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Everything posted by southsideirish71

  1. The fact that you blame this souly on Jay is comical. Allow me to introduce to you Mike Martz, the OC. Lots of 7 step drops and his QB gets planted alot. Kurt Warner a man who had a real OL got sacked a ton under Martz. Its a high risk, high reward offense. You need however to protect the QB because the basic tenant of the offense is that you will get the QB hit waiting for the routes to develop. This offense doesnt audible, and makes hot reads at the line of scrimmage. The moving pocket doesnt work when you have both ends breaking into your backfield on every play. Martz offenses don't mix it up. They attack.
  2. Because success against guys trying to avoid getting cut in a pre-season game is not a good barometer of success. I almost want Caleb in this game so he can get planted a few times and we can move on to another jesus. Maybe someone on the practice squad.
  3. Roll outs, thats your solution. Well that would work if you didn't have both ends running right past out line and getting outside pressure. Some of this Cutler hate is comical.
  4. Now it makes sense. The Kyle Orton memorial society. Kyle would make our line better. He is definately a mobile QB who can get around and avoid a sack.
  5. Christ. I think the soxtalk gamethreads have competition for overreaction. Hanie, really. LMAO.
  6. He had one guy open over the middle. Cutler hosed up with the few seconds he had. According to Collingsworth Cutler should just throw the ball out of bounds on every other play. How about this, block someone just one time. Lines block people all the time. This is a poor defensive line missing their top pass rusher. Yet now they are basically running right past our line like they aren't even there.
  7. Well watch the last sack on Cutler. The two ends get right past the line, the WR are running deep post routes without any help underneath. So he either tries to buy some time by stepping up or he just plays catch with the 3rd row for the rest of the game and we lose 3-0. Eventually someone has to get open and the line needs to protect just a bit. He has some time to throw, but when you run deep routes you need to let them develop.
  8. It was 3rd and 19, how long do you think that play takes to develop when you are sending guys down the field. The ends getting right past our line, so the only place he can move is up. So lets see if Martz goes to max protect or spreads it out.
  9. This is one of the worst offensive lines that I have seen here. We are making a bad defensive line look like all pro. And of course the line is swiss cheese and its Cutlers fault according to Collingsworth. The same fool who made the comment that this line was good and Chris Williams injury is what made it bad. If only he was still there it wouldn't of had to shuffle this around. Sacked 5 times already.
  10. I love the logic of watching a QB limp all over the field and then to call a timeout so we can make sure that the opponent is well rested.
  11. Well Olsen is going to get marginalized in a Martz offense, but if you start dropping your opps you are going to be on the bench. He isn't strong enough of a blocker to have him not contribute as a receiving weapon on the field.
  12. This has been the game of stupidity for the Bears. Bears drop a wide open ball in the endzone on the first drive. Cutler throws a pick. Defense puts a stop up after that only to have Peppers get called for blow to the head. Result of the two mess ups, touchdown. Olsen fumbles. Forte fumbles. We are doing everything in our power to play stupid. We have had some long sustained drives that should of ended in points only to have fumbles and drops strip points off the board.
  13. First move I would make is to turn Olsen into a WR. He is a fast guy that can't block. Having him sit back as a blocking TE is worthless. Then get rid of the painted dirt and put in field turf. If we don't get a WR out in the FA market, put him out on one side and DA on the other. Use Knox and others in the slot. Trade Hester for some picks. Because if anything Hester is never ever ever going to be able to pick up the verbage, nor the plays in this offense. He had a hard time putting a simplified game plan out there. I cant imagine Hester picking this up.
  14. Why does every freakin coach have some sort of history with Lovie. Stop hiring his goofy friends and acquaintances. Find people outside of the box.
  15. I am on the Jeremy Bates bandwagon. He works well with Jay Cutler, has a history of success with him. Martz is a great mind and all, but his scheme is based on deep drops and waiting for receivers to run routes. Our line won't hold up for a Martz deep route system. This is from the bleacher report from last year, so take it with a grain of salt. Jeremy Bates fate in Denver, why the Broncos should be careful.
  16. It was either Pep Hamilton or Turner. Turner tried to turn Cutler into Kyle Orton instead of using Cutler the way he has been successful. Pep Hamilton was basically ignored from minute one. The killer was that 3 QBs have been through our system, and every year the offense has been poor. In the end its their own doing on why they are unemployed.
  17. According to the Comcast post game show, the hot dog vendors little sidekick Jiggets thinks that we should bring back Turner because it was the QB and not the play calling that cost the season. Turner did a bang up job according to Jiggets. The defense and everything has been fine. Its only the QBs fault. If we only had a Kyle Orton according to the hot dog vendor and his sidekick we would be on the way to the playoffs. Jim Miller of course thinks that bringing back Turner is a wonderful idea and if anything only Pep Hamilton should be gone. Everything should be the same as this year. Just add a safety and poof fixed. The last 2 games are just proof of that according to Miller and Jiggets. GMAFB
  18. Our defense is meat. Our offensive line is crap again. And last week we roll Cutler out and have success, so we follow that up by abandoning that idea. Turner and Lovie need to go.
  19. I think we need more than a low res shot to make me believe that he is flipping off the crowd. This looks to be more like made up controversy from a website.
  20. Turner called a run. Cutler saw the line stacked and called the pass. They had this on the post game.
  21. Turner called a run play. Cutler checked out of it at the line of scrimmage for the TD.
  22. I will be happy for one thing with the end of the Lovie era. The end of the cover 2.
  23. One thing is for certain. They need to install field turf. This sod over frozen dirt crap is not working. This field is abysmal.
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