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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Is that tight end like Crumpler at all? Thats kind of what he sounds like. As far as my view on Kiper, its just my opinion, just to note, I dont think there are very many good analyst in sports at all, and no I dont think i would be better. Every year they go nuts and get guys drafted way before they should, like Gallery is another one, Charles Rogers. Think about how highly praised all those bums the Bears picked for that streak were, McNown, Enis, Salaam, Terrel, Columbo
  2. Im just using it a s an example, mel Kipers job is evaluating college talent and he is wrong on a lot of occasions.
  3. The same Mel Kiper that had Mike Williams number one of his draft board?
  4. The whole leagues cap went up this year. it looks like the Colts and Ravens are in some trouble. We have decent cap space now, we also have expiring contracts of Briggs, Ruben Bron and Ian Scott. With upcoming, Vasher, Tillman, Grossman, Harris, Brown, Berrian. Also some of our bigger contracts move a year along, Urlacher, Tait, Moose.
  5. I heard you mention this guy a few times. WHat can you tell us about him. What round wil he go and stuff. Ive never heard of him.
  6. Im the DrunkBomber and I approve this message.
  7. I think past the top 10 mock drafts are almost pointless. You never know whose gonna be left and who's not. The best thing is just to go by what position you think theyll go and take the best available. I know Angelo has had excellent talent drafting but hes very unorthodox, watch us draft like a middle linebacker and make him an outside or something weird like that. Think about how late last year we could of got Mercedes Lewis and we passed on like 3 times. You never know who theyll pick.
  8. I think he has the potential to throw a lot of touchdowns and with that will come the picks. A la Brett Favre, but his rating should go up decently and he has a full year under his belt, its not like hes gonna degress.
  9. Franchising people isn't exactly cheap. It relatively makes them the third highest player at the position each year. If they wanna spend that much they might as well just sign them.
  10. I agree. I think he will too. I just don't think they'll resign him this off season. Hes gonna have a good career. I do hope they bring in some kind of healp at receiver or tight end.
  11. you're 100% right about being allowed to have your opinion and express. I think why everyone is attacking your ideas is because to me at least, they seem to be way too situational and are almost stereotypes. Look at Sean Payton, he was a journeyman qb at best who played on a strike team, that doesn't inhibit his ability to coach though. The think I am skewed about your idea is that it almost sounded like you said since a guy was a player in Minnesota, he may not coach as well in Chicago because they are rivals. Im not sure if thats what you meant but thats kind of how it came accross and may be where the tension is strumming from.
  12. They also gotta call plays that suit Rexs style of play, if hes green lights to go deep, he is. They need to harness him a little bit.
  13. This is what people have been complaining about him all year is that he throws off his back foot. Its no secret thats not what youre supposed to do. He knows it and so do the coaches. Its getting him to stop thats been the problem. Most of his bad games are games where the pocket colapsed and he couldnt follow through on his throws.
  14. Thats why I wouldnt mind giving him a shot if they were gonna give anybody one. Hes still young and hasnt had a chance to preform due to lack of help on offense especially at o-line. Hes also very poised and seems like hes could be a good leader. hes got a real quick release from what I remember too.
  15. Thats what Im talking about!!!!! However, if they were gonna bring in anyone to replace him I would prefer it to be Carr over Plummer or echhhhh Garcia
  16. SO what youre saying is Houston needs Carr insurance?
  17. Lol, Im saying why would Houston wanna pay Carr still if they bring in Plummer, believe me, I want no part of Plummer
  18. Why would they wanna pay him number 1 money if they bring in Plummer though, especially considering he said they can afford the cap hit. If we bring him in I say we get rid of Griese if we could without getting beat up on the cap. He has the biggest and most expensive contract and we have Rex for another year and Orton if everything blows up.
  19. Exactly, he doesnt fit our system at all, especially with our old offensive tackles, if he tried t run around out there hed get killed. He runs a full west coast system which we are not even close to, and hes really old.
  20. No, I just heard them talking about it on inside the NFL and Carr is on a short list of guys that will be available that I wouldnt mind seeing us look at. Im not talking about doing anything in the draft or getting a guy like Plummer either, if those or/ Garcia are our best options we should stay with Rex.
  21. While I disagree on most parts, I do agree that it would be great to let them go at it in spring traing. Hopefully after bringing in some more offensive help. Let the better qb win.
  22. This offseason is the type Angelo does well at. Find some undervalued players, pick up some solid guys in the draft and keep the whole foundation to gether.
  23. Wasnt there over 100 people online during the last draft.
  24. With all the moving of qbs that will be growing around it looks like theres a good chance Plummer will be in in Houston and Carr will be out. Hes one of the few available options I wouldnt mind taking a hard look at. Hes young, hed be fairly priced. He hasnt scratched the surface of his full potential being stuck behind terrible offensive lines. Then wed have a qb competition, and thats one even i think Rex would lose. I dont wanna hear anything about Garcia here. I wouldnt wanna lose Rex for a guy thats got one or two years left in his career. I also think Chicago would be an attractive looking place for a qb like Carr, if he thinks he can unseat Rex, then we wouldnt have to worry about resigning Rex either until we knew how Carr could do.
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