.
  7. An interesting tidibit I read on the train implied that Angelo talked with Jones after last season, and basically told him that there was no trade market for him at that time, but if he would STFU and play out 06, he would help get him somewhere he wanted to be.
  8. If the Bears could have gotten more for Jones they would have. According to the value chart for the draft, the move up in the second round is worth a low third round pick for the Bears. With the lack of value for RB's you can't expect too much for them on the trade market.
  9. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ...f=si_topstories
  10. TJ was a real class act. Dispite having someone drafted to replace him, he just put his head down and did whatever was asked of him. Ced Benson would do well to have paid close attention to Jones.
  11. Curry's window might have closed by now. Until the kid can stay healthy, we may never know.
  12. I'd cream myself if we got a 1st, 2nd, and a 5th for Briggs.
  13. I am really hoping Angelo has his eye on another FA back as a 1b kind of player, because I am not convinced Benson will hold up to that many carries.
  14. I am really glad to see that this is done. the $5.5 million extention is at least market value for a guy who has done what Smith has done. It was embarassing that it took this long to get done, but I think the Bears realized they lost all leverage when they let Rivera go.
  15. Well this guy is going to have the world on his shoulders now. If the D regresses at all, it will be blame solely on him.
  16. If you need another person, put me down for a team. if you fill it without me, cool.
  17. I am guessing if the Bears sign El, they never draft Hester. What would our season have looked like in that case?
  18. Wow, that is going to be a rough ride. Hopefully they can stay healthy.
  19. Here is a crazy thought. What if the Bears are successful in courting Antwaan Randle-El?
  20. I do get the salary cap part. I also get the Patroits model of the system, coaching and techniques being more important than most things. I also get that people said the samething about Rosie Colvin and Warrick Holdman, and yet the Bears are still here.
  21. LMFAO! Don't bet something you can afford to pay on.
  22. David Carr isn't going to go somewhere to be a backup.
  23. Is there still a chance he could go down there as the D coordinator, or have they said Rivera is out?
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