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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I still think Wolfe is one of JAs top 5 worst draft picks. We didnt need him at KR or RB and we used a 3rd on him which was a huge reach as it is. Ill never understand this draft pick, the only lifeline to him on this team is good special team play, which doesnt warrant his draft position.
  2. There goes any shot at the division...
  3. The WR options dont seem to be there. the Bears should sign the best two OL in FA, draft Duke and do whatever to improve the defense and then try and just steam roll teams. Theyre not gonna develop a passing game with Jabar Gaffney or any of the bums we got now.
  4. Boldin is also SIGNIFICANTLY better than Berrian. The Bears broke the bank to get Moose when he was the best WR in FA because of how big a need it was, they just knew Berrian wasnt worth the money. However, theyre not going to offer the kings ransom Arizona wants for Boldin so the only other real option is TJ or to load up on OL and go for a power game and use the tight ends more, similar to what the Titans do.
  5. Texas got screwed on this one IMO. The only positive is that after they pummel OSU it will create a bigger need for a playoff if the BCSC is close, which it should be.
  6. Jags just got the memo about slanting
  7. This game is making it painfully obvious we need some legit WRs. Having Davis on the field so much is scary.
  8. The Bear specialty, getting a td inside the 5. They better get a td.
  9. I actually think Bears 88 is one of the best posters on here. Some might not agree with his opinions, but hes got the balls to stand up for what he thinks and its commendable. Also, hes normally right, people just hate the way he presents his arguments, which is fine.
  10. I actually think Bears 88 is one of the best posters on here. Some might not agree with his opinions, but hes got the balls to stand up for what he thinks and its commendable. Also, hes normally right, people just hate the way he presents his arguments, which is fine.
  11. Theres not a chance in hell the Boldin trade is happening.
  12. The Raiders defense is terrible Also, for everyone else, Jim Johnson isnt going to get fired.
  13. He would cost more than a number one IMO.
  14. I know hes a bigger target, but a lot of the reason Boldin slipped was because of what youre saying about Bennett. Im not comparing the two, I actually think he might be more of a Hines Ward, but just because he isnt the fastest guy or wasnt a first rounder doesnt mean he cant be a number one WR.
  15. A week too late. Hopefully it hurts them the rest of their games at least.
  16. This game is on Orton. I dont know if hes still injured, but he has played like shit since he got injured. These are terrible throws.
  17. I have an authentic Grossman orange and an authentic Olsen blue
  18. True, but a Green Bay loss puts us in a good position in the division and a Carolina win makes our strength of schedule better.
  19. GO Panthers. Moose already hosed us again.
  20. Im not too upset about it. Despite the fact our offensive coaches havent wowed me with their development abilities to me Gage had more than enough time to make an impact and he never did.
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