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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I guess that typo was a big deal, nice of you to chime in between letting P Diddy and Matt Damon tell you to vote for.
  2. She donated money to his campaign. Candidates are not allowed to accept citizens from non residents. I guess we can tear up the rules because its Obama. Im sure if the shoe was on the other foot the MTV party would be outraged.
  3. Its illegal to get campaign contributions from non citizens. Another shady piece of Obamas life. He claims he didnt know she was living here. Think about it, a man running for President of the United States has a family member that lives in the country illegally.
  4. I bet if someone pranked Obama they would be racist though right
  5. If I had a nickel for every time I got that
  6. Keeping molding young minds to be bigots, that noble work youre doing.
  7. Im sure youve read some of his posts, he isnt a reasonable person so he doesnt understand logic like this.
  8. You have a kid? Jesus Christ...
  9. Dont worry, I have formed my opinion by life experiences and keeping my eyes open. I dont get my political advice from MTV which is more than I can say about democrats. You dont know anything about me and between you and Cracker Dog Ive been told you "man up", question how I can know anything because of my age and had the level of class of my entire family shit on by you two. I am very aware that you two are simply trying to goat me I would just hope you had better things to do, it must be a slow night on MTV.
  10. Age obviously isnt a factor in knowing about politics. If it was than nobody over 30 would be a democrat because anybody that is a democrat simply doesnt have an idea of the way things work and they would have figured that out by then. Peace
  11. ESPN message boards arent very reliable sources.
  12. When exactly did I back from my comments? The election hasnt even happened yet...
  13. Honestly, do you think Im concerned with what yours or Connor Bears opinions are of me? Seriously? Youre on a message board acting like some kind of bad ass spewing the most ridiculous political nonsense Ive ever seen. You think you know everything but when ever someone brings up a real issue you cant address it because all you can do is quote political blogs or youtube videos. Do you think 1 word of what you put on here has meant anything to anyone in any way? Do you really think anyone cares what you think? ConnorBear, if McCain loses, obviously I was wrong about my prediction but for you to actually make a thread in an attempt to show me up and tell me to "man up" is a joke, what are you 20 years older than me and youre on a message board telling me to man up...stay classy
  14. If Obama wins ACORN can eat my crow.
  15. I know, Im just hoping that the appeal doesnt last too long.
  16. Why would Obama supporters want to work when they think they should have everything handed to them?
  17. Obama is a socialist. Look what it means dope. Look at all of your posts, all you do is blame everything on other people because you cant hack it in life and its everyone elses problem but your own. Its ridiculous to think youre justified in asking for anybody to have to speak out because of what one person said at a Palin rally on a video on YouTube. Anyway, you hypocrite asshat, Im assuming you went on the record to display your disgust with the blatant racism from Reverend Wright and Father Flager right? That might be a little more of an issue than a random voice heard in the background of a YouTube video. But then again Im sure that kind of racism is ok because its geared at the white devil. Seriously, get off your ass from watching MTV and quit being a sheep and maybe come up with an idea of your own instead of trying to bring racism into the election just for shits and giggles. Its not McCain/Palins fault youre a loser, hell its not even Bush's fault. Look in a mirror instead of acting like some internet bad ass because you dont have to take accountability for your actions and realize if youre a freak up, its because thats the way you were brought up and its not a political figureheads fault.
  18. Some Obama backer called me whitey because I have a McCain keychain I just didnt have a camera to put it on YouTube.
  19. It says on ESPN bottom line that CHildress expects them both to play this week.
  20. Sure we all know that, thats just what I heard on Sirius NFL.
  21. Man, the lines on here are much different than my other pool. I had all the same picks except one and I won 9 and pushed one so far and the only one I switched was Dallas and I managed to lose that one in both pools lol. the line was 5.5 in the other and 3.5 on this and they won by four.
  22. Looks like KC is talking to Culpepper about a multiyear deal so we will have to see how that pans out. I havent thought about SF, I guess they do need a QB.
  23. I think Kevin and Pat Williams is much better news.
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