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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Ive thought this for a while. I wouldnt want to stay here if I was him.
  2. Thats pretty much what I said idea wise without the shitting all over Rex. I said there should be an open competition for QB and they should draft one too. However, I dont think it should be in the first two rounds. You can hate Rex all you want but you seem to forget he has had more success at QB than any Bears QB since Kramer. Since weve had him as the QB has been one of the longest stretches of the Bears winning since the early 90s. He wasnt gonna put up Peyton Manning numbers but we were winning and thats all that should matter. He may be short, inconsistent and whatever else but as of right now, the Bears are a better team with him on the roster and that cant be denied. If you had it your way the Bears would have a new QB every year and until they fix the other offensive issues they will all struggle to have the success the Bears have had the past few years. Also, you didnt address my point about his second stint last season. I think even non Rex supporters have to admit he seemed much better since the Oakland game. He was eliminating mistakes, making smart throws and checking down. All this with AP at RB, WRs that were more inconsistent than he was and literally a revolving door on the line. He had no time to throw and still wasnt turning it over much. Not to mention, not one WR on the roster would ever try to knock down a ball that could be intercepted. Look at Brady and Moss. How many times did Brady just launch it up in the air and Moss would either go get it or knock it down if he couldnt. Thats a huge security blanket for QBs. If Rex did that it gets picked off because the receivers give up on routes, drop passes and never make plays. Last year, the job of being QB for the Bears might have been one of the toughest situations to be in for the whole league. If Grossman ever lands on a team with more talent around him he can have a lot of success. Just claiming he sucks and listing stereotypes about him is pointless. All those flaws you list in him are greatly effected by the players around him. IE, He may not step into sacks if he didnt have a tackle in his face immediately. He might not be so inconsistent if he had a legitimate number one receiver or even a running game. The offensive problems arent his fault. No quarterback would have performed with that offensive unit.
  3. The Vikings dont really compare to our situation anyway. They went from having a good line to a great line. Right now we have a terrible line so if we improved to even a good line it makes all other aspects of our offense better. Just because Tavaris Jackson doesnt have good passing numbers just means hes not very good. Also, I said we dont have good receivers and that our qb would benefit from an upgrade at the position. I dont even know why Minny is in this conversation they are in a completely different situation. The point is, our offensive line getting better makes our QB, RB and WRs better, Jackson has nothing to do with that. If you want to go the route of examples of what happens to offensive numbers and QB performance with an overhaul of the offensive line you dont have to go much farther than Cleveland.
  4. Minny also has terrible receivers. Also, for the most part their offensive line is better at run blocking.
  5. Tait is the LT now and we need him to go to RT, his original position.
  6. Im not even really on any side, Im just stating what I think is the best option for the team right now. Which is resigning Rex, cutting Griese and letting Orton and Rex have an open competition to start. Then they can draft a project qb to hold the clip board. Pretty much what you put is exactly what I think too, Im just not as quick as to jump all over Grossman and say he sucks and we should let him walk. Grossman might be the best FA QB out there anyway and he already knows the offense. It would be a terrible idea to let him leave. Keep Orton and Grossman and draft someone and then fix the other pieces of the offense and see what those guys can do. I have always been a big fan of Grossman and I know he has been inconsistent but he has also shown the talent to be a top qb. The game really seemed to slow down for him the second half of the season and I want to see what he can do with an O line, WRs and a running game.
  7. Since you know what you have with Grossman than what is it? What exactly do we have there? Anybody that tries to say he didnt look impressive after he came back during the Oakland game is just hating for the sake of hating. If you want to say we know what we have with a QB on the roster its Griese. Also, I would hardly call having the worst offensive line, terrible receivers and a joke of a running back every opportunity to succeed. I would however call success being the QB of a Super Bowl team. I clearly said I think our best option would be to cut Griese and bring back Rex and draft a qb and let Orton and Rex have an open competition. Thats a SOLUTION, not. Blah, blah blah, I hate Rex, he has been given every opportunity to succeed and only made it to a Super Bowl but never won one. Lets trade for a QB thats not on the trading block because he is from Chicago and we will be unstoppable. If that falls through we can trade for Tom Brady because his Big Ten ties mean he might want to play in the midwest. Also Gakman, for the record, is your solution to let Grossman walk and then start Orton to see what we have with him? Great idea, lets go into the season starting a guy so we can "see" what we have with him. What if he "doesnt" have it? Griese?
