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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. As much as Id love to keep Rivera here you couldnt blame him for wanting to take a head coaching job. Now that the steelers are on the market for a coach and the giants will be too most likely hell definitely be considered for a few jobs.
  2. no, I just saw that too and I have no idea where it came from. I wasnt even home at that time, odd
  3. I got the Bears meeting the ravens in the superbowl
  4. Im fairly confident Coughlin will get axed after the playoffs. That will be an appealing job for lots of suiters.
  5. I would rather have Lovie then Dungy at this juncture. Dungy is a defensvie coach and he has some of the best offensive players of thisera on his team and he cant win because of lack of defense. He is riding Mannings arm to the playoffs every year but cant make the defense good enough to be contenders.
  6. After Wannstedt you think they would stay away from us. Take Turner, please.
  7. I think everyone in this post relatively sees thing the same way but everything is getting misunderstood. I do think there is a CHANCE that Orton could be an ok quarterback in this league with some experience but I also dont think its fair to compare him to Rex at this point,especially stats wise. Especially comparing interceptions. Grossman pretty much got the green light to go downfield every other play and was throwing low percentage passes a lot of the time. Orton was playing a severely dumbed down playbook with pretty much most of his passes being dump offs and using the running game much more often. The difference between our 3 quarterbacks IMO is this. All three of them are capable of winning games with Ortons playbook from last year. It pretty much was a run first, pass second, minimize turnover safe style of play. The main thing lacking last year was the big play homerun ability because Orton coldnt throw accurately deep despite having good protection. Does anyone here not remember seeing how often he was overthrowing receivers? At this point, Im not sure how Griese is with a deep ball or if he is capable of running with teams if a game turned into a shootout. This is where I think Grossman seperates himself from the other two. Even though they havent tried to run a more simple offense with the exception of the Jets game Im fairly confiedent Rex could run a simple offense like Kyle did last year with just as much if not more success. However, with Rex at the helm teams have to respect the deep ball and we have all seen Rex throw beatuiful deep balls to Berrian and others. Rex gives us the opportunity to score quickly if needed, come back if were down late in the game and even keep the offense on the field longer so the defense is more rested and can make the big plays they have all year. In conclusion, I think all 3 quarterbacks are CAPABLE of winning most of the games we won, but games like our first one in Minnesota would of only been one by Rex. I cant pretend like I know why Rex is so inconsistant and yes it does worry me. I just think, especially in the playoffs, there are gonna be situations when we need to score fast or go downfield and hes our best option for that hands down. If anything Turner needs to turn us back into a run first team and save the deep ball for more important situations and let Rex spread it around to compliment the run. If evil Rex shows up in the playoffs, I say make the switch or change the playcalling. They cant do what theyve been doing and make Rex try to work it out on the field by throwing every play though.
  8. I agree he shouldnt of done it, especially with his inconsistency and question marks surrounding him but I think just about the whole team did the same thing and he was the only one who fessed up.
  9. I think hes a better fit for the Dolphins. Arizona is the black hole for coaches. He would be lost on a team like the Cardinals that doesnt have any defensive talent. he should go to a team that has a talented defense and utilize their strenghts instead of have him try to make a team with no good defensive players better.
  10. I was just watching NFL live and they were trashing Grossman for this. Nobody played well that game and I guarentee you there were several players on the team not too concerned about this game. The coaches obviously werent. It seems Rex is getting scrutinized for at least fessing up for something lots more are guilty of. Lets look at this game for what it was, nothing. The starters played a half but we were running different plays, running players in and out and not even playing our base defense half the time. If Griese did give 100% then he cant get it done against the Pack which is something Rex has done consistently over his career.
  11. I wouldnt of imagined they were giving there all considering we shut this team out on the road and Rex lit them up but I still dont like hearing him say he took a game for granted. I wonder if they would of if Green Bay was still live for the playoffs. I guess its better to hear something like this then to hear them say they gave it their all and were just beat by a better team.
  12. I completely agree with this post but I ve kind of accepted that there are a lot of people that disagree with starting Grossman so I dont even bother really anymore. But to say Orton wasnt bailed out by the defense llast year is a little off. There may have been games this year where the defense was a big part of the win but there were also games where Rex hung up 40 points on teams. Sure he got good field position and good protection but thats what a team is all about.
  13. I would still wanna win 13 games in any season. I dont care how much experience my qb has, 13 wins is great.
  14. Ya, but Anderson will get the last laugh gettin got play in Chicago whereas Ryans is gonna be burried in rebuilding for years.
  15. Its official. Vince Young is the offensive roy and DeMeco Ryans is the defensive roy.
  16. As much as it would suck to have to learn another new offensive system I think Turner needs to go. His play calling is terrible and he shies away from what the Bears are known for and thats running the ball. We have three good backs and he tries to air it out all the time.
  17. I think either one of them could at least get us to the NFC championship game and we may even be able to sneak into the super bowl. However, we need a solid performance to have a chance at winning it all.
  18. You never know which Cowboy team is gonna show up but I guess you can say that about every team in the NFC including us.
  19. I dont think they really wanted to show any kind of deep routes or double move plays this game. I also thought the fake reverse pass was kind of a trick play that may even be used to set up a real reverse during the playoffs. I would of liked to have more of a solid game from Rex but I cant hold any stock into this game when I know thats not our regualr gameplan on offense and defense.
  20. Thats one of the things that worries me about Dallas. Parcells might throw some crazy blitzes at Rex and we lost to the only other 3-4 team we played this year.
  21. Tell me about it. Despite how poorly theyve played all year Im still glad Carolina didnt sneak in the playoffs this year, lol.
  22. Regargless of the problem of beating the same team twice, it is nice to know we beat 2 of the 3 teams rather handily already.
  23. Seattle is really banged up right now. I think they have 2 corners out and 2 receivers out for their first game. None of the games seem to have a huge upside. I think the Giants are terribly coached though so I wouldnt be too worried about them.
  24. Cowboys or Giants? Who would you guys like to see make their way to soldier field in two weeks. We already beat the Giants on the road in Rexs only game where he started off bad and managed to turn it around mid game. Its hard to beat a team twice in one year though. Thoughts
  25. I understand the concern but I think you can sum up what the offense was trying to do by that fake reverse pass in the first quarter. Theyre just trying new stuff and dont care about the game. To be upset with Lovie or anyone else as of right now is premature. If they bomb in the playoffs AGAIN, then we worry if we hooked ourselves a Tony Dungy.
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