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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. I would assume they would have someone fill Tanks roster spot for the first 6-8 games and send whoever it is back down when he comes back.
  2. Well for the preseason youre allowed well over 53 players to suit up so that wouldnt be an issue. Briggs on the other hand, I have no idea whats going on with him and what he plans on doing. My gut tells me he is gonna play all season though.
  3. Theyre both terrible. But Im mostly talking about Donovans last drive where he could have won the game. I also think that the rain had a pretty big factor on our inability to pass well. Dont get me wrong, I know Rex was all over the board all season including the Super Bowl. My point is McNabbs performance and sheer ability to make Rex look like an iron man out there makes me think he isnt worth consideration for us.
  4. So is Wolfe gonna be ahead of AP on the depth chart? Because if theyre still planning on using Wolfe then we would have had too many RB's on the depth chart anyway. Unless they strictly were gonna use AP for special teams. Which I dont know if we could swing anyway because we already have one guy on the roster strictly for that purpose in Ajabanwhater the hell his name is.
  5. I heard about this too, I forgot to post the article though. Obviously being a Rex fan this bothers me. Whether he was joking or not, you dont throw a team mate under the bus and say things like this. First of all, Tommie has no room to talk because he wasnt even healthy enough to be on the field in the Super Bowl, and the biggest problem we had that day wasnt our QB, it was our middle of the field run defense. Secondly, McNabbs Super Bowl performance was one of the bigger choke jobs in recent Super Bowl history for the position.
  6. This was my opinion on it. I think Peterson is a better all around back, but it would be nice to have that kind of depth at the position. It appears hes off the market now anyways though...
  7. Hmmm, thats a good question about the preseason. Im not sure. I would assume even if he could he wouldnt play TOO much because theyre gonna want the younger guys and Adams getting lots of reps. I also think Dvoracek is going to get a lot of playing time because I think hes the most viable candidate to be the starter across from Harris.
  8. Hes from Naperville I believe, id think he would want to play for the Bears.
  9. Not a chance. They already have three capable quarterbacks. He is also a health risk and would still probably command a lot of money. They need to use their money resigning some guys not on a 4th quarterback.
  10. Thats exactly what Im hoping to get from Olsen too. If we can use him as a guy to slip underneath and move the chains and also use him to spread the defense because of his speed our offense can be scary.
  11. Link (June 3, 2007) -- The entire offseason talk surrounding the Chicago Bears has been about Lance Briggs seeking a contract extension. It's certainly a newsworthy story but probably not deserving of the attention it has received nearly every day since the Super Bowl. It would be great if he plays the 2007 season for the defending NFC champs, but if he doesn't, there are other things to get interested in discussing. I prefer to take a look at another very important football issue that Bears coach Lovie Smith and company have to improve in order to return to the Super Bowl and maybe win the game: Chicago's third-down conversion percentage has to get better and it may be headed in that direction. If you're a Bears fan, it might be time to get excited about the potential the Bears are developing on third down, and if your favorite team plays Chicago this season, there may be something to be concerned about. Smith and general manager Jerry Angelo made three important moves this offseason to put a third-down offense on the field that should cause conflicts for defenses and will improve a third-down success percentage that over the past four years has been sub par to say the least. Here's a look at the top three teams in the NFL in converting third downs in each of the past four years with a minimum of 80 attempts and where the Bears stacked up. It's amazing the Bears even got to the Super Bowl last year. Theres some more info and a chart in the link so check it out.
  12. Well Id assume he'll get it reduced to 6. If thats the case, thats not too bad.
  13. Id rather have him eat some junk food and keep his bulk instead of eating nothing and losing size. He'll be in shape by the time training camp comes around.
  14. Luckily for us Drew does relatively well at getting his guys their rookie contracts relatively soon.
  15. Thats good. Once we get Olsen signed Id like to see us resign some of our other guys.
  16. Very good point, but I do believe it happened. Also, McNabb is the only player in the NFL that can make Rex look like an iron man.
  17. The only reason I can think of is because we are considered a running team and they mentioned that he isnt a strong blocker. I disagree though, Olsen is gonna be a big third down target and also has the ability to stretch the field.
