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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Scott is a solid player and had a solid year but I dont think we need him. He deserves more playing time then he would get here. Hes good in case of an injury though.
  2. I absolutely dont want harrington. We dont need another mediocre qb. Unless its someone that could really be an upgrade why bring in anybody when we have 3 capable guys right now. QB is pretty much the last place I think we need to bring anybody unless its a big move.
  3. Im beginning to think its not the worst scenario in he world if we lost Briggs and got 2 first rounders. With all those draft picks Angelo would be able to get some monsters. I really would like to keep Briggs if the tag snt insane though.
  4. Bradly to me seems more similar to Berrian, a guy like Meshawn is more what we need, like Moose 5 years ago.
  5. What a perfect article about Grossman. I have been saying for a while we need a go to guy but I never really thought about how having a different go to guy and game plan every week can really hurt consistency. It actually explains a lot about what we say this season. The part of having a high percentage go to route was something i never considered either, that makes a lot of sense, his most common throw was a bomb. I really hope he works on his fundamentals during the off season and becomes a better student of the game during the season. if the coaches can get him a consistent game plan and a bigger target and have him try to perfect a route, then couple that with his ability to throw the deep ball and utilize our running game he should be poised for a great year. His confidence always seems great in press conferences, but i know what he means when he says you can see the difference in his face when hes good Rex/bad Rex. He seems to be smiling, happier and more loose when hes playing well. This article makes me wonder if maybe the coaches are effecting his development by not using him the best way possible, he has the talent, we know that, hopefully he can pull it all together. I for one definitely think he is going to have a great career.
  6. Philly and Seattle are arguably the two hardest places in the NFL to play at on the road.
  7. In addition to home and road games against NFC North foes Detroit, Green Bay and Minnesota, Chicago will host Dallas, the New York Giants, Denver, Kansas City and New Orleans; and visit Philadelphia, Washington, Oakland, San Diego and Seattle. I dont think well have the problem of people saying our schedule is too easy next year.
  8. They said on Cold Pizza hes a free agent. He wouldnt be bad to look at if we dont get something worked out with Briggs.
  9. I completely forgot about Dvorak. Isnt he supposed to be pretty solid at defensive tackle?
  10. Youd have to use your backup tight ends in situations like that. Maybe just more reps at practice of those types of kick offs. Thats did really hurt us though.
  11. Im sure most of us agree with the writer. We also had the second rated offense and what, third rated defense, which we were number one in till we lost our 2 guys.
  12. Exactly, as long as you have guys upfield that can handle the ball on kickoffs. Getting the ball at the 30 or better everytime and having punters kick it out of bounds, we would have a short field everytime we had the ball. Thats huge for an offense.
  13. This is definitely Rexs year to prove himself. If he struggles the first few games he would be in trouble. I look for him to have a productive offseason and thinnk he should come back strong next year.
  14. If Rex can put up numbers like Drew did this year Im all for it.
  15. NFL rules require that when a team uses its transition tag on a player, they must either exactly match a competing offer sheet or relinquish their rights to that player. While the tag is unlikely to be triggered during his time with the Vikings (which means he is unlikely to see the entire $49 million), the Seahawks had recently given tackle Walter Jones a contract richer than the one offered to Hutchinson. Thus, they would have triggered the "poison pill" clause immediately, and would have been forced, by NFL rules, to guarantee Hutchinson's entire salary. Since doing so would have destroyed their salary cap, they could not match the offer. Moreover, since they only used their transition tag, rather than naming Hutchinson a franchise player, they received no compensation from Minnesota for their loss. Seattle retaliated, though, by signing Minnesota wide receiver Nate Burleson to an offer sheet containing a similar ploy. These contracts prompted criticism of the legality of this maneuver, but no action has been taken to ban such clauses from contracts.
  16. I also think now its an issue if they dont wanna risk him getting injured playing defense to keep him as a returner.
  17. On wikipedia it says Minnesota got Hutchinson because of the poison pill clause. He was a transition franchise tag though. If anyones bored read how Minny got Hutch, its pretty shady
  18. Wasnt that what happened with Hutchinson? Then they traded it for Branch?
  19. I know most of you already know how it works I just figured i would throw this out there. The franchise tag is a National Football League designation that is used in order to retain an unrestricted free agent. There are two types of franchise tag designations: the exclusive rights franchise tag, and non-exclusive rights franchise tag: * An "exclusive" franchise player must be offered a one-year contract for an amount equal to or greater than the average of the top five salaries at the player's position as of a date in April of the "current" year in which the tag will apply, or 120 percent of the player's previous year's salary, whichever is greater. Exclusive franchise players cannot negotiate with other teams. * A "non-exclusive" franchise player must be offered a one-year contract for an amount equal to or greater than the average of the top five salaries at the player's position in the previous year, or 120 percent of the player's previous year's salary, whichever is greater. A non-exclusive franchise player may negotiate with other NFL teams, but if he signs an offer sheet from another team, the original team has a right to match the terms of that offer, or if it does not match the offer and thus loses the player, to receive two first-round draft picks as compensation. Usually designated for players of great skill or of high importance to the team, a franchise tag allows a team's managers the privilege of strategically retaining valuable free-agent players while seeking talent through the NFL draft or other acquisitions without exceeding the League's salary cap. A team may only give one player a franchise tag each year. It is the team's choice whether it is exclusive or non-exclusive. While it may seem that a team would always choose the exclusive option, there are two reasons a team might prefer the non-exclusive option instead. The first is that the salary is based on the top 5 salaries of the previous year instead of the current year, which could be a significant difference. The second reason is that a team may want the opportunity for two first-round draft picks. Heres a link to more info about free agency http://www.askthecommish.com/freeagency/
  20. I heard the Vikings on the radio a few weeks back. Thats would seriously suck.
  21. baseballs all-star game is a little extreme but it certainly makes it more interesting. As far as the probowl goes, they get more money if they win, so if they go they want to win, but a lot of them dont want to go because they end up spending more money then they get. They did put Palmer back in instead of Young to try to win though, so they dont completely lay down. The game does overall suck though.
  22. No it got them close to the red zone I believe. But it was one of those runs where he ran backwords and cut all the way across the field and stuff.
  23. I dont think well know much about Briggs until free agency starts. I agree about Grossman but its risky. You may get a discount if he has a great year or you may get a guy youre too invested to that needs to be benched. The Redskins current roster seems to be very good but they didnt do anything. I think Campbell is an upgrade over Brunell at qb and will make them better.
  24. It may just be me but I found myself all season expecting teams to have him figured out the next week like how quickly Dante Hall went from an MVP candidate to a relative nobody, but Hester continues to do it, playoffs, Super Bowl, his run in the Pro Bowl was one of his best all year and half the guys werent blocking. My question is this, is this for real, do the Bears have one of the first permanent scoring threats at returner. Is this guy really so valuable they wouldnt even risk playing him at defense in the future. Or will he slow down next year. When teams try not to kick to him we get amazing field position anyway, this is huge for the offense, or will teams still challenge him like they do Champ Baily?
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