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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. OMGZ JAY GROSSMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  2. After 14 weeks, Turner finally realizes that rollouts are what Cutler loves most. Jay has repeatedly said he's always loved throwing out of the pocket, and FINALLY, Turner calls plays which require rollouts. I loved Turner's playcalling yesterday, but his seasonal adjustments suck, and he must go.
  3. Yes sir. Williams played great and he didn't even get much help on Allen. Also, Clark was great today as a receiving TE and a blocking one on Edwards' side helping Schaffer.
  4. Isn't it funny? The OL finally plays well, and Cutler throws for 4 TD's. Hmm...
  5. I agree. Obviously we'd all love for DA to become Marshall. But you can make a case, for right this second, Marshall being THE best WR in football. He's no longer dropping passes at a sickening rate, he's making huge plays with his hands, and huge plays with his legs.
  6. Mendenhall over Forte? I'd love to try to watch him run behind this pitiful OL. Last year, when the OL was halfway decent, Forte had 1200 rushing yards. It's all in the OL. However, once again, on paper it may look like we made bad decisions. "Look we could've had but instead we drafted ". In the end, those current stars may not have succeeded here.
  7. It all goes hand in hand. If we try to throw it down the field, Jay will be running for his life because the OL won't give him the time necessary to get it down the field. But if we try to throw it short, we should've just kept Orton, because Jay isn't that type of QB. Also, throwing it short, throwing it away, taking the punt, and running for 2-3 yards everytime isn't going to win games either. Jay and this whole organization is in a lose-lose. Am I condoning the play so far today for Cutler? Hell no. But keep all of this in mind before you declare that he sucks and they should put Hanie in.
  8. Pretty dynamic huh? Yeah, you don't put that on the field for 6 touches a game.
  9. He was not exactly a class act, but whenever an athlete dies especially at such a young age, it's sad. RIP Chris.
  10. Paraphasing, this was Kawika Mitchell on the Incognito signing- "I really wish I was playing. This guy sucks balls".
  11. Let me try to slow this down for you, sir. Here's a scenario: Cutler throws a TD. The Bears D gives up a TD. Cutler throws a TD with 3 minutes left. The Bears D give up a TD with 1:30 left. Cutler throws an INT. Is that his fault? Partly. But if the defense would've gotten a stop, he wouldn't have tried to force a throw. Having inept WR's doesn't help the cause either. This year, Denver is getting plenty of stops for Orton and allowing him to move the ball patiently. He isn't being forced to win them games like Cutler is being forced to.
  12. Yeah, I hate how ignorant and clueless some of this fan base is. The WR's aren't even running to where they should be. Olsen can't catch a f***ing cold. The OL is continuously putting Jay in 3rd and forever's. When it's 3rd and 15, you can't just be conservative.
  13. I hope to the Lord that there is a market out there for Olsen, because that guy sucks. He's athletic, huh? Then why doesn't he ever make a big play? He drops the one that was confirmed on the challenge, and he doesn't dive for the one down the sideline. Oh, and this Chris Williams is complete horses***. Frank Omigod is brutal as well. Kreutz isn't much better.
  14. Vasher and Pace should be cut, and they should let Wale go.
  15. I have no clue as to why Gilbert is IA...
  16. Embarrassed is a stretch. I'd say I'm ashamed. I'd be embarrassed to be a fan of Cleveland, Detroit, etc.
  17. 2 years ago that was possible. Now? We'd be lucky to get a 3rd straight up.
  18. Well, I don't think he's being coddled at all. After trading the future for a QB, I think the guy can have some say in who we hire to work with that QB. And last time I checked, with Bates in Denver, that offense was great. Granted, we won't have Royal, that OL, and Marshall, but Cutler made Royal. Maybe we'll land Marshall in FA this offseason. Hopefully the OL keeps getting better. I am a USC fan, and this year, their struggles are all on their defense. They lost the 4 big time LB's to the NFL (Maualuga, Cushing, Matthews, Maiava), as well as 2 CB's. They haven't been able to stop anyone, and despite that + having a freshman QB, they still won 9 games. Hiring a guy like Bates would help IMO.
  19. Again, who do you like on this team?
  20. I was completely ripped to shreds for the thread I made. Yes, it was me who made it. I was told that you don't trade the most explosive, most dangerous player ever. I was told he was only 23 and he's going to keep getting more and more. I was told they'd start kicking it out of bounds thus getting great field position. *** Did that ever happen? No. At the time, we could've gotten a 1st and a 2nd round pick for him. But no, we needed his PR/KR explosiveness and his youth. Now, we'd be lucky to get a 3rd for the guy. With how far he's come as a WR, he'll be a Bear for awhile. That's the way JA does it- barely develop any players, but when you do, keep him around.
  21. No matter how bad this team is, the "it's gameday" feeling never goes away.
  22. Three things that really stood out to me: 1. Paraphrasing, Jay basically said- "Brian never apologized to me" and he said it with a sarcastic chuckle. Does anyone think that this could have long term bad effects on this team? I know we're already heading in a downward spiral, but when your 2 faces of the franchise seem to not like one another, that just gets the spiral going even faster. While I agree that the 2 will never be on the field at the same time during the game, I just hate to see this especially when everything else is going wrong. 2. He also mentioned that it takes long for an offense to gel. He said it took 3+ years in Denver. Jay, I hate to be a d**k, but this isn't a team with a 3 year window. We're pretty young offensively but on the defense side of the ball, we're getting up there in age. You were brought here to win now. Luckily, you're only 26. 3. Lastly, Cutler said he thinks that the offense will be better "once they get the right pieces in here". That stands out to me like- "I don't like the guys we have on our offense". Hm...interesting..
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