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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Ok, we at least know one thing, Orton is good for a half of good football and a half of nothing.
  2. I pretty much agree with your entire philosophy of the Bears. Id like some different faces on offense, but theres the talent to easily win the division if the coaches knew what they were doing.
  3. The defense needs to hold them to a field goal because our offense is gonna struggle to score again.
  4. This is freakin ridiculous. Our defense is gonna die
  5. Exactly. When they get a lead they go into play not to lose mode and it kills them. Its basically using the blue print of a prevent defense as your entire strategy.
  6. We know the o line sucks, but he has to get rid of the ball if theres pressure
  7. No, he has killed the past three drives terribly. We cant expect our defense to stop them every drive.
  8. throw the ball down the field, this playing not to lose shit is the same shit theyve done the past two weeks.
  9. Defense has come up big so far. We need our offense to move the ball.
  10. Watch this is where the d is going to start getting tired and all of a sudden its gonna be their fault
  11. this is ridiculous, seriously, a third turnover
  12. Lance is the only guy who got a new contract living up to it.
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