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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Im in. If this one fills up I can run a league like we had last year. It was kind of a basic yahoo league except some different flex players.
  2. First of all, why and how is Salaam commenting on anyone? Im surprised anyone would care what he has to say. Secondly, I would hardley say that Benson was a polished well spoken man coming out of college.
  3. The main two things I remember about him was his chemistry with Orton his rookie season and his long touchdown against the Jets in 06. He has shown some flashes but Im curious why he never seems to played much unless his lingering injuries are worse than we think.
  4. Anybody that calls Mike Brown ANYTHING but god on here gets a ticket to bannedville
  5. Its a sad day in Bear nation when people start wondering if it was a mistake to let Airese Curry go.
  6. It has to be performance enhancing drugs
  7. Before I read through the thread the first thing I thought to post was gonna be: In other news, the sun rose today but apparently I wasnt being very original.
  8. Im not saying that there isnt a possibility of more stuff going on and that if there was it shouldnt be investigated. I just think that unless they are absolutely certain there is foul play that the government should stay out of it. I still think comparing this to enron is so ridiculous that it doesnt deserve a response anymore because that isnt in the realm of whats going on here, I know that wasnt you who said that by the way. Im all for fairness, Im all for putting the hammer down on cheating. I dont even care if they keep digging for evidence. I just think until they have something solid as a lead the government should stay out of it. Now, if Goodell, or anyone else has more proof of wrong doing and they think its affecting things like gambling and there is a lot of shady business going on than I wouldnt be SO opposed to congress getting involved. There just isnt anything new that has come out since it all ended that is enough to spend tax dollars investigating. Its almost like everyone was ready to move on and then all of a sudden Arlen Specter decided he isnt happy. Nobody else is asking for this to continue and one person shouldnt have that kind of authority. For the record, which you eluded to earlier when I said that if all the teams were doing it than there isnt an unfair advantage, that was more making fun of someone saying that cheating is so rampant in the NFL that all the teams could be doing this, to which I responded, if they were its not an unfair advantage, knowing damn well not all the teams are doing this.
  9. I believe that unless they put a new CBA into place before the end of the 09 season that the league will have to go back to the six year rookie contracts. However, I dont think theres a chance in hell that if this happened that the players union would strike.
  10. We knew this would happen and that it gets worse every year, but I was listening to the NFL channel on Sirius today and they said something that put this into perspective. That Ryans contract dwarfs Tom Bradys. Not to mention, Jake Long is the highest paid OL in the league. This is getting way out of hand. I wonder how theyll handle it in the new CBA.
  11. Dont tell that to Greg Olsen when he goes to pick up his first check from the fifth year of his contract.
  12. Ya I got confused. Either one is acceptable on Valentines Day.
  13. No salary cap in 2010. I cant wait to see what the Redskins and Cowboys rosters look like.
  14. I didnt say they werent gonna find anything. I just dont think that they should go looking unless they are looking for something specifically. If they just go looking simply to look without even knowing what theyre hoping to find, that is a witch hunt. Then it comes down to an individual perception, "I" dont want my tax money wasted on something like this if theyre only looking just in case. You want to talk about something that needs to be looked at more, look at whats going on in the NBA, now that ref is saying that there are a bunch of other crooked refs. Thats something that warrants an investigation more than this. The difference is, what the Patriots were doing wasnt anything like fixing games and it didnt have anything to do with gambling. They were doing something to give themselves a competitive edge. In a situation like this, the people who should be asking for the investigation more than anyone, other teams and coaches, arent. I also like that Lucky says that congress has the right to intervene when federal laws are broken so they have the right now, but he didnt answer what laws were broken. Why? Because no laws were broken, especially federal laws. You keep dropping BS like that in your post and thats why its pointless to respond to every point because youre flat out lying or dont have any idea what youre talking about.
