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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I think the lions are one of the few garbage teams that wouldnt play him. I think theyre gonna stick with Kevin Jones. Also, Ahman Green being a free agen hurts TJs trade value. A guy like Jordan was a change of pace back in New York and had a good ypc average doing that. Since being a lead back all hes proved is he isnt a lead back. No way would would let sacrificing 5 carries a game to go to a basement dwelling team. Especially because we dont know what teams will be shopping for a back after next year so we might as well keep him around and hope Benson can be a feature back in 08
  2. The stupid thing about this is that A. it wasnt even a bet, nobody else had anything on the line and B. they wrote it when they were drinking so its not a legal document, also, who would hold him to it. Im guessing it doesnt get approved.
  3. DECATUR - Scott Wiese kept a rendezvous with destiny Tuesday as he scored an official touchdown on is way to becoming Peyton Manning. Wiese braved the snow to show up at the Macon County Courts Facility and file the paperwork to change his name to that of the star quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts. Wiese, a die-hard Chicago Bears fan who lives in Forsyth, had pledged to his friends that if his beloved team did not win Super Bowl XLI on Sunday, he would legally change his name to the man who led the Indiana nemesis to victory. "A bunch of friends and I were talking one night before the game, and there was a little alcohol involved," said Wiese, 26. "I made the bet, and now I've got to keep it. I chose Manning because, well, he is kind of the face of the Colts franchise." For those who had earlier doubted his resolve to go through with it, Wiese had signed a solemn pledge in front of some 200 people Friday night in Katz Piano Bar in downtown Decatur. With Sunday's 29-17 score having declawed the Bears, Wiese duly presented himself at the courts facility to start the official name change process. He will have to advertise his intention in the Herald & Review for several weeks and then appear before a judge to explain why he can't go on being Scott Wiese. He's the first to admit he doesn't much resemble his soon-to-be namesake: The original version is 30 years old, stands 6-feet-5, weights 230 pounds and has a contract worth more than $126 million. Wiese is 5-feet-11, weighs 190 - "it's not muscle" -and works at Staples in Forsyth. But he says looks are not the issue here. Wiese said he so loves his team and his fellow fans that he is willing to lay down his identity as a kind of spiritual statement to wash clean the original sin of failure. "I think I kind of represent all Bears fans," he said. "Not that I'm saying they're all idiots like me, but I represent their passion because I really care about my team, you know?" His lawyer and friend, Andy Bourey, is handling the paperwork and can't help but admire Wiese's sense of honor. "I never doubted him," he said. "He's a man of his word." And he's no stranger to doing the right thing. He was in his senior year of college - a sports management major - when he quit school to get a job and help the family's finances out after his father, Steve Wiese, suffered a heart attack. Tom Waters, an assistant manager at Staples, said he admires his employee's character and says he is an "outstanding guy." Waters only wishes the Bears shared that kind of fortitude: "If they had shown commitment like that, the score would probably have been a little different," he said. Wiese, who plans to go back to school when his dad is fully recovered, has no idea how long he will stay Peyton Manning. Asked if he would wait until the Bears win the Super Bowl, he flinched at that degree of sacrifice. "I mean, well, it may be another 21 years," he said. http://www.herald-review.com/articles/2007...ews/1021004.txt
  4. A Super Bowl is a hell of a drug
  5. have you guys tried to make new ones before that have failed? Also, is it sad that Im 10% of the post?
  6. Briggs is the best outside linebacker Urlachers had beside him but I dont think thats what helps Urlacher flourish. He does really well when he has a DT that requires a double team like Harris. Or when he had Washington and traylor and they clogged the middle. he does good when he doesnt have gards and centers on him and he can run around like a maniac and make plays.
