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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Big play here, lets try to get more then a field goal
  2. San Fran seems light in the run defense department. Jones could have a huge day.
  3. Lets go offense. Get something going right away
  4. Im interested to see how Grossman responds. This is a huge game for our offense.
  5. Its an interesting change of pace. Not really a big deal to me. It would be cool if the crowd was a sea of orange I guess though.
  6. Ive admitted in the past Ive thought he was a little overrated. The past two years however he has proven me completely otherwise. I think he gets a lot of hype now but its all well deserved. He truely is a monster out there.
  7. Ya being in a different market would make it difficult. My dad and Brother finally broke down and bought Sunday ticket so they can watch all the game.
  8. Id like to see them take their second and third picks on offensive line and use the fistt round for either a olb or really good safety.
  9. Should of figured it would happen. Giants sure get a lot of primetime and now theyre on top of that division. Hopefully Tiki wont try to make a going away party of it.
  10. I see us going after a safety or olb in the first round.
  11. I think theyll tag him but like you said they can get other players to fill his roll. A good option might be the first round of the draft and if hes tagged we could have a young guy sit for a year and gain experience.
  12. I dont want to see it on third and short. Its predictibly probably gonna be the first play of several games.
  13. Carolina/Cincinatti and Minnesota/Seattle
  14. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/46_defense (also known as the "46") is an American football defensive formation popularized by Chicago Bears defensive coordinator Buddy Ryan who later became head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles and Arizona Cardinals. The formation is comprised of four down-lineman, four linebackers, and three defensive backs. The name "46" originally came from the jersey number of Doug Plank, who was a starting safety for the Bears when Ryan originally developed the defense, and typically played in that formation as a surrogate linebacker. It also refers to the idea that the cornerbacks often play bump and run coverage and blitz, acting almost like two extra linebackers. The key feature of the "46" is that both outside linebackers play on the same side of the formation. The linebackers line up behind the linemen two or three yards from the line of scrimmage. The primary tactic is to rush five to eight players on each play, either to get to the quarterback quickly or disrupt running plays. The formation was very effective in the 1980s NFL because it often eliminated a team's running game and forced them to throw the ball. This was difficult for many teams at the time because most offensive passing games centered around the play action pass. Currently, the "46" is rarely used in modern professional and college football (the Baltimore Ravens are the most notable team using it) due to the emergence of the West Coast Offense, popularized by San Francisco 49ers head coach Bill Walsh, and other offensive schemes that rely on short, timed passes from formations that use multiple receivers. A major weakness of the "46" is that too many defensive players line up near the line of scrimmage to blitz, leaving areas wide open for receivers to catch passes. Also, the short, timed passes are thrown before the players blitzing have a chance to reach the quarterback. Another problem is that most teams do not have enough impact players to run the "46" as effectively as the 1980s Bears did. In Super Bowl XX, the Bears coincidentally scored "46" points in their victory against the New England Patriots. A variation of the "46" defense is more often used in the modern game by bringing a fourth defensive back (usually the strong safety) up closer to the line of scrimmage.
  15. I put Chris Harris. He is a big hitter and could be effective at strong safety if Manning can be good in pass coverage.
  16. Hes actually great in the sense of an agent. He does get his players the best contracts and represents huge names. I read his book and this guy is insanely full of himself.
  17. We ran this in high school against running teams. It pretty much is like a 4-3 but but theres a safety in the box and the olbs play down and dont really have any responsibility but to create havoc. Its more of a personel defense and teams will throw extra receivers out there to keep it off the field but it worked good in high school.
  18. Hes right about the emotional factor. There might of been a glare of overconfidence too. The major difference being is that again the Bears found a way to win which was more then the Falcons could do. It reminds of the Vikings game. When a team finds ways to win when things dont go their way is what makes teams great. Urlacher out did himself again as well.
  19. I saw an interview and they said next to Urlacher and Harris, Brown is the next hardest to replace onthe defense. I think he is even more important then Harris and hope they can rebound.
  20. I actually understand exactly what Dennys saying. They knew how to stop us and had success moving the ball on us as well. There were plays where it looked like their defense knew exactly what we were doing more then we did. A loss like that would drive me insane as a coach.
  21. Its a relief to see that even when the offense and Rex can play that bad the team can find a way to win. Thats what great teams do. If our defense steps up a game maybe the offense can do the same thing. At least the media will be off our back for 2 weeks.
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