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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Nice drop by Williams too I love this hit compilation
  2. Thats kind of what I was talking about, they should of passed it there
  3. Hes gotta stop doing that so deep in our own territory, its gonna lead to penalties and horrible starting position. I want Rex in there
  4. Theyre down 15 and Baltimore is in the red zone
  5. I didnt knnow who that was at first, glad to see Bradley gets a shot at this festivus
  6. Great hole and run by ones another first down.
  7. I have a feeling this is where the running game is gonna be overused. I hope they dont make the mistake of not passing on third and longs though.
  8. This is why us Grossman fans have been so patient. Kudos to the offensive line though.
  9. Capped by a Jones td If they stack the line too much were gonna need to keep passing
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