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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Cracker dog is a loser with no job and no grip on reality. You shouldnt care about his aspect on this stuff, maybe ask his parents or whoever raised him to be a loser who needs help from other people to pay his bills but realistic stuff like this doesnt register with him. Hes an MTV watching, Obama BJ giving follower who has nothing and wants to blame other people.
  2. With the new news about Bradys injury coming out he should look at New England. Thats a good fit for him.
  3. Well if Hollywood is voting for Obama I better too
  4. Maybe, but at least I have a job. By the way, hows the job going anyway?
  5. Because theyre sick of paying the way for free loaders like you who want stuff handed to you instead of working.
  6. The idea was more the point than the actual guy. Its amazing how stupid some democrats can be in trying to avoid the question by attacking some no name. The point is why should businesses be punished for making more money. Its a socialist and marxist idea to punish companies for being more successful than others. What motivation is there to try and do better in business if the more you make the more youre taxed. What do you think a business is going to do if theyre hovering around the 250k mark for the year? They will try to come in just under it, thats not what America is about. Also, what stops some businesses from wanting to move out of the country to pay lower taxes? You knew the idiot dems would do what they always do, avoid the point and attack an insignificant detail and think they have won some moral victory. I dont care if Joe the plumber is an ex felon who makes meth in his basement, that doesnt change the fact that Obama wants to punish companies for being successful. (However if Joe was an ex felon who makes meth ACORN would already have him registered to vote 73 times.
  7. I think I saw him using my tax dollars pretty irresponsibly in a few of those pictures.
  8. What do you care anyway, its not like you pay them. You just want hand outs for nothing.
  9. Youre not at work?? Im shocked!
  10. Its not about getting old. I have a job and am prospering. Obviously, as orchestrated by the thread title youre a loser who cant find steady work, Im looking out for you.
  11. Hes from Chicago. Any politician from Chicago isnt any NEW kind of politician.
  12. Dont worry, Im sure you have changed a lot of minds and are really fighting the good fight... ..you get a job yet?
  13. One day when your bottom feeder self gets a job and stops living off tax payers you might not have time to do this extensive research.
  14. Well, fortunately for us, the best part of our team has been our rush defense. So hopefully that trend continues this week.
  15. No team is giving p a first round pick for a third and fourth
  16. I have a feeling were gonna be running all day. Detroit has the worst rush d in the NFL and we want to eat the clock.
  17. Forte and its not even close. Flacco has been ok but he hasnt wowed at all. Forte is carrying our offense, Baltimores D is carrying Flacco.
  18. DrunkBomber


    I guess this is why they play two halves.
  19. DrunkBomber


    Appears I was wrong. Big Ben doesnt seem like himself.
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