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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. The COlts must really have fell off. These are still important games for them and now theyre tied with the Texans.
  2. Benson hasnt been available in my league all year and nobodies ever started him. Im assuming thats why, Roy WIlliams is dropping passes like theyre hot
  3. These fools claim to be walking out soon I benched Grossman in fantasy championship for Homo cuz I thought he was only gonna play a little, I started Berrian though
  4. It couldnt hurt to pick up a tigh end in the draft or in free agency. He is servicable but by no means elite and TEs like that can have a huge impact on teams, look at Gonzalez, Gates and Crumpler.
  5. Thats why I said Grossman doesnt deserve to go. Vicks throws arent accurate with any consistency. Sure he throws some passes that are on target but he is one of the most unnacurate starting quarterbacks in the league. He isnt even the best qb on his team. His legs are the only thing that keep him as a starter but his scrambling ability isnt enough to make his team productive consistently. He only plays well against bad defenses that dont have speed. Grossmans receivers have tons of drops as well and he throws a much better ball. Vick also has no touch on his passes, he throws lasers that are much harder to catch.
  6. I dont think theres a quarterback deserving of going to the pro bowl in the NFC with the exception of Brees. I love Grossman but his ups and downs dont constitute being a pro bowler. I think Vick is a joke, he simply isnt a quarterback. For every dropped pass you show me by one of his receivers Ill show you one of Crumpler bailing him out by making an incredible play on a bad pass.
  7. I saw on TV that Tanks not allowed to leave the state until they figure out what theyre gonna do first. We know hes suspended for this next game, which would be the last game out of state until the Super Bowl. I guess well still have to wait to see what happens.
  8. I dont think theres any way he does any time. Athletes and celebrities pretty much get away with anything.
  9. Ill take our skeleton crew against the Lions anyway
  10. It would be different in baseball because they play so many more home games and they dont sell out every game. It would be way more significant in football. I dont think it will matter though, Ford is only concerned with money and hes still making it.
  11. This brings on the age old question...whats worse, watching Detroit play football or being outside on the streets of Detroit.
  12. 60 or 80 bucks for a ticket, thats a deal!
  13. Did you guys hear that Lions fans are planning on walking out of the stadium in the second quarter this week against the Bears trying to get Millen fired again? This should be interesting to watch.
  14. For all the hype Brown got in Seattle for game winning kicks Im suprised he didnt get it.
  15. I still dont think anything big will happen, even if it does not by the end of the season.
  16. Randy Moss is much different, he quits on his team and teammates. My point is that this guy isnt really doing anything to disrupt the team and is only hurting himself. Dont get me wrong, hes a scumbag, but EVERYsingle team in this league has at least one person thats been arrested or done something like this. If all these guys got cut for this it would happen all over the league. Until the NFL makes rules about it why should we be the only team to do anything about.
  17. He got sucked right in to Hurricane Romo and it was forgotten he is a rookie who isnt ready for all this hype yet. Hes done a great job in certain sitations and I think he will steadily improve each year and have more of an impact on offense or defense.
  18. Theres nothing stopping anyone from doing that but it could also really hurt their next contract and then we would still get something, albeit a sixth rounder or so for him.
  19. Gould is lucky he got in IMO. Must of done the voting earlier. LOL.
  20. Thats my point. The situation has never been an economical chance. This year it will. He will more then likely be the highest paid OLB after this year and well get him for the average of the top 5. It will be cheaper. Hes also not gonna tank on us because it will cost him dollars the next season.
  21. It is nice to add depth at secondary but he needs to control his fumbles on kick returns. Especially if theyre gonna put him in on offense.
  22. I didnt think we were that type of any team. Look what happened with Olin and Fred Miller last year. Look at RMJ and Im sure there are lots of other examples.
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