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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I voted for Nader the past 2 elections for that reason and this year I am voting for McCain.
  2. It sounds like its getting pretty bad for you. Give me your address and I will mail you some singles since Im to blame for your problems, its not you being a loser or anything, its everyone elses fault.
  3. Ya, three seats is always what I would prefer but its obviously difficult to find.
  4. three seats? or 3 games? I would be interested in buying either.
  5. People like me are to blame? You dont know anything about me and nothing about politics. McCain is going to win this election. I guarantee it. Maybe people like YOU are failing since 2000 but my life has been nothing but prospering. Maybe instead of blaming Bush or republicans for your failures take a look in a mirror and do something for yourself without putting your palms out. Note, this is only meant for cracker so I dont need any other dems chiming in on this post thinking Im applying it to them but when I have an internet tough guy saying people like me are the reason he is failing someone needs to say something.
  6. Im not opposed to some type of system IF it is done correctly and I know there are circumstances that would arise where situations would be unique and I dont think they should be overlooked, I just think that in order for someone to receive the benefits of things like universal health care that they should have to contribute to society somehow. I honestly have seen quite a few people that would like nothing better than to not have to work if they could live without it. Believe me, in Chicago there are plenty of people like this, I have come across some people that are so lazy and have such a sense of entitlement it boggles my mind. Everything is someone elses fault and they shouldnt have to work for anything. As far as the candidates, Im not going to take anything they say too seriously, as the are trying to win an election, but I have seen Chicago politics first hand, and they are probably the most corrupt in the nation. Obama fit in without any issues or without ever doing anything to try and stop any of the corruption. So, Im not going to give him the benefit of the doubt now that he is going to go to Washington and "change" everything. In my eyes he is a typical politician whos policies I know I dont like.
  7. Honestly, if anything I would classify myself a libertarian more than anything but my driving force for not liking liberal politics is I prefer smaller government. The closer this country gets to socialism the less I like it. I dont like the government taking more money from the people and allocating it how they see fit. Also, quoting a blog doesnt mean anything. Seriously its a blog. Also, McCain and Bush are not the same person. The desperation of the Obama camp is laughable that theyve basically had to try and make it appear Obama is running against Bush and theyre even trying to compare his experience with the VP candidate instead of McCain. Bush and McCain hate each other but have remained united for the sake of the party. Something will lose the democrats the election, the handling of Hillary Clinton...
  8. Youre my role model. Im lucky to salvage 2 games a year.
  9. I think the Bears CAN win, I think they will definitely cover.
  10. As I explained before, I know Im not going to change anyones opinion so the only real point would be for friendly debate. Just as you think you have me backed into a corner about all the quotes you have bolded from me, I feel I could either explain why I feel that way or find some sort of article online validating it but I know it wont make a difference to you. To give you an example , the quote about health care, you took the standard message board approach and generalized what I said to mean all 40 million people that dont have health care dont want to work. Now, considering I dont have health care, I know thats not true and Im sure you know thats not what I meant too. But in message board fashion you tried to take that quote and bring it to the farthest extreme possible to try and discredit me. What that quote means, is that me being against social programs to begin with, I think giving everyone health care could be another incentive for someone who doesnt work to have to not get a job. If people can get housing, food and health care without working, why would they work? Thats my point. I actually wouldnt be AS opposed to health care if it was only given to people who pay something, anything into taxes. However, instead of discussing that, I get "because you said its giving health care to people that dont want to work, that means I think 40 million people dont want to work." Its just too time consuming to try and go through every point and explain why I feel that way when I know you are going to overlook it and give me a snarky comment back.