  18. Don't expect a decision on Tank Johnson this week. It's not going to happen. League offices are closed Friday through Monday, which means there's no chance of commissioner Roger Goodell rendering a decision until next week. And next week, insiders said, is when Tank might be hearing from the commissioner. It's not a certainty, but it's a possibility. No one is sure what to expect, but this is what I believe Goodell should and will do: Suspend the Chicago Bears defensive lineman at least eight games this season. That seems fair, and it seems right. It's fair because Johnson already has done time. The guy spent two months in prison after pleading guilty to violating probation in a 2005 gun case. It's right because Goodell is determined to send a message to others who follow Johnson. And the message is this: If you embarrass this league, you deal with me. Johnson embarrassed the league, embarrassed himself and embarrassed the Chicago Bears. And he was penalized by going to the big house. I was in Chicago when it happened, and I remember someone asking me if I felt sympathy for the guy. I did not, and here's why: One, he was arrested three times in 18 months. Two, he had six firearms, including two assault rifles, and more than 500 rounds of ammo in a home where his two daughters lived. Nice. Three, he violated probation from a previous case. And, four, he was allowed to participate in Super Bowl XLI while awaiting trial. So he did time. He should have. Now the league has its say, and it should sit Johnson down at least eight games. His supporters won't like it, and neither will Johnson. Both will point to Johnson's jail time and roll out his new attitude -- with Tank professing an interest in becoming the league's Man of the Year -- as evidence of a remarkable metamorphosis. But that doesn't mean he walks. It means there are mitigating circumstances. Remember what happened to then-Baltimore running back Jamal Lewis when he did four months in prison for using a cell phone to set up a drug deal? He was suspended two games by a commissioner, who didn't have a mandate to get tough with players. Lewis wasn't a recidivist. He made a mistake. He owned up to it. And he cooperated with everyone. Still, the league had to sit him down. Johnson is a recidivist. Plus, he never seemed to get the message that he screwed up after an Illinois judge cleared the way for him to participate in his first Super Bowl. Johnson should have been grateful. Instead, he told the media at Super Bowl XLI that he was a victim, singled out because of his race. Of course, Johnson is singing a different tune today, but that doesn't overcome the obvious: He messed up. Big time. If Johnson didn't understand there are consequences for his actions last year, he does now. And, all things considered, eight games is just about right. I know a cornerback in Tennessee who won't agree. "Pacman" Jones was suspended for a season after five arrests and 10 incidents in which he was questioned by the law. Jones claimed the decision was unprecedented and harsh, and he appealed to Goodell. I guarantee the commish will hear from him again if Johnson does less time than Jones. Jones can argue a couple of things: 1) He hasn't been convicted in any of the five arrests, and 2) he hasn't been imprisoned. But there's a pattern there that nobody likes, and Jones can't seem to understand. Heck, the week he was scheduled to appeal his suspension in front of Goodell, he was ticketed for a traffic violation. Plus, going to prison probably acts in Johnson's favor here, just as it did with Jamal Lewis. So does Johnson's one-game suspension by the Bears last season. He has already been punished. He already served a penalty. And he seems -- and I use that word carefully -- to have learned a lesson. No, I don't completely trust someone who pulls a U-turn overnight, either, especially when it's in anticipation of a severe punishment. But listen to Johnson, and he sure sounds like someone determined to straighten himself out. Listen to Jones, and he's explaining away yet another brush with the law. So Johnson is cut some slack, but only to a point. And that point is half a season. At his first news conference following incarceration, he promised to reinvent himself, saying he would accept "whatever sanctions" Goodell imposes and stay out of trouble once and for all. That counts for something. So does jail. About eight games, I'd say.
  19. I hope anyone that thinks this is a good idea doesnt overlook the fact that McNabb also played in a Super Bowl and was called out by his own team mates who said he choked.
  20. The last thing we need to tie up money right now is a guy like McNabb. We need to spend our money on guys like Harris, Vasher/Tillman, Berrian. Rex will be fine Especially with some of the additions theyve made this offseason.
  21. Hes been solid for us for a while, but like Thomas Jones he wants an opportunity to cash in somewhere else.
  22. Talk about having speed on the offensive side of the ball. Imagine what these guys are gonna do in a dome
  23. This should be interested. Hopefully they figure out an effective way to use him. He could be a real asset on offense and be a big play threat.
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