  8. For everybody shitting all over Grossman I would like to hear what are youre solutions. Its easy enough to say he sucks, hes too small but youre not giving a solution. Orton MIGHT be a solution but I would be worried going into next season with him alone as the starting caliber QB on the team. In our situation our best bet is to bring Rex back and let him and Orton play it out for the job. I cant believe people are still mentioning McNabb. Hes not coming here, get over it.
  9. Jamal Lewis signed a multiyear deal with Cleveland, so much for that idea.
  10. Its gonna be exciting to see what we do on the O line next year. Cutting two starters means there are going to be a lot of changes. makes you thing they are definitely gonna go after FAs and draft a few.
  11. I agree. Then they can also draft a qb to would have time to develop. Orton showed me he is a capable qb at the end of the season but IMO Grossman also really stepped up his play after coming in during the Oakland game. The fact that both of them managed to look ok with the line troubles, WR drops and RB disaster at the end of the year makes me think that if they had a few more upgrades on that side of the ball that they can be successful. Griese on the other hand just sucks.
  12. Mad, its pointless to discuss what might happen IF they drop the salary cap because they havent yet. The only group (other and rookies) who will strongly fight a change I think would be the agents, who enjoy the 2-3% they get from these ridiculous rookie contracts. I think what I was saying is getting misinterpreted. One of the first things I said was that the biggest problem was rookies contracts
  13. I was using the Bears as an example. Im saying theyre not a small market team but they will never spend how Snyder does. Comparing it to baseball is apples and oranges. Every team in the NFL makes enough money to spend up to the cap and not lose money. The Redskins are pretty much the only team that goes crazy with spending, Jones doesnt even really go too far. It might be an advantage to be in a bigger market but its not hard to spend for teams like Green Bay, Cleveland or Minnesota. Just because Snyder throws money at everyone doesnt mean its helping. If what he did worked more teams would do it. Teams just need to make smart signings, build through the draft, allocate their money correctly to have success. Small market or large market doesnt really matter in the NFL.
  14. Just because there are a few owners that are willing to overpay for players doesnt mean that small market teams wont be able to compete. The Bears arent a small market team and you wont see them doing stuff like Snyder does. They could afford to, they just wont.
  15. I agree that theyre overpaid completely, I was just pointing out that no small market teams are at a disadvantage financially when it comes to signing players. I had to pay close to 500 dollars for two tickets to the Bears/Cowboys game this year so I know how ridiculous it is. I think the bigger problem is the rookie contracts. Top 10 picks should be capped so youre not married to your draft pick for the life of his first contract. Unfortunately for the consumer the NFL is more popular than ever and the demand will always be there so teams are going to be able to continue to raise prices.
  16. The only link I could find that distinguishes which tag has been placed on players was on Wikipedia, it also says Cincinnati used the exclusive tag on Stacey Andrews.
  17. Small market teams? This isnt MLB. All teams make more than enough money to spend all the way up to the salary cap.
  18. Not if its an exclusive franchise tag like Haynesworth got. The only way they can sign with another team is if its a nonexclusive tag then you get the two first rounders. Like you said though, it wouldnt matter with most players because no teams will give up two first rounders for them.
  19. We wouldnt get any picks if we franchised him. Its not like being a RFA.
  20. There was no reason to draft him at all. I think it was one of rhte worst picks the Bears have made in a long time because not only did they take him way too high. He also doesnt fill any void on our team. Like you said, we have change of pace back and returner. It was just an egotistical pick.
  21. Rosenhaus isnt the type of agent that will blackball a team. I dont think he lets whats going on with one of his clients dictate negotiations for his other clients on the same team.
  22. if they sign Booker you have to think Stallworth will be available. He is basically a duplicate of Berrian and we might be able to get him for cheaper than Berrian.
  23. In terms of Berrian, I would say shop around to see what kind of WR we can sign, I know theres not much out there, or even trade for first. Then, if we cant make any moves I say franchising him may be better than trying to resign him. Its much better to have to overpay him for only one good year as opposed to six or seven. Who knows what WRs will become available in the next few years. We dont want to be stuck paying Berrian as our number one if a true number one becomes available. We finally rid ourselves of Moose so we have the opportunity to spend at the position when a big name becomes available. We know one thing, that we cant afford to let him walk without having a back up plan or the pieces in place to bring someone else new in.
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