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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Just because you disagree with me doesnt magically mean you are right and Im wrong. I said I know he is fast which is fine. If thats all it took more track stars would be in the NFL. To single out my opinion on one player and compare it to the coaches mentality is also ridiculous. Ive been pretty consistent with all my thoughts about the team and for the most part they have all been accurate. Read through some old threads, if most people on this board were coaches or GMs Berrian would have 90% of our WR budget, Briggs and Urlacher would be gone, Flacco, Brennan or Chris Sims would be our starting qb, Hester would be our starting RB etc. To try and use Wolfes "highlights" from the serving size they come from is laughable. I suppose Aaron Rodgers is better than Favre because he did better against the Cowboys last year too right? I dont think AP is any sort of solution either, congratulations on trying to justify that our 4th string RB is better than our 3rd string running back. I dont want either one of them on the field, but AP is better than Wolfe. So I would hold off on declaring my opinion wrong and yours right until its justified, which it isnt. Also, if the "highlight" videos are geared for me dont waste your time. A clip of 1 or 2 plays from a second year guy who barely saw the field doesnt prove anything besides defenses didnt know what to expect.
  2. Dont worry, we still have you on record as thinking Flacco is the next Joe Montana.
  3. Break down all the teams, thats the point
  4. Im going to list divisions one by one every few days and when the season starts, throw them in the archive so we can see how everyone did. AFC North Pittsburgh Steelers 10-6 The Steelers will win the division and be the only playoff team in it. Losing Faneca will hurt their running game, especially Mendenhall who will be primarily used to run up the middle. Fast Willie and Big Ben will put up similar numbers to last season. Wards numbers will start to slip as Holmes and Heath Miller emerge as the primary receiving threats. Limas Sweed wont make a big impact this season. Drummond will be a great pick up to help their field position. Theyre defense will be stingy as usual and if healthy Polomalu is one of the biggest defensive difference makers in the league. Cincinnati Bengals 9-7 A relative turn around season for the Bungles. Chad will be a distraction but Houshamazoo championship will be in a contract year and playing at a higher level. Rudi Johnson is rumored to look great at camp and they still have Kenny Watson and Chris Perry. Look for them to try and even out their offense with more rushes per game. Their defense will be improved but nothing special. Cleveland Browns 8-8 They arent a secret anymore and I predict Anderson will hit a sophomore wall. Stallworth is a nice pick up and their line will be solid again but I dont see them winning more than 8 games this year. Baltimore Ravens 5-11 and thats being generous. If Billick had trouble controlling egos Harbaugh is in trouble. Losing Ogden is going to hurt McGahee and the passing game will hurt more. The defense will still be good but the offense will be terrible.
  5. Im sure you shed a tear when Benson got booed.
  6. Im not doubting Wolfe is fast but I just dont see him as being a factor in the NFL. We can go back and forth but his play is the only real basis we have. Theres lots of guys that are fast that dont amount to anything.
  7. So you dont have his 40 time and youre not going to count KJs because hes had an injury? There is no possible way to prove he is quicker, I mean seriously... Better pass catcher? Says who? AP is a good pass catcher and Forte could be better. Im agreeing to disagree but seriously, the closest thing you have to prove of any of your theories is not knowing Wolfes 40 time and saying KJs doesnt count because he was injured.
  8. You have to realize that most of those are opinions.
  9. I just dont really put much stock into training camp videos. If I did I would have went into last season thinking Grossman to Hester was the next Montana to Rice.
  10. I just dont think he is better at any specific skill than any of the other backs we have. I must just disagree with all you guys but I guess only time can tell.
  11. He looked ok for a while but by the end of his run he was turning the ball over just as much as Rex but without the upside of the possible deep threat. Rex and Kyle both have much bigger upsides than him.
  12. Griese is a disaster. He lost to the Lions twice.
  13. Until we see Wolfe on the field ahead of AP I dont think its fair to say he will be ahead of him on the depth chart. He also isnt going to be a third down back. He cant block and he cant get short yardage so the defense will know if hes in its going to be a pass, more than likely to him. If its a third and long AP will be in and anything else will more than likely be Forte.
  14. The team only has the power to do that though right? If thats the case I doubt they would do that.
  15. New members have to register at the site as well.
  16. I would call this about as perfect of an analysis as there is. I like Grossman more but if Orton gives us a better chance to win I want him in there. I think both QBs have shown they can win in this league and if the line holds up and the weapons produce we should feel comfortable with either of them.
  17. How will we see it? When is he going to get carries? People might not like my opinion on him for whatever reason, but I am curious to hear anyone who thinks he is going to make an impact explain how and when. He would be extremely lucky to get 1 carry per game. He is the 4th back and 3rd backs are lucky to get one series.
  18. Way too early for Jones-Drew and Mendenhall isnt going to do much fantasy wise.
  19. Last year my league gave 6 points for passing tds and no negative points for interceptions, so yes, I am serious. I would take him first in any league. I know he wont repeat last years numbers but I am pretty confident he is going to have around 40 tds, several 300 yard games and under 15 ints. Running backs have been such a crap shoot the past few years. I got LT second overall last year and it worked out well for me but I think he is the only RB that could be considered over Brady. AP splits time, is injury prone, isnt a secret anymore and splits carries. LJ is a huge ?. My league had two QBs last year and I put them off and it almost cost me because I loaded up on RBs. I actually started the season with LT, Bush, Jacobs, McGahee and AP (traded him before break out) I ended up getting Westbrook for Bush and Brees and got Derreck Anderson after his 5 td game in week 1 or 2. Besides LT I dont think there is a single player that is as much of a guarantee of being able to carry a team as Brady.
  20. If he can control that and our coverage team can utilize it our field position will be insane between that and Hester.
  21. He doesnt have the tools and we dont have the room in the backfield. How is he going to make an impact when he is the 4th string running back? IF he makes it through the year on the roster, he wont make the team next year.
  22. The Bunny is the name of my puppy and DrunkBomber isnt related to the picture, its just my name on here.
  23. That union analogy is terrible. That isnt like this at all. Just because a trade guy isnt in a union doesnt mean they work for lower salaries and in unsafe working conditions. Also, in the video case, one side is doing it as a source of income and one guy is doing it as a hobby and to share it with other fans for free. Its not like non union workers go around doing work for free to help people and because of it unions are losing money.
  24. DrunkBomber

    My Team

    I think Bentley HAS to be brought in. That would be such an enormous boost to the team risk/reward wise, similar to Jones. Leftwhich isnt an upgrade at QB for us right now though. Hes also less mobile than Rex so imagine what would happen to him behind our line. Id rather let Rex/Orton duke it out and if they both get injured or tank see what we have in Hanie sp? and if its nothing then go after a FA next year and draft a guy in the first two rounds. I still think we should have made a play for Brohm.
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