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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I think the only deal thats very likely is getting Tommie resigned this offseason. I just dont see us overpaying for Berrian. However, we might be able to land Briggs.
  2. Hey with Mooses contract off the books I wouldnt mind resigning Berrian and I know he would be OUR number one, he still is nowhere near A number one. He is the best option out there though.
  3. Those are the most logical. Possibly AA I guess too.
  4. Exactly. Unless we can add a proven commodity then we benefit from keeping them all. All three of those guys are more valuable than a second day draft pick at this point.
  5. Hester can stretch the field. Hopefully if he ever develops, Bradley will be able to also. Weve had the guys who can stretch the field the past few years but no real possession guys with any consistency.
  6. We have too many needs to gamble on Flacco at the end of the first or early second round. No way we take Woodson.
  7. Peyton Manning LT Champ Sanders Dorsey
  8. Wasnt he a monster at his combine. Im not sure but I thought he was one of those guys who had an amazing combine that catapulted his value.
  9. I dont know about the old site but here last year every new player was discussed.
  10. Ya, it wasnt really meant to say we were paying way too much for him, it was more referencing how ridiculous it was that he was the highest paid safety.
  11. I heard that he was the highest paid safety last year. Either way, cut him. I dont care if we LOSE money towards the cap because of it. Just get that ass hole out of here.
  12. Tait, Wale and Jones were all solid pick ups and were well worth the signings or trades to get them. Im sure Pittsburgh wants to keep him but they cant afford him. Its not like he got released he is just a free agent and wants to explore his options. 31 isnt that old for an offensive lineman.
  13. Its hard to say what youre more looking forward to. The draft is all in two days so thats always going to be more exciting but for a lot of teams, the whole FA timeframe can wind up being more exciting. this year for the Bears its pretty even. It will be interesting to see what we do with a lot of our own FA and to see what route we go in the draft.
  14. Faneca and a top flight rookie LT changes this whole offense by leaps and bounds. He is the best offensive FA available and it happens to be at a position we are desperate for. this is as close to a slam dunk fit as there is.
  15. Thats exactly what I was gonna say.
  16. Leftwhich has the possibility of being the least compatible qb in the world to our offense.
  17. This is really bad for them. It really seems like they have been cheating for a long time. Im curious to see whats going to become of this. If anything it can shut up the Boston area for awhile.
  18. Theyre not gonna take that cap hit
  19. Im pretty sure hes gonna want more than a four year deal. That said I wouldnt mind giving him 5 or 6 if they worked it where we could cut him after the third/fourth year if needed and not a huge cap hit. 31 isnt old for an offensive lineman and he more than likely has 5 or more very good years in him and probably about three stellar years. Seeing what moves like this do to teams like Minny and Cleveland, i say if we can get him, we have to go for it.
  20. What does Chambers have to do with Booker? Does anyone think Booker is better or something? San Diego wanted Chambers because he was better than any of their receivers and was available.
  21. I agree completely. Obviously its not a ground breaking move but it is definitely an improvement for our team. He would also be cheaper than Moose and make him expendable. Maybe even to the point that it could provide money towards Berrian.
  22. Whats funny is if he hadnt played on the Bears I bet half of us wouldnt know who he was. You dont hear anything about that guy anymore.
  23. I disagree with that too. We have speed, we need hands. Booker isnt anything spectacular but he is (was) sure handed. It would be nice to have a guy out there who can trust on third downs. his numbers have obviously been on the decline but he is on one of the only few teams that has had worse qb problems than the Bears the past few years.
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