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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Ya and he also wasnt cut after that. After getting in trouble the team put him on notice they wont tolerate this kind of stuff and then they cut him for doing LESS than what Benson id because Tank didnt even get arrested.
  2. Then we need to sign someone to be Aaron Stecker
  3. I dont think anything could make me happier than if he went to Detroit. A team with a worse offensive line than ours that we would get to play twice a year.
  4. Well heres the quote that I am talking about. Im not saying its possible that it might have been taken out of context but seeing it like this sure makes him look selfish. It doesnt matter to me anyway. Ive said since day one I didnt like his attitude or character and for as much as the people who have always defended him criticized anyone who didnt like him it has become very obvious which side was right about him.
  5. No, Tank wasnt guilty of the charges that resulting in him getting cut Its the same situation except Benson didnt take a breath test like Tank did. The Bears have remained consistent with how they approach things like this. In case you were going to mention Briggs, that was an isolated incident and he has no track record of trouble. If Briggs does something like that again and doesnt get cut then we can start questioning the front office but until then, all the Bears are doing is trying to keep players that draw negative attention to the team more than once and show poor judgment AFTER the team has stood by them after the first incident.
  6. For me it was when Benson said he would rather win the Heisman than a national championship. That one statement gave us a look at what kind of person he was and even to this day we can see how that statement applied to him as a player, teammate and person.
  7. I thought it was a mistake to trade TJ because the team was better when he was here. Also, Im pretty sure as of right now AP will be the starter and if Forte gets the job he will have to earn it. Forte will get his carries but he isnt going to get spoon fed the starting running back job for the Chicago Bears.
  8. You keep saying that but you know there were lots of people that didnt think he was such a sure fire prospect. The Bears had greater needs at that point and Benson had issues that should have raised red flags. At this point, no matter how many people liked Benson or thought he was a cant miss prospect might want to consider the fact that they were wrong. If he was that much of a slam dunk there wouldnt have been so many people that hated the pick and we all know there were.
  9. Before all of this stuff even started Benson was on thin ice here as it was. JA said after last season that he wasnt happy with the teams running game and that he was going to bring in someone to compete for the job. Forte was the guy they wanted and they got him. He is a similar style runner to Benson so its very likely the team was sending a message to Benson that he had to pretty much put up or shut up. Then, after all that, all this starts. The Bears basically got rid of Thomas Jones because of Benson even though Jones had a very good string of seasons for us. I think enough was finally enough. When you have a guy who has never lived up to expectations as a producer, throws teammates under the bus, has injury problems pretty much every year a team might be quicker to get rid of him for something like this. Tank Johnson was at least liked by teammates and was having success on the field and they still cut him because he was making poor decisions even though he was under the legal limit. What the Bears did with Benson is consistent with what everyone thought they would do so Benson has nobody to blame but himself.
  10. I believe he was an assistant for the Suns and all I remember from him as a player was he was a PG and i can only recall him playing for San Antonio, and he had funny hair.
  11. I dont think were going to sign any other backs at this point. We had one too many before. If theyre ever going to give Wolfe a shot it would be this year. AP and Forte should suffice better than anyone thats available and then I guess give Wolfe a shot if not. I dont see why any Wolfe supporters would want to get a new back. Carrying four running backs isnt that common and wouldnt bode well for Wolfe.
  12. He also made Jim Miller a god for a season or so.
  13. Maybe carrying 4 running backs was a better idea than I thought. I still dont think the Bears will release him. If he keeps fighting this stuff they really cant justify it if he wins. Which he very well could.
  14. If you might be close to the limit or obviously think youre over thats when you dont take the test. You also have to realize that results in an automatic suspension of your drivers license for 6 months so you dont decline to take it if youre innocent because that creates lots of obstacles. Some people use that as a loop hole to fight in court because then it becomes your word against the officer administering the field sobriety test. However, there is no way a judge will take Bensons word over an officers so to not take it if he was so sure he wasnt drunk is a terrible mistake. Im all for trying to manipulate the system in an effort to win your court case, but for anyone to think he did this because he was worried about the test not being accurate is laughable. When someone gets accused of operating some type of vehicle while drunk two times in a month span and both times refuses to showcase his innocence with a test it will put enough doubt in a judge or juries eyes that they wont believe him.
  15. Ive been a Madden fan for a long time. I would say Ive probably bought it every year since it came our for original Playstation. Theres no way I wouldnt buy it only because I didnt like the player on the cover. Theres no way this would hurt sales either. Technically any player on the cover could piss off fans of a rival team. A few years ago when McNabb was on the cover do you think sales were down in Dallas, New York and Washington?
  16. One of my friends showed me this link yesterday Lorenzo Neal started this business and they offer a service where they have a screened off duty officer meet you at your car and they will drive your car home. I thought it was interesting and a good idea. Its actually marketed to NFL teams.
  17. Man, I wanted Mike Williams bad in that draft. At least if we could have drafted him we know he would have been gone a few years ago.
  18. Also, anyone who was around here before the boards merged probably knows Ive always hated Benson. It started with the stupid shit he said before the draft and got worse over the years and was mostly just for sucking. There is just no upside from him. He isnt good, hes a bad teammate, he gets injured a lot and now he seems to be getting in trouble every week. I didnt think the boat thing was as big a deal because he didnt have a track record of anything like this, but now he is showing what kind of guy he is.
  19. No, no, no Im not that guy right now. Im not saying he was being unfairly targeted or cops are out to get him at all. What I said was in response to the quickness of his mug shot being released and I said its possible because they already dont like him so they arent gonna do anything to help him. Im not saying hes being picked on at all. I , like you, was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt until this. Im sick of this idiot.
  20. Thats what it sounds like. Urlacher is about the best there is in coverage for a linebacker so Im sure the coaches will know how other teams coverages will work on Olsen. There arent many linebackers with enough speed to cover him.
  21. He should have just stayed in Chicago to drink. The Cops here would let him do anything.
  22. If he is used correctly he can be such a monster target. His skill set reminds me a lot of Tony Gonzalez but obviously not as polished. Theres is no reason he shouldnt lead our team in receptions.
  23. Last year at minicamp we heard how great our whole offense looked and that didnt work out. Its definitely better than them looking bad but I wont put too much stock in it.
  24. True, its the same state though so its possible any law enforcement officers werent happy about what he was saying even if it was a different entity.
  25. Youre right, Benson has changed...instead of driving a boat drunk it was a car. This is why you dont take his word for it...
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