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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Im not picky. Id be happy with any Super Bowl ring that said Bears on it.
  2. Having a solid offensive line is what makes teams great. I dont know much about this guy besudes his name, but if hes a decent guard this would be a great move. It shouldnt have muchto do with Briggs because Im sure tey have a budget for resigning/free agents and probably offense/defense.
  3. I havent seen it. Is he on the cover by himself because I read that he wont pose without a teammate? Or was it just an action shot?
  4. Whats weird is that this could be a possibility next season.
  5. Maybe he owns a syrup company and was thinking of using Bernard as their pitchman
  6. since its a one game championship and not a series its most fair played on a neutral field. Especially if you are truly looking for the best team.
  7. Man he must of thought if they played the colts they would of lost by more the 25 points.
  8. Okay, Ive been kind of busy the past few days and have missed most of the media coverage. I got some tidbits I need clarified, what did lovie get pissed about during an interview? What did the media say to Rex to get him to call them ignorant? What did Tank Johnson say creating such a buzz, something about racism or something?
  9. Whats good is we can give the bigger names some back loaded contracts. Also, well be losing some big salary numbers in the next two or three years with our offensive line.
  10. The league is actually making a relatively large spike in the salary cap as a whole starting next year.
  11. On the NFL network last night they had Booger McFarland and Cato June on and June just called Rex- Rexman. Glad to see hes done his homework.
  12. Where did you hear this from, Id prefer to sign him but keeping him around for another year at least is great news. If they did we would still have a chance to sign him the following year as well. I do think he is better then say Warrick Holdman by a lot, and slightly better then Colvin but if he left the Bears he would suffer greatly in production and I think hes beginning to realize it. The Bears have one huge road block in resigning him and thats Drew.
  13. Well Dallas Clark had a big game in the AFC championship and most sports fans dont have memories that go back that far like to when Dallas was injured and stuff.
  14. Dont get me wrong, I think its a great idea and I hope they do. I just dont see them doing it. If they dont resign Briggs I see them locking up Harris/Tillman/Grossman/Berrian and losing Briggs and probably Vasher.
  15. SInce the only way we'd be able to do this would be to franchise him I dont think it will happen. I heard it being talked about on the tv and radio that the Bears dont franchise players. It would suck to let him get away with nothing in return but its the nature of the beast.
  16. Im not 100% sure about this either, but wouldnt a sign and trade also produce a decent sized cap hit next year.
  17. Jones-Drew is actually extremely fast and extremely powerful. He is a hard match up for any defense, he isnt really at all like either of our backs. I would start out with Jones, if he isnt getting 4+ per carry, go to Benson after three series amd let him pound them up the B gaps for a while.
  18. Why would Briggs agree to this. WHy would he want to open himself up to a trade to a team he may not wanna go to when he will be free to walk and sign wherever he wants. I know he doesnt want to be franchised but the Bears arent gonna do that to him anyway. They dont really do that. Maybe he'll test the market and not get a big enough offer from a contender and want to come back for a discount.
  19. Dont forget, I gave it its own thread but, because they run the defense Dungy popularized and he can expose it and because Peyton Manning is due.
  20. Hopefully our corners wont have the opportunity to win MVP because our line wont give Manning enough time to get passes off. I also think our running backs would have a hard time winning splitting time, unless one of them pulls of 100+ and a td or 2 in a win.
  21. Ya he had 1 reception for 27 yards and a td, I completely dont remember that happening, I was at Carbondale at the time so I blame them, it was in 2001
  22. I dont see how there could even be a debate that Grossman isnt the best qb this team has had in over a decade, and thats if you want to consider Kramer better then him. Jim Miller/Kordell Stewart/Cade McNown/Shane Matthews/Chad Hutchinson/Moses Moreno/Kyle Orton/Craig Krenzel, with this kind of line up I think Rex should be embraced a little better then he is.
  23. Some Colts defenders are on ESPN right now talking about their defense and how to tackle. I thought I was watching comedy central for like 10 minutes.
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