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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. We're complaining because an opponent has the possibility of being without 11 starters when we play them? I'd rather have that then typical- "Uh oh. They have Hasselbeck, Tatupu, Hill, Jones, Trufant, and Spencer and so we have no chance to win plus they have the 12th Man" posts. Seriously, if I'll take a win any way we can get them at this point.
  2. Who is Tony Dungy to open his mouth? He wins nothing in Tampa but then his replacement (Gruden) wins. Then, Dungy comes to Indy where a good running game, a stud safety, a great QB, and 2 elite WR's are waiting for him, where he finally wins a Super Bowl after numerous times with them, too. Sounds like a good coach to me..
  3. Has there been a more disappointing player this year for us than Olsen? What does he have, 4 or 5 catches in 2 games? OT: DBDB- time for a new avatar, yes?
  4. That's awesome. Good luck with all of that. Time flies...pretty soon we'll get a "My wife is pregnant" thread from you. Congratulations.
  5. I'm aware but he did draft guys like Knox, Hester, Tillman, Vasher, Harris, Afalava, Payne, Briggs, Anderson, Forte, Berrian, etc. All of those guys have helped us in the past and are with another team, helped us in the past but now they're starting to get worse, or are still helping us to this day. Also, he traded for Ogunleye which has helped us.
  6. no way man angelo sux and he doesnt draft good and did i mention he sucks at his job somebody fire him
  7. Plus, we should run all day long against Seattle. Their run defense is horrible, but from what I've read on some Seahawks message boards, their pass D is pretty respectable.
  8. IIRC, McNabb had the same injury and had to sit. Either way, this helps us. LeRoy Hill, Chris Spencer, and Marcus Trufant will be out. Also, Walter Jones and Hasselbeck probably won't play. Finally, Tatupu and Houshmandzadeh are banged up. We could and should win this game by 14+ points.
  9. Seriously? It's come down to you not being able to take another member's ribbing that you've now got to come on here and call somebody a b****? Settle down, I was just joking around. I know we never get along, but you probably shouldn't take it this far. Be happy the Bears won, which is what I was, so I was just messing around. Take a chill pill, psycho.
  10. Like I said in the other thread, you shouldn't have taken all of this this far. But since we're on topic, I wouldn't be telling another member to stop whining. If we had TB awards, you'd easily win the "Why Am I a Fan" award (aka: biggest Bears hater/pessimist) and probably "Biggest Crybaby" award (aka: the member who's constantly complaining about the state of the franchise and why our organization makes the decisions that it does).
  11. I'll be at the game. I can't wait. We should be able to get the run game going against Seattle, and we should be able to get pressure on Hasselbeck/Wallace since Walter Jones, Chris Spencer, and Marcus Trufant all probably won't play.
  12. Giant props to...Terra for being completely wrong. Congratulations, this is becoming common. BTW- Benson is becoming a pretty good RB. Time to change your sig/avatar.
  13. Hey Terra, what happened to the raping? CUTLER
  14. I know, it's just really annoying. He sits there and types away all day about how we're going to get "raped" against Pittsburgh, how bad Cutler and the WR's are, how dumb Lovie Smith, and how much Danieal Manning sucks. Do you like anybody on the team, or better yet, anyone in the organization?
  15. He's terrible? Playing hurt and coming up with a pretty good game against the disciples of Jesus, aka the Packers, was impressive. And don't give me the- wow, it was 1 game- excuse, because then you shouldn't be ripping on the whole organization constantly because of a bad week 1 in 2009. But seriously, he cries about everything. If a 4 turnover game from our new QB in week 1 is seriously the end of our season, then do us a favor, and leave the site with your constant criticism. Plus, you could contribute to stopping blackouts in St Louis, Jacksonville, and Detroit.
  16. Well, seeing as if how he threw 3 straight awful passes and the 3rd one was finally intercepted, that means either way he would've thrown for 4. That was tough to figure out.
  17. I know this is sort of off topic, but I'd like to see Cutler run a bit more. He tried to run once on Sunday and I think he gained 8 or 9 yards. But yeah, it was definitley the WR's on Sunday. All these fans think it was Cutler, yet Lovie, Collinsworth, Mortensen, and Schlereth all blame the WR's.
  18. I hear Detroit, Jacksonville, and St Louis needs fans..
  19. Except he's huge, and JC loves big WR's. I'm not sure what I'd like the team to do. We could sign Jackson and go for it big time. The window for our defense as well as our OL is potentially closing fast. We could wait for Iglesias and Aromashodu to improve and Hester/Bennett to continue to get better, but at the time, the window might be closed.
  20. It's not a huge secret- the QB makes the WR's. Cutler made Royal and Marshall, and will hopefully make Hester, Bennett, and Iglesias.
  21. I really hope JC has a huge game so all of these Cutler and Bears critics can just shut the f*** up. He showed me his competitiveness and his leadership in the 2nd half against Green Bay. I hope, and I think, he can carry that momentum into this Sunday.
  22. chicagobears.com Apparently, those of us who are going to the game are supposed to wear pink.
  23. http://www.michiganavemag.com/MA_SP09_100_NEW.html
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