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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. DrunkBomber

    Mark Anderson

    I cant find anywhere that says he went on IR. I dont even think players can go on IR yet. I checked the Bears site, NFL.com, the official message board and his own site. Where did you see this?
  2. Can I get Steelers and Dolphins
  3. With the system the Bears run there isnt that big of a difference in the safety positions. The two positions are almost interchangeable. I look at it like this. As long as Brown is healthy he will be on the field and Manning, Payne, McGowan and AA will compete for the other position and they have a few guys that can jump in and play either position if someone gets hurt. With RMJ and McBride there is no use for DMan at CB so all he can do is fight for the other safety spot or platoon in as a sub.
  4. I really hope the news on Tait means were drafting a LT in the first round.
  5. I heard the tailend of them explaining the pushout rule on tv and Im a little confused by something they said. Did anyone catch what theyre gonna do if someone catches a ball near the sideline and relatively gets caught and carried to the sideline and dropped out of bounds? I thought they said that would be the only exception, like if there is indisputable evidence that he would have caught it. Because if not I can see NFL safeties making a technique of doing that.
  6. Some things just never cease to amaze me.
  7. No link yet but i just saw on the bottom line that Chris Henry has gotten in trouble again. Apparently he punched someone in the face and broke a car window with a beer bottle. If anyone finds a link please post it.
  8. I wouldnt say that is a completely accurate description... ...you forgot cant break arm tackles
  9. Ya, hes at the tail end of a decent sized rookie contract and even with his bonus prorated over the remaining time on the contract it isnt anything too extreme, whereas a few years ago it would have cripple us.
  10. Im not positive but from what I gathered the Bears are going to be picked randomly and the first come first serve is for after Balta posts the other 31 teams tomorrow at 12. So Hester if you want the Bears just post it and I think you get added to the list that will be selected randomly.
  11. Well that settles it. I have to burn my Greg Olsen jersey.
  12. I have no problem with it at all. I dont think he should be the only one to get called out but Lovie is certainly justified for doing it. Between his injuries, inconsistencies and lack of progress I think this is a make or break year for him. If he cant get his YPC much closer to 4 or stay healthy than I think he will be gone after this year.
  13. Ill be at work without access to a cpu but I dont care, just give me whatever teams are left.
  14. If were short on people we can leave the Bears and the Lions out and give us an offensive bust and the Lions the top rated receiver available.
  15. Last year it was picked randomly with someone pulling them out of a hat I believe. I got stuck with Baltimore and Jacksonville or something.
  16. Actually all 22 offensive and defensive starters for the Colts last year were drafted by them. Thats a hell of a feat. You would think a GM can live on that resume forever.
  17. I just dont see how the team can look at him as a number 1 wr if he was on the sideline and Davis, Moose and Hester were out there last year.
  18. On another note. I havent seen enough from Grossman or Orton with suitable weapons to say one of them cant be our future qb. I know a lot of people dont like Rex but you have to realize he had the same offensive line in front of him that completely shut down Benson and everyone else on our offense. We need a lot more consistency from our running, o line and wrs before we will know where we stand at the Qb position.
  19. Youre not alone. I dont think he will do anything in the NFL and agree he was a complete system quarterback.
  20. It also depends if we address QB earlier in the draft.
  21. Adoption of defensive communication passes by one vote
  22. I made myself a CB but I need to very carefully weigh my options
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