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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Ya, I saw that too about New Englands rushing in the second half. Id have to say for a coach that is so praised, and dont get me wrong its extremely well deserved, I think the second half of that game was Bellichecks worst coaching performance since hes been in New England.
  2. Thats the guy, if Hester can do anything like he did that game he would obviously be a viable candidate.
  3. I agree with the shootout thing, thats why I hope Turner uses the run effectively, and what I mean by that is also not too much like Baltimore and Kansas City tried to do. Indy is bad against the run when theyre on their heels and dont know whats coming, when they know its gonna be run straight at them they can stop it. They obviously will, but I hope the coaches really study the COlts/Jaguars games and see how the Jaguars managed to get 300+ rushing yards on them.
  4. Thats what they saud on the show, he was a safety in college and played some red zone tight end. The only basis they have for it right now is by what the 85 Bears did and not anything theyve seen or heard.
  5. On 1st and 10 today Skip Bayless (the joker) made the prediction that Urlacher is gonna line up at tight end in the super bowl. His logic was based on Fridge playing running back. I dont know if he realizes that we have a new coaching staff since 85, but I really doubt you see anything like that happen. I also didnt see the interview but I heard it being set up and they interviewed Julious Jones and he was talking about how fast Urlacher was.
  6. This seems good and bad. It says that hes at least considering staying for a discount but it also gives me a slight impression that he is as concerned about the money as he is with staying on a winner. Well see by what teams hes looking at I guess. Locking him up would really be a big move for our defense for years to come though. I wonder if it would mean not resigning Harris or Vasher/Tillman. I absolutely think we'll lock up Harris but I figure were gonna have to let one of the corners go.
  7. I can see our defense playing well but its gonna be very hard for them to have a dominant performance to the calibur of say the Arizona game. I think the wild card is gonna be our offense. I think we need to count on our offense to at ;east get 20+ points if theres a shot for us to win it. I also think if our front 4 doesnt get pressure on Manning and we arent effective with our blitzing were gonna need our offense to step up. Lucky for us this is a pretty weak defense overall.
  8. I could see Berrian or Clark getting it in is Clark can get over 5 catches and sneak open for two red zone tds similair to Gilmore had in week 2 or if Berrian can get 2 long passes and then for both of them if theyre 100% of Grossmans tds and he has a pick or fumble or low % and that prevents him from getting it. I could see Anderson getting it if he can get 2+ sacks and maybe a fumble caused which he has done on more then 1 occasion. Urlacher could get it with an all around solid performance and Hester if he could pull a (drawing blank right now, the returner from the Packers)
  9. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi.../content.1.html 10. Nathan Vasher 9. Marvin Harrison 8. Rex Grossman 7. Bob Sanders 6. Devin Hester 5. Adam Vinateiri 4. Thomas Jones 3. Joseph Addai 2. Brian Urlacher 1. Peyton Manning I think this list is a little obvious, but I also think its pretty wrong. Heres my top 5 or so for each team, depending on who wins If we win 1. Grossman 2. Hester 3. Berrian 4. Clark 5. Anderson 6. Urlacher. If they win 1. Peyton Manning 2. Marvin Harrison 3. Dwight Freeney 4. Bob Sanders 5. Dominic RHodes 6. Reggie wayne.
  10. As all of you know we run a basic cover 2 defense which was made extremely popular in Tampa Bay by none other then Tony Dungy. Any concerns that he will have a better idea on how to be effective against it then most coaches? If there was ever a game where we are gonna need our pass rush to get there with just the defensive line I think this is it. It is a basic, here is what were gonna do, try and stop us, but I still have some concerns. from Wikipedia American football defensive strategy popularized by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers National Football League (NFL) team in the 1990s-early 2000s. It was designed by then-head coach Tony Dungy, defensive coordinator Monte Kiffin, and then-linebackers coach Lovie Smith. After Dungy became head coach of the Indianapolis Colts and Smith became head coach to the Chicago Bears, they installed the Tampa 2 in their respective teams. During the 2005 NFL season, The Buccaneers, still under defensive coordinator Kiffin, ranked first in the league in total yards allowed, Smith's Bears ranked number two, and Dungy's Colts ranked eleventh. In the 2006-2007 season, the Buffalo Bills, Minnesota Vikings, Kansas City Chiefs, and Detroit Lions adopted the defense.
  11. I had my worries if his terrible games might become more common but in listening to him talk I get a good grasp that he really knows what he was doing wrong and is working to fix it. I also think him having another offseason with Bradley and Berrian is gonna be huge for their timing. I could see Rex puting up huge numbers next year.
  12. It would be good to have him around for another year or two and draft a guy who can learn under him.
  13. The last violent episode during a sporting event I had was when I saw Steve Smith untouched running down the field in the playoffs and I threw my beer.
  14. The 05 series was my first experience of watching my team in the post season in a bar atmosphere and I dont think Ill ever have another like it. I went out with die hard Sox fans every single game of the playoffs, and even went to the only game they lost against Anaheim and it was the most fun Ive ever had. The games with the suspense like Kongs slam or Blums or Pods homer was amazing. After that I definitly think I would be missing out if I wasnt in a fun atmosphere and something dramatic happened, like Gould kicking a game winner or Rex throwing a td for a win.
  15. Not really. I dont like watching my teams play with fans of other teams, unless of course my team is winning. I really dont like watching games of this magnitude by myself.
  16. Last game we got there before the place opened and we were the first ones in line but that game was at 1. It would be interesting waiting at the place for like 5 hours.
  17. Thats why Ive never paid full price for an authentic. Not only am I worried Id ruin it, but Id also be worried about the player being traded or leaving in free agency. Ive wanted to get an authentic Sox jersey for years but with the way beaseball is these days you can almosy bank that a player will be gone in a year or two. The authentic Shockey jersey I got was also way too big, if theres any shockey fans out there that where a size 56, its cheap
  18. Rex interviews are all the same. I wish they would start asking him different questions. Lovie was Lovie and answered all the questions professionally. Id kinda like to see them interview Benson, to see if he is happy with his role. ALso, Id like to see an interview with Briggs. Im sure the media would ask him something about his contract and Id like to hear his answer even though I doubt he would go too far into detail.
  19. Theyre interviewing Rex on Comcast right now. Hes getting the same questions hes been getting so far. Nothing new really to report. Theres like an hour press conference on right now.
  20. Thats a good point. As much as everybody hates him he still is a popular topic and people hear what he has to say more often then not. The media needs guys like him and they will always sell issues. He just will never be liked by a lot of fans but I doubt he cares about that anyway.
  21. Not a bad stat for "the worst qb to start a superbowl ever"
  22. I know exactly what you mean on the defending Grossman thing. Ive been doing that all year as well. Some of my friends who are Bears fans (that called for Griese I might add) have actually said they have a hard time liking Grossman because I wont shut up about him. The casual fans Im referring to arent even sports fans at all. Theyre more of car type guys just going out because its trendy. I live right outside Chicago, so when I go to bars, thats where I normally go. I went to BW3 for the first game and had a good time so Im leaning towards going there. I just dont wanna end up somewhere that sucks and miss out. I think Ill rally up my 2 or 3 die hard fans and camp out at a bar before they open and get a good table and watch the game with some other real fans. The Seattle game was a blast.
  23. I would of liked to get a blue one. I like those best, I also really like the white ones but they cost a little more and I could so easily picture myself spilling on it and ruining it with a Jager Bomb or something. The orange really is my third choice, but for the price I really cant complain, its only a little more then a replica would be.
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