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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. The Cowboys are such a joke.
  2. I love how McShay and Kiper literally make dozens of mock drafts just so during the draft they can say they had every pick right.
  3. Steelers select Early Doucet WR L.S.U.
  4. Honestly dont sweat it. I honestly think your explanation makes enough sense that it can be in a freshman high school text book for economics. It appears some people wear their heart on their sleeves when it comes to the Bears so I wouldnt worry about it. Some people have to separate themselves from being a fan and business reality to understand where these guys are coming from.
  5. Im not saying I wouldnt go to any games but I wouldnt pay the kind of money for tickets as I would if they blew the team up. They would be terrible for years and the supply and demand of the tickets would really water down the value of them. Its not good business to make trades like these and thats why they dont happen. Its only hypothetical but in reality the idea at the beginning of this thread would absolutely never happen for lots of reasons. Nitpicking where exaclty the money is coming from is moot and its not really needed for the argument. You can simply say its a bad idea because they would be trading away their best players and all they would get in return is draft picks that would cost more without having proven themselves. They will never get enough compensation for those guys that benefits the team more than them being here and the coaching staff knows that.
  6. They generate fans. Fans make the team money in lots of ways. Media contracts, ticket PRICES, merchandise. The better a team is the more they can charge for different things and the more exposure they get. Even things as simple as prime time games because people want to see them. If they just traded away players as popular as Hester and Urlacher not only would it jeopardize them making new fans in the future but it would also jeopardize their current fans. As a fan, if the team did this I would be extremely pissed off and Im sure lots of other people would too.
  7. I dont know about you guys but if I worked for a company and was in demand and a commodity in my field I think its very easy to understand this. Even if you sign a contract. If my company is bringing in new guys that arent as good as me and paying them more and there are other companies that are willing to offer more money I would absolutely want to renegotiate my contract and use any leverage I needed. Most of these players arent fans of the teams theyre on and they dont owe us anything. They have such short careers that can end on any play and after most of them fade away we forget about them. I cant blame them for wanting to maximize their situation at all.
  8. I agree Hester is more than just a kick returner but there still isnt a chance in hell a team would give up two first rounders for him. There may be 5 guys in the league that would demand that kind of return in a trade and he isnt one of them. Trading Hester would be a terrible idea because we wouldnt get anything near what his value is in a trade.
  9. Jersey sales. Other merchandise. Theres also that they have huge fanbases and fans generate money for teams. I shouldnt have to even explain this just to prove a point, but I really hoping youre not trying to say those guys dont make more money for the team than other players. Also, if you traded them there would be several fans, myself included, that would be very upset about getting rid of the two biggest producers on our team and might think twice about paying $300 to go to a game to watch a bunch of over priced rookies instead of Urlacher and Hester.
  10. It would be suicide to trade your teams two most popular and productive players that also generate the most income for draft picks.
  11. 2 first round picks for Hester? You really think a team would give 2 first round picks for a return man?
  12. Hopefully they cant pull this off. Thats one of their biggest needs. If they can get a pass rusher their defense will be damn good.
  13. They needed someone pretty bad. After losing Walker and having the problems with Marshall Stokely was looking like their number 1.
  14. The Dolphins select Brian Brohm QB U of the Lou
  15. I think its very circumstantial. Depending on needs, depth, cap space...There are so many variables. However, take a draft like this years. We have too many needs to really gamble, but look at a team like New England. They can do a lot more with that pick and wont be hurt as bad if it doesnt pan out. There are no more sure things in the NFL draft anymore though.
  16. I dont know too much about him as a player. However, I wouldnt have any problem drafting a big receiver with first round talent but slipped because of a 40 time, in the second round. IMO, wr is our second biggest need behind line.
  17. Hes had to of been pick, Im going by the list in the thread so if not : 26. Chris Williams OT Vanderbilt If hes gone that CHerius or whatever asshole, I was at the Sox game, sorrty
  18. Im lost trying to see if Otah has been picked, if not, thats my guy
  19. Di you even read what I wrote? I said I wasnt talking about his potential, I was talking about his opportunities. I dont think he fits in here with our current personnel or game plan and obviously the coaching staff agrees so far. Thanks for the spell check, thats about the most productiveness youve added to the thread. Youtube + Wolfe = awesome....am I missing anything?
  20. You wont find me defending AP or Benson either. I know all three guys have serious holes in their games and thats why I dont really think any of them are even close to every down backs. Everyone salivating over Wolfes awesomeness I have yet to hear a REASONABLE use for him. OK, he obviously isnt going to be the starter or even the change of pace back. Were not gonna run him up the middle and we arent going to have him in on passing downs. So IF he comes in, what is it gonna be for? To run a sweep or some kind of screen pass? If he is used like that he will have the same effectiveness of when we would bring in Hester for a check pass and he would be tackled for a loss. So you can sit here and talk about his POTENTIAL, but when I say he will fizzle away its because WE dont have a use for him. He wont be our change of pace back, he wont return kicks, he wont be a short yardage back. If we do draft a back in the first 4 rounds when exactly do you guys see Wolfe getting the carries?
  21. Im sorry but I might want a little more than a youtube real before I become a fanboy like you. Just about every player in the NFL has some type of high light real. So 3 or 4 runs might be enough for you to proclaim him the next "whoever" but Id like more consistency than a youtube clip from scrub time.
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