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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Past his prime and drops a lot of balls? I think you guys think youre in the lets sign TO thread. Hes like 26 and is a very good possession WR.
  2. We actually have a WR coach, and he actually goes around and does stuff?
  3. Whatever he is worth isnt even the issue. Its the fact that there are teams that would go after him more aggressively. There is no way JA is getting into a pissing match with other GMs over Boldin. If all it took was a 2nd I would assume JA would be all over it but if that was the case than there would be teams offering better/more picks. TJ, who isnt nearly as coveted as Boldin, had teams all over him. The Bears just arent a team that would pull a blockbuster deal like that.
  4. Theres no way We could get Boldin for our 2nd. Think about what Roy went for and then consider that Boldin is younger and better. Not to mention teams like Minny, Philly and Washington would be willing to give up much more for him then the Bears would.
  5. I wouldnt be too surprised if they went defense in the first round instead of RB.
  6. I said if we got Boldin Id like for us to get Runyan, who is better at this point than Britton. Than we have the rest of our picks to go after OL, S, DE etc. If all we got from the draft was Britton we would have no depth anywhere.
  7. Obviously I agree on Boldin and Id like to get Britton, but our defense would be hosed.
  8. Anyone who says no is out of their mind. COnsidering there is a decent shot they might draft a project WR in the first round anyway. If they did Id like for us to take a long look at Runyan to play RT.
  9. Well, you could multiply your score by 3.33 and that is could give you a rough idea. However, its not likely all of us would get over 40 so we know there are harder questions as the test goes on.
  10. I like the Bowman move and its good to hear that Bennett is doing good.
  11. Another WR off the board.
  12. George Bush never would have let someone from London get away with this.
  13. Either way, we are absolutely a run first team. We run mostly 5-7 step drops. We dont have a QB that can scan the field quickly and get rid of the ball fast and not make a lot of mistakes. We dont have WRs that are good at timing routes. A great example of a WCO offense was what Griese and Tampa did to us this year. The WCO basically replaces the running game with three step drop passes. If you just look at the teams that run WCO offenses its very obvious we dont. Philly, Tampa, Seattle...
  14. I dont think Holt is looking for some monster contract. He isnt going to get what TJ did. Hes on a team in transition that doesnt want him. He will be affordable for us.
  15. We absolutely dont run the west coast offense. The only real similarity would be the mid range passes but the WCO is a pass first, short drop offense built around accurate QBs who are good at spreading the ball around. We run a run up the middle on first, throw an underthrown bomb to Hester hoping for a PI on second and a dump off pass on third and long thats behind the line of scrimmage.
  16. I wish I knew what was going on in Ron Turners mind.
  17. I agree hes much better than Orton though. I think hes very good when in the right offense.
  18. WCO-San Francisco, Philly, Tampa Bay Non-WCO- Detroit, Cleveland That system
  19. I really like Garcia and wouldnt mind the gamble but he is going to want to at least be able to compete for a starting job and he struggles when hes not in a WCO. I dont think he fits our system ery well.
  20. I agree with NFO about Pittsburgh. I wouldnt call it cheap, but you dont see them buying any top tier free agents. For the most part they let all their own higher priced guys leave as well. In recent years theyve let Porter, Randel El, Faneca etc leave. They just have better coaching and drafting ability then we do.
  21. that was a point I used but he won in San Fran.
  22. That interview is really disheartening. All it is telling us that JA has an excuse for every situation. Saying stuff like: Well, the Eagles were around Dawkins and they didnt think he was worth the money so we have to consider that.
  23. I dont think we have anything to offer that would warrant a first day pick, let alone a first rounder.
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