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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. No, neither of them should matter because of the situations of when he was in the game. I never mentioned his YPC so I dont know where you got that from but Im not gonna base his his 13 yards per catch on anything because he doesnt even have a handful of catches. I know a lot of people dont like our coaching staff but you have to assume theres a reason why he wasnt playing more, especially towards the end of the season. Something must not have been right if he still wasnt playing much after Benson was hurt and AP was the only back really playing. Wolfe has yet to prove he can make anybody miss on a consistent basis so I wont assume he can because of 1 highlight real from youtube. We know Benson and AP are ahead of him on the chart and you really have to assume we will draft a back in the first 4 rounds so I wouldnt expect him to do much more than fizzle away over the next year or two.
  2. I agree about round 1. In fact, especially from the Bears prospective I would bet they have qb as third from the end of list of needs behind TE and C. They easily can use 2 OT, 2OG, WR and RB before they need a qb.
  3. I agree, there isnt any solid proof to support my opinion. There isnt any proof to support anyone elses though. Im not gonna proclaim him a productive back because of the preseason or scrub time in meaningless games.
  4. For every time someone wants to compare him to Warrick Dunn because of his size, or even opportunities I bet theres hundreds of guys that size that never amount to anything. I think its a lot more likely that he falls into that category than having a career like Dunn. Theres a decent chance he might be the 4th back this year, whats the point?
  5. Im curious how accurate this is. There are so many smoke screens this time of year you have to take everything you read with a grain of salt. I dont think Flacco will get rafted with 15 picks of Ryan.
  6. If the Bears drafted Ryan at 14 I would be more angry about that than any other draft in my lifetime. I also dont think there is a chance in hell we would take him though.
  7. I have no problem saying I dont like him as a player. His body type might be similar to Dunn but he cant be compared to him. He hasnt proven anything and until he does he doesnt deserve anymore playing time. He isnt anything better than a 3rd back. Theres a reason why even after we were out of the playoffs and Benson was injured he didnt play much and it wasnt because of sheer awesomeness.
  8. I think it would be pretty risky for Harris to wait another year. He has had some injury concerns and if he goes into this season without resigning he better not get hurt at all.
  9. How does getting out of Chicago help Harris? We have pretty much every core player on the defense signed long term. He can be on a great defense for most of his career. I wouldnt call injury prone Berrian going to Minny with Jackson as his qb a good situation for him. If you mean strictly money wise thats one thing, but the Bears are going to open the wallet for Harris.
  10. Ya the hell with him. We dont need lineman anyway, we need talent
  11. Marty Booker unfortunately might be up there. You know youre in trouble when your franchise reacquires one of its best all time WRs and it doesnt do much to help your team.
  12. I absolutely think Benson sucks. However, a good offensive line will make a bad running back a lot better. It will also make a bad qb look better too. However, with the exception of Barry Sanders, you wont see a good running back make an offensive line look better. We need both, but a revamped line helps us a lot more than just a running back.
  13. My god does that make me sick. Bobby Engram definitely shouldnt be on the list IMO.
  14. Im with you there. If he sits out for games or even mandatory practices I would be pissed. I just dont think he will. I am however, hoping they give him his contract because I think he deserves it more than anyone on the team. I also think he has a lot left in his tank.
  15. Maybe a little premature? Maybe crucify him for missing games if he does but he hasnt yet.
  16. Ive been curious for a while to see what theyre going to do with Hesters contract. Its going to be very interesting...
  17. This is a slam dunk. Pay him. He deserves more money than anybody on the team. The fact that he has rode out this contract this long is incredible considering how much salaries have went up the past few years. Its not like he doesnt deserve a better contract. We didnt spend dick this offseason so we might as well reward Urlacher with a new contract. He hasnt been bashing the team in the media or anything.
  18. With the first pick the Dolphins take Jake Long OT from Michigan Prophet and the Rams are on the clock
  19. That leads to the question of who is going to play Vick in the newest installment of the longest yard.
  20. Ya but they can also go through that whole regiment about learning how to fight for their country and actually go to war and kill people but can still come back and not be able to drink for three years. Everything is this country should be set at age 18, including driving.
  21. I know its not the exact same position my point was more that Brown has the capability to play either effectively and the rest of them besides Manning are more suited for SS. So basically what I mean is Lovie wants to put Brown in the position that is relatively the last line of defense and have one of the other guys playing "ss" where theyre responsibility is more to stop the run. The two positions are close enough where everyone except for AA could play either and theyre saying he will be in there and the rest can compete for the other spot.
  22. Its a cover 2 zone defense. The only main difference is what side of the field theyre on unless one of them is blitzing. We dont play any kind of bump and run defense where our safeties are ever covering anybody 1 on 1. The only thing that they might change is flip flopping what side of the field theyre on based on a particular receiver that has matchup problems for them. Brown has flip flopped from strong to free his whole career and when healthy has had success at both. If it were that simole we could put Archuletta at the SS and not worry about his coverage liability.
  23. Ya I see your point about if its a minor. I doubt we will ever know either way. I just dont see it as any kind of issue mainly because he isnt under any type of obligation with the team at the present time. Sure, it would be nice of him to be studying film or working out all day but as long as he isnt breaking any laws or disrespecting the Cardinals in any way they should respect his privacy when he is in his home with some friends.
  24. To be honest I think its extremely ridiculous that anyone would make ANY sort of deal about this. They were talking about it on the radio like he is Pacman Jones or something and even his coach was verbal about it. He was at his own house and not doing anything illegal and it was during the offseason before any type of training camps. Hes a young guy, good for him for enjoying himself. I dont think he owes anyone an explanation and for Wisenhunt to make it sound like he did something wrong is kind of stupid.
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