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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. With Schaubs injury history I think its a big possibility we could see him playing.
  2. Got it. Also, everyone let me know your preference on scoring. I can do the high scorking leagues like Pix did last year or a flew league or maybe one of each depending on players.
  3. Anybody who wants to play post in here or send me an PM and Ill lock in some draft times. Also, if theres anyone interested into trying to organize a pay league I would like to try and set that up too. The amount could be anything. Its just more fun when theres a little something on the side.
  4. Ya I ran them on talkbears 2 years ago so I can do it this year.
  5. DrunkBomber

    Poor Rex

    I still wouldnt be shocked if we resigned him. We need someone, we cant go into the season with Hanie and the SIU guy as our back up quarterbacks.
  6. I think its a combination of things that give us high hopes for Cutler in terms of "our" offense. The best way to look at it was some of the playcalling when Grossman was in as opposed to Orton. Turner went deep a lot when Rex was in and had some success with it. The good thing about Cutler is he is much better at scrambling than Orton and Grossman and that he can make good throws on the move. He also throws tight short passes and can fit the ball into small spaces in short yardage, which is something neither Rex or Orton could do with consistency.
  7. I would be pretty surprised if they won more than 4 games.
  8. Its not easy for centers to get in. I think Urlacher will get in but not first ballot. If he can play solid for 3-5 more years then he should be a lock.
  9. Guess that means were not resigning Lloyd.
  10. This morning on ESPN radio John Clayton said the Bears were officially shopping their pick.
  11. I bet Pace really is working Holt hard. Hopefully, enough where it at least makes him consider us. Im not sure if the Bears are even interested in him though. I still think he ends up in Tennessee.
  12. DBDB holds that with the first overall pick
  13. The Steelers select Louis Delmas S, Western Michigan
  14. Yesterday on ESPN they were talking to John Clayton and they were talking about Holt and he said that so far Tennessee and Jacksonville have made offers but he was waiting for offers from the Bears and the Giants before accepting.
  15. The Jets select Josh Freeman, QB, Kansas State.
  16. DrunkBomber


    I think it would be much different this time around because Rex would be signing as a back up plain and simple. It wouldnt be a competition between two mediocre qbs, it would mean he knows we have our guy and hes here because he knows the offense and is familiar with our offense and has a good amount of starts under his belt. I know people on here are high on Hanie, but god forbid Cutler got injured you need at least one back up who has some experience.
  17. DrunkBomber


    As of right now our two back up QBs are UDFA. Which is kind of funny. I would assume we will have to bring in a vet, which at this point wouldnt surprise me if it was Rex.
  18. If Stafford makes it to the Jets that would be a tragedy.
  19. I dont need the point chart to know what kind of trade this was. Now, I know he hasnt even played a down as a Bear yet but this trade is unprecedented for the Chicago Bears. You can look at some of the recent drafts and we have drafted a lot of good players and a lot of bad players. There has always been a stigma in Chicago about a quarterbacks. Its also one of the first times Bear nation has unanimously agreed an an acquisition. It seems like one of the first times management has went against the mold to improve the team.
  20. I think Urlachers initial comments were taken wrongly. You have to react to swapping players at the same position differently than acquiring a new player via the draft or FA. I doubt some players want to say theyre excited to have a good quarterback finally when their teammate of four years gets traded.
  21. Boldins got 2 years left too, oh well.
  22. Dont know what the hell I was thinking. Is that when Boldins current contract runs out?
  23. I would imagine hes never leaving Houston
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