  7. I doubt it has too much to do with it. Look at the guy in Indy though, because of Peyton hes got head coach offers and hes a position coach. Good quarterbacks are extremely hard to come by. Recent history: Jim Miller/Shane matthews- miller was better of the two, both journeyman type qbs who would NEVER have lead their respective teams deep in the playoffs. Chandler- Was a solid qb but nothing too special, played in a Super Bowl but Jamal Anderson was the offense to that team. We got him way passed his prime and he looked like a pedofile. Kordell- One of the first "mobile" qbs brought in because Plummer turned us down, wouldn't of mattered, hes garbage too. No way Kordell was gonna succeed in our offense. Hutchinson- There shouldnt be much explanation of this guy. He was playing due to injury to Rex and went from starter to cut in weeks. Orton- Actually was a very quality game manager and relatively good at limiting mistakes, I know he was a rookie, but lets face it, his accuracy was terrible...TERRIBLE. His overthrows caused so many three and outs that our defense literally was on the field the whole game, his lack of ability to move the chains hurt the team too much. If his accuracy doesnt improve he'll never succeed in this league, thats why hes buried on our depth chart. Griese- Hes jake Plummer, AJ Feely, Shane Matthews... He simply doesnt got it. He might win some games, make some good throws but they'll never control a team or be a leader. When guys in the huddle dont respect or want you in theyre play is hindered, which brings me to Rex... Rex- The streakiest quarterback Ive seen remain at starter. He seems to struggle with reads sometimes, make poor decisions sometimes. His upside is bigger then any qb we've had since kramer, however. We've seen him make the throws, we know hes capable of it. He is still young and inexperienced but hes not a rookie. The team respects him and lets him lead them. All season, whenever things were down with him the team rallied around him and followed his lead. He has unbreakable confidence, which could be bad or good, the juries out on that so far. Another large aspect of him which IMO, and may only be my opinion, is the players surrounding him arent much better then mediocre. Moose is past his prime and while he does make big catches he has way too many drops and has lost a step. Berrian has stepped up but hes not a go to possession receiver a qb would have confidence going to on third downs. The other skill players like Clark, Jones, Benson, bradley, Davis etc are nice but none of them are pro bowlers, none of them take over games. Give Grossman another weapon, a good one, Ive seen Moss suggested in other threads, i know thats drastic, but something like that is what he needs. Theres a reason while despite being injured his first three seasons, every season, hes named starter, ever after bringing in Griese. I doubt he gets resigned until after next season but he WILL be the starter next year, and will imrove. The qb coach may not be helping him with his reads, and Turners play calling might allow him to make his risky gunslinger playes too often but he is a good quarterback, a great leader and he brought our beloved Bears to the Super Bowl in his first full year, with not much offensive talent to work with. I dont wanna hear that he didnt lead the Bears to the Super Bowl and it was all the defense, but that is far from the truth. If that was the case, we wouldnt of averaged the exact same amount of points during the season as the prolific champion Colts and we would have at least won a playoff game sometime since we drafted Urlacher. Since losing Brown and Harris, this isnt the best defense this team has fielded since 2000 yet they made it to the Super Bowl. Also, look at the Super Bowl Champs. The have 2 pro bowl receivers, one of the best recieving tight ends in the game, 2 good backs, a great offensive line and they put up the same amount of points all season as the Bears. Also, Mannings Super Bowl performance wasnt that much better then Grossmans and the difference in weapons they have is night and day. Rant done!
  8. Thats why I thought it might be a joke, especially because it was on Kimmel
  9. Maybe if we post Claretts bail we can bring him in?
  10. Is Samurai the d coordinator there or just a coach?
  11. I want one of those shirts, I hope they figure out how to use ebay over there soon.
  12. Kruetz is apparently skipping out on it too.
  13. Good questions, I really have no idea. I think we would be ok defensively. Would Babich for sure be the guy, why cnt we bring in Samurai for an interview if he doesnt get anything from Dallas. Id like to see a more complex and confusing defense from us in the future though.
  14. It was only Jimmy Kimmel so it might of been a joke, but they went to a news clip and they said they take the shirts they would of given to the Bears if they won and sent them like to third world counrties and donated them. ANybody think thats true? If not, what do they do with them, I want one.
  15. When I say I dont like Turners play calling that doesnt mean I dont like the way Rex has progressed. I think hes gonna be a pro bowler next year and have a good career. I also love the deep ball he can throw. I just dont understand the playcalling. It seems like the second half of the season teams knew what we were gonna run offensively on almost every passing play. Id like to go back to a run more, bal control type offense and keep teams honest with the deep ball, but not on third and 1 or on every first down.
  16. I dont think they would have that big of an issue with it if they were making another run at a Super Bowl. If you look at recent history, teams with platoon backs have won a significant amount of Super Bowls in a row, Colts, Steelers, Patriots, Buccs, relatively the Ravens. thats just the way it is in the NFL these days and hopefully they realize that.
  17. They need to give him a slightly more complex playbook then they gave Orton. I also think turner isnt the answer, but i also realize how small of windows super bowl contenders can have and I dont wanna have to learn new offensive and defensive systems. Hopefully they just relax with the bombs on third and one next year.
  18. When our offense was what seemed to struggle I dont see what getting rid of a back in his prime with back to back good years for us when Benson hasnt proven he is an every down back yet. Let them have an open competition in training camp, Id be confident TJ would win it.
  19. Ya. The thing about the pro bowl is players all wanna be selected to it but nobody wants to play in it. Ray Lewis was whining about not being voted in and he got in finally and now hes skipping it too. I dont really blame them, I wouldnt wanna go through the practicing and hitting for a meaningless game.
  20. Anybody else have a feeling well be losing Rivera more then likely to Dallas. At this point I dont even really care. I wouldnt mind seeing a defensive corrdinator who is willing to try to trick an offense instead of saying this is what were gonna do, try to stop us.
  21. I agree, even if Brown is back, Manning and Harris arent up to snub yet IMO and I wouldnt mind some competition, maybe a good pass defender to compliment Browns run stopping.
  22. Jones could start for the Texans, Giants next year, Jets, Packers, Browns, Maybe Indy, Denver, Oakland, Carolina... Im not saying he would absolutely start for all these teams but he is capable of it. Thats said, I see no reason to get rid of him. he makes our team better and we have him for another year. Him holding out wold destroy his next contract.
  23. I definitly dont wanna tinker too much with this team. Lets not forget how great they were. Well also be getting Harris and Brown back. I wouldnt be suprised to see the Bears as a very sexy pick to win it all next year, even in places like Sports illustrated.
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