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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Hes probably relieved to not have the pressure of the first rounder for 2 years lol.
  2. I agree. Thats what I was thinking. You dont make a move like this and then just hope your O line/WR corps and defense hold up. This move leads me to believe that they are going to make a run immediately, not rebuild completely through the draft.
  3. LOL at NFL Network saying Denver wanted Orton more than Campbell.
  4. Im pretty sure its a first/third this year, Orton and a first next year and we get Cutler and a fifth
  5. Hopefully this will motivate them to do a little more in FA. Maybe go after Holt/Harrison or even get Pace.
  6. Ill take the Steelers and the Jets
  7. Absolutely. I liked him coming out of Auburn. He might not be the answer to all our prayers but he is much better than Orton IMO.
  8. Id give them 2 firsts and Orton. If needed maybe a second day pick or a body for their defense.
  9. In terms of being aloud to play in the NFL its legal. In terms of what my opinion is on him its moral. There are things I dont like that people do that are legal but I dont think that should prevent them from working or making a living. I will always have a problem with dog fighting whether its legal or not. However, if it was legal, I wouldnt want Vick black balled from the NFL, I just would despise him personally. Its kind of similar to how I feel about Pacman. A fight he allegedly started ended with a man paralyzed by one of his entourage. To me that is atrocious. However, with no conviction, its hard to say he shouldnt be allowed to be in the NFL. His situation is different because he has tons of other problems, Im just isolating the one incident. Personally, a dogs life is more valuable to me than say a chicken or bull. Im not saying thats right, thats just the way it is with the circumstances that effect my life. Im a dog lover and Im not a vegan or a member of PETA. I just consider a dog a part of the family.
  10. Well, first off, women are humans. Pretty much everyone agrees a humans life is more important than an animal. Also, unless there are women being forced to fight against each other AGAINST their will until death then it is much different. I admittedly dont know much about chicken fighting, which is why I thought it was the closest comparison you made, because it is animals being forced to fight each other against their will. However, dogs are looked at differently than chickens by most people. Now, thats not a fact, but youll be hard pressed to prove to me that chickens are looked at the same way as dogs are. Now, Im not a hunter but as long as its legal, its different. Same with bull fighting, which isnt the same circumstance anyway. Either way, what Vick did was bad enough to earn time in a federal prison. Nobody, including Pacman or Chris Henry came anywhere close to that. If you have a problem with the laws and/or punishment thats a different issue.
  11. Comparing dog fighting to abused women? Theres a lot more to dog fighting then you seem to realize. Theres illegal gambling involved in it, theres theft when the trainers go around and steal peoples dogs to teach the fighters how to kill, theres the way they torture the dogs and the unsanitary conditions they live in. The only example you gave thats even in the ball park, barely, was chicken fighting. Even that isnt a good example because those animals arent domesticated and most of them are slaughtered for food anyway.
  12. Can people just not give up on this? Were not going to trade for Cutler.
  13. Bearsox, you know better than to say something like that on here. Drop the race issue if you guys want to keep this discussion open.
  14. The game where Rexy came in at the half and electrified the crowd.
  15. We didnt play ATL the year we went to the Super Bowl.
  16. If we were going to go the younger QB route I would have to say Big Ben over those two.
  17. Denver isnt going to trade Cutler and if they did the Jets have basically said they are willing to do anything to get him.
  18. TJ didnt finish visiting teams before he signed. The Bengals wanted him back badly and Minnesota was going after him hard the same time Seattle was. He would absolutely of had more visits if he didnt sign in Seattle. He never even made it to Philly and they were openly courting him as well. I can make it more simple by saying Minnesota would offer more than us, without a doubt.
  19. Im glad we get to play the Bengals this year. Benson can be battling the Bears yet again, just this time on a different team!
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