  11. Theres a difference between having a discussion and the route youre going. I dont have the time to look for links or quotes for every little issue. When I get home from work I graze over the site and make a few posts. I realize Im not going to change anyones views politically so I just post a few of my opinions and thats it. Whats the point of me fact checking for you? If I find the transcript of Obamas speech in Germany and post it and point out where I feel aired our countries dirty laundry what will it accomplish? Theres no way youre going to read it and say "Maybe hes right, I see his point" It will be more like, "Thats not what he meant, youre an idiot" and thats my problem with the snarkiness. Its hard to moderate a thread like this on a message board when there are no ground rules or code of conduct so I was basically asking you to take it down a notch. Its easy to get the same point across without calling people that disagree with you stupid or other names. I go through the same stuff on the Sox board and its a disaster a lot of the time simply because debating on a message board is relatively impossible when it reaches this level. Honestly, whats really the point of having this thread if all it thats going on is people with other views calling each other idiots. If you want to have a civil conversation than fine, but if you want to just shit on anyone who thinks something different than you than have a ball posting jibberish and having people send you PMs telling you how awesome you are, but whats really the point. SO I know Im "cowardly, trying to impose my will, threatening you, involved in some type of pack of liars, desperate and inadequate" but if you want to try and have a civil conversation take it down a notch or you can just keep preaching to all your fans here. Just so you know also, I dont like Bush, the war or many other things youve generalized me for which maybe you could have picked up on if you had any interest in doing anything but bashing everything.
  12. I would recommend not using your post as a way to attack people of other political affiliations than you. Cut the condescending shit out. Your posts arent even worth a response, what are you going to tell me next, that 9/11 was an inside job? If your post continue to be used as insults instead of discussion this thread will be closed.
  13. The only people receiving a tax break are people who make between 85,000-100,000 Severely raising capitol gains tax Obama to push for higher Social Security tax
  14. what he said Welker is better than anyone you would have to give up anyway.
  15. You got season tickets and you go to road games?
  16. Another pay league I did online with a friend. Palmer/Favre LT/Jacobs/Julius Jones/Green/Slaton/Norwood Braylon/Welker/Harrison/Driver/Reggie Brown/Meacham Witten/LJ Smith Scobee Cincy (defence by committee and they have Baltimore and Flacco in week 1. Im not too fond of this team. I did get Harrison and Palmer back to back in the 6th and 7th though.
  17. It doesnt matter if its already suspected. Its like if someone in your family does something youre not proud of or disagree with. Would you go around broadcasting it? You might, I wouldnt. Republicans and Democrats might disagree on things but were all Americans and that stuff should be kept in house, the end
  18. Your problem sounds like you are assuming possibly I side with the war or other things Bush has done which I dont. Under no circumstance do I think its appropriate for someone running for president to go into other countries and "air our dirty laundry" That might be utterly amusing to you but Im proud of my country and dont need Obama going around the world and telling other countries what he hates about us.
  19. As long as we dont have to draft Crabtree, we agree
  20. Ok, I misunderstood your intentions, I just thought I was being ganged up on. Ill elaborate more and generalize less.
  21. Stop what? Im responding to something that was posted. I also didnt stretch the truth. In his speech he talked about all the things that are wrong with America and why everything needs to change. He then continued to bring up us torturing prisoners which is obviously a violation of the Geneva Convention to another countries listeners. He also chose NOT to visit the troops because he said it was an inappropriate way to spend tax payer money. Since it was brought up I responded to it, I have a problem with a candidate for President pointing out all of our flaws to ANOTHER country and talking about things like torturing prisoners. Those arent things you say to another country. I also feel youre way out of line here. YOU dont agree with MY politics so all of a sudden Im the bad guy. None of what I said was false as you can see I explained all of it. So if you have any issues with any posts in this thread it should be the first one which was the closest thing to "stretching the truth" and spam. Just because you disagree with me and agree with everyone else doesnt mean Im doing anything wrong, so dont tell only me to stop and not say anything to anyone else.
  22. Its pointless for us to keep drafting WRs and signing veteran career number 2 and 3 WRs. We need the number one we thought we were getting when we signed Moose and the only way to do it is free agency. Roy will more than likely be the only WR of that caliber available and I wouldnt doubt he would like to stick it to the Lions.
  23. The more I read, the more I am a fan.
  24. I doont know of anyone who we need to worry about resigning unless we want to keep KJ or Grossman. Hopefully we free up some space after this season and can maybe go after some o line help like you said and then maybe even someone like Roy Williams. Then, we can confidently draft a QB.
  25. Its at least reassuring to know they are trying to get some new bodies in here. Its better than them standing pat. We know theyve at least contacted Anderson too, so at least they acknowledge theres a problem.
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