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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. Ya but I dont think a back that is sandwiched between AP and Benson talent wise is even needed. We need someone that compliments Benson and could even challenge to be the starter. What are the Raiders planning on doing with Jordan and Rhodes then?
  2. *cough* Garrett Wolfe *cough*
  3. There isnt a chance in hell MB3 hits the market. Julious Jones will Im sure though. I would like to see us go after Fargas and Lewis the hardest and then look at Jones. I think Turner is gonna cost too much for an unproven change of pace back. Chris Brown is intriguing, especially because hes from around here but he isnt really an upgrade.
  4. He had a nice game against College of DuPage
  5. I believe the tag for a WR will be just under 8 million this year
  6. Im not sure about that but I dont think so. I suppose they could try to trade him before giving him the tender but I think the deal would have to be way more than we are willing to pay.
  7. I saw that article a while ago and initially thought they were screwed cap wise. I think theyve been pretty good at maneuvering contracts and working the cap.
  8. Miami, San Francisco could also be teams looking for a qb. Im getting the impression a lot of you dont think they are going to give Anderson the 2.35 million dollar tender. Pretty much, unless something blows the Browns away it more than likely is gonna take a first and a third to get him.
  9. I wouldnt be surprised to see the Niners or the Redskins make a good push for him. Rosenhaus has a ton of clients on the Redskins and deals with their front office a lot and they are always a team looking to net big name free agents.
  10. That got mentioned on Rome is burning today. I really dont see it happening. I do think he will come back eventually, I just dont think its been long enough or that he would want to go to the Ravens anyway.
  11. Anderson isnt an option for us really. We simply cant afford to give up the two draft picks. We really need a long term LT with our first pick and have a lot of other needs to fill with the rest of the picks. Unless they draft a qb I wouldnt count on anyone significant being brought in.
  12. Shea might have been the biggest disaster in the history of the position...
  13. Wikipedia said he was the interim OC for the Raiders last year. Was he in Tampa before Oakland?
  14. The jokes on you, we dont have a RB!
  15. I thought he was on the Raiders coaching staff.
  16. Youre probably the only person taking that from this game. All this game is showing is that if he played in a real conference he would be an average quarterback at best
  17. Not a chance. It would be damn hilarious to watch though
  18. I think Wolfe will wind up in the CFL either way
  19. if we go into next season with the same three backs we arent gonna have a running game again. As far as Wolfe, he isnt even in the ball park of an NFL player and wont be in the league or long.
  20. Im surprised so many people are so high on Turner. Change of pace backs that go to new teams rarely live up to expectations. I think someone like Fargas or Jamal Lewis would be cheaper and could be effective here.
  21. Cribbs also benefits from having a good offense. Teams are less likely to kick away from him because the better field position would lead to a lot more points from the Browns offense. Teams knew that even if they gave us good field position that we still would have problems scoring.
  22. Benson is simply a punk and plays the game with no heart. He is never going to be anywhere near what we thought when we drafted him and the sooner the coaches realize it the better. We all know the troubles our o line have had but that doesnt change the fact that he has no idea to read defenses or follow blockers. He also cant catch at all and doesnt block.
  23. Didnt they make a statement a few weeks ago saying he would remain as the coach?
  24. Id rather keep Brown and trade Anderson. He might still have good value because of his rookie year and because he is signed to a small contract.
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