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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Im still not 100% sure. A lot of my friends are only casual fans, if at all, and arent really concerned with watching the game as much as they are with the social atmosphere. I have one friend thats as interested in actually watching the game as I am so we are deciding on whether we should go to a bar or try to find a party. Weve had a few offers but its hard to choose. Where do you go for a game of such magnitude.
  2. I love reading timelines of his writings. It makes me curious if anybody has ever presented these to him and got a reaction. I would love to hear him defend his flip flops.
  3. for receivers they got Moorehead, Ricky Proehl, Terrance Wilkens and some guy John Standenford and they dont have a fullback listed on their roster.
  4. Im suprised nobody stepped up and got this guy tickets. I dont think he deserved them though. It kind of reminds me of the Monday Night game early in the year ( I think it was a monday night game, it might of been a baseball game for that matter) where they said they were gonna give a fan a truck and they ended up giving him a toy. Then they felt bad and got him a real truck. Actually I think it was a preseason game.
  5. I was looking at some other qbs numbers for super bowl champions and another starter thats numbers werent very impressive were McMahons. He had 13 tds and 12 ints for the season I believe and a little over 2k yards. However, Thomas Jones isnt exactly Walter Payton.
  6. I got an email from the guy today. Its gonna be close if I get it in time. He said hes gonna ship it on the 31st. I actually like the blue letter one better but I have to admit I didnt even notice at first. When I think authentic the first thing I think is if everything is stitched on.
  7. I guess you get what you pay for
  8. Ya, looking around on the internet I found both. Im not that concerned about that. There has to be some kind of reason why theyre so cheap. I actually kind of like the way the blue looks better.
  9. The guy has sold a ton of jerseys so hopefully hes just getting a quantity discount and theyre not from china or anything.
  10. I dont know if this link will work because it goes to my ebay, but this is it. If this is what they send me it looks real. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...p;rd=1&rd=1
  11. The one I got is a little fishy. It was only 60 bucks for an authentic before shipping. I got a Shockey jersey a few years ago that was like 180 which is way too big. I wasnt sure what size to get so I got either a 48 or a 50
  12. This thread in general makes me angry. Obviously Im a Rex advocate but to hear stuff like this just boggles me. I look at stuff that guys like Peyton Mannin have done in the playoffs or any first year starter for that matter and its amazing to see how many doubters there are.
  13. Nice, Ill be sporting this all week...at least.
  14. I actually, just tonight, in a drunken stuper got an authentic rex orange jersey from ebay, and it better be here before the weekend.
  15. I forgot about that physco, he was only on the Bears for a year or two though.
  16. That sounds like one of those dreams that even after you wake up and realize it was just a dream youre still mad at anybody around.
  17. ya, it really is bad. I used to watch it a few years ago when it was on Fox Sports and I still didnt like it.
  18. What does that have to do with my comment?
  19. I really cant see any way that this guy is gonna get any tickets from Chris Harris.
  20. In my country being called a fag is a compliment. That was the best thing Ozzie ever said.
  21. If anything it fuels him to go out and play better. Id rather have stuff like this out there then him being praised in the media. Him and the whole team for that matter play better with a chip on their shoulders. Too bad the Colts dont have big mouths that will talk in the media to make it worse. We'll have to have ESPN lead the bashing.
  22. I wanted to use it for my profile but it wont let you...
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