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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I agree, I dont think Anderson is worth what theyre gonna want. Im not even sold that hes that good a qb. Braylon and K2 are two excellent weapons and they also had a very good offensive line.
  2. Sounds like a good combination to me.
  3. Then the team would just suck
  4. DrunkBomber


    We dont need a RT. We need 1 guard and a LT so Tait can shift back. That solves two spots instead of Max Starks who isnt even that great and is playing a position that we dont even really need to fill if we can draft our LT. Shift the tight end and fb to Tait to help out? Are you kidding me. If it was just that simple we would have been doing that all the time. You need a LT to watch your qbs blind side and Tait doesnt cut it over there anymore. The only way to salvage him as a contributer is moving him back to the right side.
  5. Richardson from Minny is available too.
  6. Premieres tonight with Hulk Hogan and Layla Ali as hosts. Anyone else gonna check it out? It looks like a commercial for Balco.
  7. I actually do think they will end up moving him but I wouldnt want to have to give up anything near what they would want.
  8. Good point. You know theyre not gonna get rid of AP or Benson and it would be pretty dumb to carry 4 backs.
  9. I would agree but I dont think JA is gonna be willing to admit he was wrong that easily and will keep him around just so he doesnt look like an idiot for absolutely throwing away a third round pick.
  10. Maybe this should be phrased differently. What is the dream offseason for the SALARY CAP era
  11. its not only his height, its his overall size. You have to be insane to think Wolfe would make a smooth transition to WR. He isnt Steve Smith. He isnt good enough to be in the NFL and the coaches realize that now. They gambled and lost and dont be surprised if hes cut in the next two seasons.
  12. DrunkBomber


    Hes the best available offensive lineman by a landslide. He can be brought in and have an immediate impact. Also, by watching him last night he would be able to help a rookie LT and shore up that side of the line for a few more years. Even if you only get 2-3 years of dominant play from him and he slows down after that its still worth it to not have to worry about the position for a while. For as much bitching you do about the O line and claiming that Benson is good he just needs a line where do you think theyre gonna get these young, cheap and great offensive lineman? Hes been the anchor to an offensive line for years that has the same run first mentality we have with lots of success. Theres no way we are gonna be able to draft a whole new offensive line so what better way improve than get the best guy out there. 32 isnt exactly ancient for offensive lineman either. He could play at a high level for 5-6 more years. Look at Rueben Brown. It would also be good to have him be sort of a mentor to whatever young offensive lineman we have. Adding a guy like Faneca and drafting a top prospect LT would have a much bigger impact on our offense then resigning Berrian.
  13. Wolfe is way too small to play WR. I give you that Berrian is overrated and Im assuming most people are showing him so much love is because of lack of options. Any other year he wouldnt be a big free agent but this years FA wrs and draftees are nothing to write home about.
  14. DrunkBomber


    He also has to compensate for the third string tackle next to him against one of the better defenses in the NFL.
  15. True, but even a good o line doesnt make a back break arm tackles, block, catch or cut back.
  16. Not a chance we can afford to take a running back with our first pick for two reasons. A. that would be way too much money to have invested in the position B. We need to address our o line much more and theres actually a few good backs in free agency.
  17. There is no reason to not bring Rex back. We know we can get him cheap because his stock is about as low as it can be between the injuries and inconsistent play. Like others have said he knows the offense. If he can build off of what he was doing since the Oakland game he can really be effective. We all knew he had the arm but he was actually getting better at reading defenses and checking down and taking less risks. He had us in the position to win every game and if our defense was healthy it would have been more than enough. His pocket presence and ability to read the rush needs improvement but it may come with time. If that doesnt work out Orton has shown he is capable of being an NFL qb.
  18. Orton did prove to me he deserves a shot to be the starter but Ive said all along I think Rex is the best qb we have and if they can bring in offensive help I would like to see him get a shot to succeed here.
  19. Im curious to see if Miami address's qb next year. Between Beck and Lemon and I suppose the possibility of Green, they have so many other holes to fill that I doubt they would address qb with the first pick.
  20. You gotta love being able to play Atlanta
  21. Its an interesting idea I just doubt they would ever do it.
  22. I agree. I can see getting something like a lineman form AA school, but to take a QB in the second round is too big a gamble with all the other holes that need to be filled.
  23. When is Brohm projected to go? Ive been high on him since last year and I think hes got a good chance at being the best qb to come out this year.
  24. I could see him being rejuvenated Randy Moss style with a change of scenery.
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