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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Have you heard of Jerious Norwood? If they dont take a qb the fans will riot.
  2. The all pro team isnt to name the BEST players at every position it is for the players that had the better season. He had a great year in a year that not many other corners stood out. DeAngelo Hall? Are you serious, he single handedly lost his team the game against Carolina. He is a time bomb and is severely overrated.
  3. I think the type of back we need depends on the plan for o line. Right now we have a line that is better suited for a cut back runner, which is one of the reasons Benson is having problems (amongst several other things). If they dont plan on making drastic changes on the line they are better suited going after a shiftier back but if they are planning on retooling the line and adding driving run blocker types it might be beneficial to go after a runner that is comparable to what Benson was supposed to be when we drafted him. Fixing the o line and adding at least one receiver that is reliable would also do wonders for our offense.
  4. second rounder and a second day pick
  5. I think AP trailed off at the end of the year too much. Also, Westbrooks receiving numbers were much better.
  6. Having a few good plays doesnt "prove" anything either. When a team brings in a different back than the one that has been playing all game he is bound to do a little better because the defense is used to stopping a different style. this is also why change of pace backs always seem to have a higher averages than the starters. If JA brings in someone to compete as the starter with Benson and we still AP there is no reason to keep Wolfe. He isnt going to be our third down back, ever, and he isnt going to return kicks. The only reason he even played this year was because we werent playing for anything. He wouldnt touch the field in a game of any significance. He barely got any playing time even after Benson got hurt and he was the only other back on the roster. You honestly think if Benson was healthy and there was a different back here AND AP he is gonna play? We COULD carry four backs but why would we? Its a position that only uses one player at a time. We would be better served carrying an extra offensive lineman or WR. I also never said he was doom and gloom, Im just saying he isnt worth a roster spot.
  7. Youre right. He is an elite back and the future of the Chicago Bears... ...he'll be out of the league in a few years though
  8. I kind of neglected how big of a loss Vasher was until he was back for the Minny game. He only played like four games this year and the drop off on corners we had after him and Peanut really hurt our defense.
  9. Id think he would want to go to a team like Washington much more, but then he also wouldnt have as much control. I dont think Parcells would want him in Miami anyway.
  10. When you try to reference one play to prove your point it shows theres a problem. The guy had one good play, and on that play he could have scored but he got caught from behind.
  11. Wolfe hasnt shown anything, and it isnt a hatred for him its reality. He doesnt have the tools to be in the NFL. He isnt gonna be our third down back and he isnt gonna return kicks so he is useless to us.
  12. Didnt Lovie make it pretty clear he is keeping his coordinators? Cameron will be picked up as a coordinator soon. Hopefully not to the Lions. I also think I read somewhere that Joey Porter already called him a coward or something.
  13. What games were you watching? Gets open consistently and makes GREAT catches? I know how tall he is I was just saying he is a burner like the other receivers they have and isnt a bigger physical receiver.
  14. Why dont we try fixing the offensive line, running game and try getting some WRs that can catch before we go on a witch hunt looking for a qb. Eli has a top 3 WR talent wise, a monster running game and one of the best receiving tight ends in the game not to mention a very good offensive line. To compare his situation to anyone on our team is ridiculous. Why do you think Anderson blew up this year? Top wr, great receiving tight end, good running game and very good offensive line. If you flip flopped Grossman and Eli's situations Eli would be out of the league by now. Its stupid to talk about getting a new qb in the first round. All you would be doing is setting him up to fail. Fix the other offensive problems before you go and waste a first round pick on a qb.
  15. Berrian is a third receiver. However I think we would be willing to pay him more than Washington can. You would have to wonder why the Redskins would want Berrian when they have Moss and Randel El. I think they have enough shorter fast receivers.
  16. There arent too many sure thing qbs coming out this year. Which QB out there is worth abandoning drafting a cornerstone LT if he slips to us. Out of the qbs projected to go on day 1 this year its pretty much a crap shoot on who is gonna have the most offensive success.
  17. If we resign Grossman I dont think we draft a qb at all. Unless of course we cut Griese, which Im all for.
  18. JA doesnt trade up. Especially to overpay the first overall pick. Unless there is some crazy prospect out there most teams dont even want the number 1 pick because of the money. If anything we may see JA even move down but I doubt it. I bet we take the best available OL with our first pick and move to BPA from then on unless a trade comes up.
  19. DrunkBomber


    Im not saying a complete overhaul. Im saying if we signed Faneca and drafted a LT and moved Tait to RT our offensive line would go from terrible to good depending on what we get from the new LT. Im not one of the people saying we need a whole new line except for Kruetz. Im saying a top flight free agent coupled with a first round LT would do wonders for our offense.
  20. Im just saying he doesnt have the most talented team and he still had success. I know our team has a lot of holes but the coaching staff is as guilty as anyone.
  21. Its true you can only put so much blame on the coaches for what the players are doing but at the same time these coaches dont seem to be getting the most out of them. Look what Jeff Fisher did with not a great team this season. Also, look at the play calling in certain situations.
  22. DrunkBomber


    So have the exact same starters from opening day this year on the offensive line except Max Starks for Fred Miller? They need a lot more help than that.
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