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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. DrunkBomber


    We also already have an alternate so if anyone changed their mind let me know. I would like to keep this a competitive league and hope everyone remains active. Hopefully we can make it a keeper league as well. If anyone else has any interest in joining a pay league let me know, I think I can easily set up another one.
  2. DrunkBomber


    As of now I have: 1. me 2. nopper20 3. stinger 4. nfo 5. nfo's friend 6. bowlingtwig 7. pixote 8. flea 9. bradjock 10. sulster Apparently we have our 10. I will send out invites to everyone on this list. Keep in mind, everything from the draft time to the scoring is up for discussion and I am just getting it set up quickly and we can vote on other stuff.
  3. DrunkBomber


    Good idea thanks. I will post a list of all the people who have confirmed they want to be in the 20 league and if your name is on the list and you changed your mind let me know and if you want to be on the list and it isnt full let me know.
  4. DrunkBomber


    The links to all the leagues are on the second and third page. Theres room in all of them.
  5. DrunkBomber


    I wanted to wait until we were at about 7-8 before creating the league but Im getting close to that and I think Im going to create it soon and just let people join until its full and then if we want to change something we can always edit it before the season. It will be up this week. We also need someone to be a treasurer and hold the money so if anyone who is well known and people have no problem with being treasurer wants to volunteer let me know.
  6. You never know what could happen, but LT at 6 seems like a stretch to me.
  7. DrunkBomber


    None of the leagues are filled up. The link to them is in the thread.
  8. DrunkBomber


    (ID# 351254) talkbears1 pw cutler (ID# 351370) talkbears2 pw forte (ID# 351501) talkbears3 pw hester http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/f1...select?.scrumb=
  9. DrunkBomber


    The consensus of about everyone Ive heard from is $20 so Im thinking we will go with that to make it a little interesting. Any input on the type of league and scoring or draft time?
  10. DrunkBomber


    When I click the links it takes me right to the league home page. Anyone else having a problem getting in there?
  11. DrunkBomber


    Ok. These are all free leagues. Everyone who will definitely do a pay league either pm me or post in the thread. I need to know if you can draft on either Aug 30th or Sept 6th, a basic idea of what type of league you would like it to be scoring and player wise and a range of money you would be comfortable playing for. Once I get an idea of what Im looking at I will create the league. I already have a few people who have committed to being in the league so if I get a few more we will move along quickly. So, even if you have sent me a PM already or posted that you would like to be in it somewhere on here please do it again to let me know you are still interested. Id possibly like to even see if we can make it a continuing thing and make it a keeper league and have a yearly trophy.
  12. DrunkBomber


    league 3 name: talkbears3 pw: hester scoring: I went a little crazy with this one. the whole format is different. There are 2 divisions and 6 teams make the playoffs with division winners getting a bye. There is one of every flex player so the offense will be like: 1qb 2rb 3wr 1te 1k 1def 1wr/te 1rb/wr 1rb/wr/te and 1rb/wr/te/QB. There will also be defensive players. 1DL 1LB 1secondary and 1 defensive flex player. There are also a lot of changes to the scoring so look over it first. Stuff like PPC and PP rushing attempt and yardage bonuses for position players. http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/talkbears3 Draft: Sunday Sept 6th at 6pm central.
  13. Last year we went into the season with a rookie running back and kyle orton as our qb and this year we are going in with the number 2 rated fantasy player at RB, pro bowl qb and HOF left tackle. I think Im officially more excited for this season than I was for the one following the Super Bowl.
  14. DrunkBomber


    league 2 http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/talkbears2 name: talkbears2 pw: forte scoring: basic yahoo scoring and rosters with the addition of 1 rb/wr flex. NO PPC\ draft: sunday august 30 at 8pm central
  15. DrunkBomber


    League 1: http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/talkbears1 name: talkbears1 pw: cutler scoring: same as all TB leagues last year. PPC and more players. Its a high scoring league draft: august 30th (sunday) 5pm central
  16. DrunkBomber


    Draft times will be up tonight, Ill post league ids and passwords
  17. I had 2 computers going and me and my roommate managed to get 2 tix to the Rams game and 2 tix to the Cardinals game, both are in the United Club and all 4 tix were 250 face. Im just happy to have gotten any. If this didnt work I would have ended up buying tix during the season and would more than likely had to pay more than that for bad seats in the top section on the corner. Ive never been in the United Club but reading about it, it seems pretty cool.
  18. DrunkBomber


    Anyone got any interest in a free league with defensive players?
  19. Also, the legend of Rod Marinelli should be interesting. Its crucial for our defense to pressure the QB considering our lack of improvement in the secondary so hopefully he will revert to being a great coordinator.
  20. Its California. Would you expect anything else?
  21. DrunkBomber


    August 30th work for everyone else?
  22. DrunkBomber


    OK. Also, can everyone give me an idea of what times they might be able to work around. I think Sunday nights are normally good or maybe a week night. I think Saturdays are bad and obviously word days during the day wont work.
  23. DrunkBomber


    Ok, Ill set up draft times. Basically what were looking at though is one $20 pay league where we will vote on rosters and scoring and two free leagues (sp far) one with scoring like Pix's leagues last year and one more traditional flex league.
  24. They have the right to speak out just as anybody else does. They need to remember though, their opinion isnt more valuable than anyone elses. Some musicians and actors seem to think when they speak the world should listen. They also should be careful when discussing poverty issues because for the most part theyre opinion is very skewed. They also have to realize that it will change their perception to fans whether good or bad.
  25. DrunkBomber


    As of now its looking like 3 leagues. 2 free and one $20. Im thinking one free league with scoring like last year and one regular flex and we can vote on rules for pay league. Anyone interested let me know what leagues you want in. Pay leaguers, let me know if anyone is up for a $100 league as well.
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