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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Stupid SIU teachers. They did"'"t teach me anything.
  2. My college professors didnt teach me how to use paragraphs so I cant. Sorry I couldnt resist.
  3. I do agree he has his problems but he hasnt played enough for me to say its nothing he cant correct through game experience. A lot of what youre saying makes sense and may be true. Its just too early to know for sure yet and there must be a reason why he continues to stick around and why his team mates want him out there. To me he has the x factor that a lot of quarterbacks dont and if our defense or schedule can keep winning games and he can continue to get experience then Im all for it. I do think Griese definately isnt a short or long term answer and think Rex puts us in the best situation to win right now. He did ok in the playoffs last year and I think bad defensive scheming lost us the game against the panthers. I think the loss of Berrian is gonna make him look bad because of how important to our offense a guy like that is. I also think he hasnt had a sure handed go to guy ever to help him. Moose has his moments but he also drops lots of passes and seems like he shies away from being the go to guy at times, like when Berrian went down he seemed to get worse. I also dont really understand the concern about what college he went to or who his coach was. I know there has been talks about Spurriers fun and gun offense not being able to produce NFL talent but there is an exception for everything and until Rex plays some more we will never know if thats what he is. Before the Bears even drafted him I thought he was one of the better qbs coming out at that time. He has a cannon and he really does make a lot of the kinds of mistakes Favre makes except he hasnt proven himself yet so its easier to be critical. If he chokes down the stretch or in the playoffs then I think the concerns are more warrented but he is our best option right now.
  4. Seriously, where were you with the Grossman bashing when they were 7-0. I never saw anyone post anything bad about Rex when we were winning. Its almost like you want him to fail so you can jump right online and say I told you so. What has Griese ever done in his career besides go from city to city and either be a back up or lose. Also, like Ive said your Spurrier point holds no water. There are several quarterbacks in the NFL that came out of systems that havent produced other quarterbacks. That doesnt mean they are no good. Grossman has been highly regarded since he was drafted by different head coaches/coordinators. If hes as bad as you say he is then there are a lot of people in the organization that really must not know football including the reigning coaoch of the year who has us at 7-1 and in a great position for the post season. You want Grossman to be Wuerfell so bad for some reason but he isnt. There is a reason the team rallies around him and he always has first crack at being the starter. Hes young and hes learning still and every game he plays, whether he dominates or has a rough outing for whatever reason is great for his maturation and learning process. Give him at least one full season as a starter before you declare him a failure. By your standards almost no quarterbacks would still be starting if they were held to these standards.
  5. While I agree it is annoying to see fans all over the place you had to figure it was gonna happen. There are all kinds of types of fans, including ones that dont know much about the sport. You just have to deal with it. Thats why I stopped posting on the official boards. You think this is bad theres people saying Urlacher and Harris need to be benched.
  6. I cant believe the Packers are winning this by such a large margin for being a smaller market.
  7. I think in Rexs two terrible games it was obvious he wasnt gonna turn it around THAT GAME so if he just cant do anything I wouldnt mind Griese getting a shot if Grossman is off that day. However, I would give Rex the ball for the next game no matter what Griese did. It seems obvious when Grossman is off on certain days.
  8. I guess Kruetz doesnt like running shotgun and thats the reason they dont run it.
  9. I would simply say the whole team is to blame. The coaches were out coached. The running backs didnt break tackles. The play calling was bad. The receivers were dropping passes. Our deep threat got hurt. Our offensive line wasnt blocking that well and let Grossman get rattled. Our defensive line got blocked. Grossman made bad decisions. The list goes on and on. All this stuff wont happen every game. No way is one or two people to blame for this loss. Grossman needs time or he isnt effective, the end. Hes not gonna change his mechanics thats just who he is, if a system doesnt allow him time he is terrible but we have the capability to do that. Theres no way the coaches dont know the problems and have ideas to fix them. This game was different then the Arizona game because it completely identifies our weaknesses and shows us what needs to be fixed. No way am I ready to say this team is overrated or they arent contenders.
  10. If he plays I think hell do better then fine. He is gonna play like a man possesed for this game. I just hope its not the type of injury that can be reinjured easily and worse.
  11. I saw on ESPN that he didnt have any broken ribs but Im not familiar with that type of injury so dont know if that makes a difference for length of time out. It is one of the worst losses we could have offensively. We had one of the worst defensively with Brown and now Urlacher but Berrians ability to open up the running game, keep safeties honest, the obvious deep threat is almost gonna destroy our offense. Im still not sure whats going on with Bradley but I dont want Gage in there. Hes terrible IMO. Im not gonna second guess the front offices decision not to bring in a receiver becasue when Berrian was healthy our offense was unstoppable if the o-line was blocking well.
  12. I hear some are waiting for the new one theyre building that will look like the Golden Gate
  13. Strained foot but he says he would play which is nothing I wouldnt expect from him. Does everyone thing hes ready to play and he is rushing it or does anyone think he might not play. Im not sure how I feel about it yet I definately dont want him to get seriously injured but its obvious our offense isnt the same without Berrian. To me this game is by far the biggest game of the whole season because it could hold tie breaker status if we lost. If we win we are a lock for our division and sitting 3 games up on the Giants in the conference. Then our main concern is the Saints who I think will win their divsion but wouldnt have a chance in the playoffs unless they were at home. Thoughts?
  14. Griese returning punts kills to birds with one stone. He could also play receiver for us. This is about the quality of posts Ive seen the past few days. Whats scary is some people might agree with this idea because obviously Griese is the savior of Chicago to some people, along with Orton, Benson and so on.
  15. S Hester can do stuff like hes Bobby Wade all over again but Rex cant play out a bad game. I agree, that towards the end of the games Rex is playing badly in Griese should get a shot to finish them but Grossman is the qb of this team for now.
  16. Spurriers job wasnt to prepare anyone. College coaches are trying to win not preparing players for the NFL. Grossman has been in the national football league for 4 years. To even discuss his role in a bad game against the Dolphins is crazy at this point in his career.
  17. Youre definately right about the media but thats a good thing. I cant stand having the media give our opponents bulletin board material by saying were gonna win by 20 points every week.
  18. Is everyone calling for Griese to start also rallying for Hester to taken out of special teams because he had a bad day?
  19. Exactly. I cant believe some of the stuff Im reading about how Grossman sucks now and we need to bench him and fire Turner. Its one loss and a learning experience for a young qb.
  20. Spurrier has nothing to do with Rex Grossman or the Bears team right now. I dont care if our quarterback comes from a guy that coached division 3 football if hes good. Grossman is not Danny Wuerffel. Miami played a very good game on both sides of the ball and their defensive ends collapsed the pocket and Rex was hurrying his throws because hes not used to felling that kind of pressure. There were also a ton of dropped passes and the running game never really did anything. Rex had a terrible game for the second time this year but he is still very unexperienced as a starter and Im not gonna say we should be building our team around Griese. Where was everyone calling for Grossman heads been until now? Watching him lead us to a 7-0 start. Theyre not gonna win every game and theyll have off days. If they cant take 2 of 3 from the east coast is when we need to worry.
  21. Its hard to get a reading on Rex this year. Hes been really good and really bad. Hes been good more then bad so far this year but he completely is shooting the Bears in the foot sometimes. Its almost like just playing Grossman when hes on is almost an option.
  22. I hate how the media is giving our opponents bulletin board material when its not even anything the team thinks. Who would want to put in to Jason Taylors head that they wouldnt have a chance to win this game. I hate stuff like that.
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