  15. First of all, I recommend not mentioning my family anymore. I would imagine you dont want to take the time to explain to me how filming an opponents sideline during a football game is like the Enron scandal. Youre basing your whole argument on speculation and what ifs and are assuming the worst possible outcome for every situation which just isnt reasonable. Is it possible there might be more going on? Sure. Is there enough proof that congress should get involved? No. There is actually no proof. The original tapes were destroyed so there isnt anything to find. It was fishy but theres nothing we can do about it now. Our country is at war, theres poverty, oil prices are insane, theres problems with immigration, theres natural disasters every month, the real estate market is in the shitter and you want congress to waste time and money looking for tapes of the sidelines during football games JUST IN CASE theres more to it. Thats irresponsible and is a waste of time and the tax payers money. So as you look down your nose thinking you have all the answers realize nobody agrees with you and you are simply making the overreaction of the year. Youre not the voice of other peoples tax dollars and nobody else wants their money used on this. So if youre that concerned about it than you and Specter can play cops and robbers on your time and money.
  16. I get it. Sorry about the misunderstanding but I thought you were being serious in this thread but you were just joking, thats a relief, I was hoping this wasnt for real. You had me going but then I realized there is no way a person that has at least figured out how to turn on a computer would actually try to compare this to Enron. Theres especially no way anyone would say that congress has the right to interfere when federal laws are being broken and actually believe any federal laws were broken. Also, no reasonable human being would think that theres obstruction of justice going on here when there was no justice being exercised, because how can you obstruct something that doesnt exist. Thats a relief, so unless I receive something in terms of a point that isnt so ridiculous that it would draw laughter from 99% of the population (1% for Arlen Specter) than I will continue to assume you accidentally forgot to post in green.
  17. I dont think there could possibly be one above average coach on the offensive side of the ball. Our running backs dont know how to pick up blocks or follow blocking. Our wie receivers cant get open and have a lot of drops. Our offensive line looked like turnstyles and our qbs all have major flaws that might be able to be fixed with decent coaching.
  18. I just dont like that the organization as a whole tries to keep the same mindset every year even if it doesnt fit our personnel. I also dont like a lot of situational play calls. Remember last year, I believe it was against Denver when we were in the red zone and they called a quarterback draw with Grossman on third and long and then had to settle for a field goal. Or on third and short they would try to run a fly pattern with Berrian instead of letting Benson slam it up the middle.
  19. Thats a very good break down of the situation. Grossman may have gotten too many chances and Orton maybe not enough. Either way, according to the coaches, for the first time they are going into camp with a legitimate shot at winning the job which is the fair thing to do at this point. Had Grossman not played well at the end of the year, he would be gone and it more than likely would be Orton/Griese and a first or second round rookie qb. I think they both have the potential to succeed, I hope the players around them perform better next year.
  20. Especially when our kicker makes more than all our qbs combined.
  21. Well apparently when Shoop got canned he left his playbook somewhere in his office and apparently Turner found it and grew very fond of the chapters about -2 yard passes on 3rd and long.
  22. Now Im not saying I like our play book, because I dont, but its not a good idea to throw it out and start from scratch when we have had the same core of our defense running it for a few years and they understand it. Whenever a new system is implemented there are going to be growing pains and it will take a while to succeed. Offense, I dont care, we need a new offensive mentality.
  23. It sounds like we might be on the same page just flip flopped. I do agree Rex played terrible at the beginning of the year, but the reason I keep eluding to that 3.5 game stretch is because that was the last we saw of him. I woulnt be so optimistic if he just played well three games and then went back to old Rex. So his last three and half games played his highs werent as good as the first half of 06 but he was playing safer and more consistently which is what everyone wanted. For the record I am very happy about the open competition and Im glad each guy gets their own shot to earn the job. Im also a fan of Orton and think he deserves his shot. Whoever gets the job I will be rooting for wholeheartedly and I think if the other skill guys perform and the line improves either one can have success. Just so you know, I wasnt the one bashing Orton anywhere either. I think he has starting potential.
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