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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Rex needs to get settle down. His passes are tailing off.
  2. If anything that series will shake Matts confidence. He was on fire their first possesionn then he almost threw a pick and got hit by Urlacher. Its not gonna get any easier then that first drive.
  3. They dont have enough to overturn this, they better not overturn this
  4. I dont know if they had a good enough look to overturn that
  5. Turner is the anti Shoop, he calls a bomb on third and 2.
  6. They need a first down here What the hell was that. If youre gonna be cute dont do it when youre behind.
  7. Rolle isnt fast enough to cover Berrian. That plays gonna be open till they double him. Shooooooooooooooooooooort Get the coverage tightened up. Let the d-line handle the rush
  8. poor matt leinart Carmen Electra was a good addition to the intro Wow, I actually liked Kornheisers little speach
  9. SOunds like your work needs to get their priorities in order.
  10. Thats awesome. I hope Bears fans fill that place up. It would be great if we had more fan support there then they did. I cant wait for the game tonight.
  11. ESPN needs to do something about this. Whats next? Are they gonna force ringless quarterbacking brothers down our throats?
  12. I think Briggs is a good player but I think him leaving would have similair results as Colvin and Holdman. I think he benefits greatly from having great players around him and I think hes gonna be overpaid for.
  13. Well at least Boldins comments will give them a little added spark for what might normally seem like a cake walk.
  14. This guy is a joke. The things the media will do to villify athletes for stuff like this when you got guys like Stephen Jackson in the world is stupid. Especially because they make it sound like they are working for the fans when Im sure most fans would side with the players.
  15. Thats what I was thinking. OLBs dont make insane amounts of money so the average of the top 5 would probably be less then he is gonna get on the market anyway. Im sure he would be pissed.
  16. I was watching "Inside the NFL" and they did a little segment on Drew Rosenhaus and was at the Giants/Redskins game. He was watching the BearsBills on tv and after Briggs interception he tapped his brother and goes "Look at him, he runs like a fullback...hes a free agent after this year" It litteraly made me cringe hearing him say that. He represents Harris, T. Jones, Briggs, Ogun. *sigh*
  17. I dont think the fridge was a premiere defensive tackle. He was just a huge guy who plugged the middle. Harris is more of a raw talent.
  18. Ya, if they wanted to risk injury or fumbles we always have Benson.
  19. Its reserved for cocnsecutive Detroit losses
  20. The last thing we need to do is give bulletin board material to our opponents. If we can make it till New England theyre gonna be extremely fired up.
  21. I hope that the preseason games is still in Arizonas head because that has so little to do wit the season its comical. Lovie Smith has said in a few interviews that in the preseason they almost make game plans that make winning harder and dont want to show anything theyre gonna do to their opponents.
  22. Im assuming its the fact they lost the shutout. We cant really use the no respect thing anymore. It shouldnt be a problem.
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