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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Posts posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. i will give up my left nut if we draft those guys that you have

    I edited it a little. Chris Williams, round 1. Flacco, round 2 (Orton will get the starting job though). Hefney and Laws, round 3. Caldwell, round 4


    You're right, my other lineup was pretty unrealistic. This is has a 10x better chance of happening then my old one

  2. Do offense, defense, and the 3 main ST guys



    QB: Kyle Orton

    RB: Cedric Benson

    WR: Bernard Berrian

    WR: Andre Caldwell

    WR: Devin Hester

    TE: Desmond Clark

    RT: Chris Williams

    RG: Roberto Garza

    C: Olin Kreutz

    LG: Jacob Bell

    LT: John Tait


    DE: Mark Anderson

    DE: Adewale Ogunleye

    DT: Trevor Laws

    DT: Tommie Harris

    OLB: Hunter Hillenmeyer

    OLB: Jamar Williams

    MLB: Brian Urlacher

    CB: Charles Tillman

    CB: Nathan Vasher

    S: Mike Brown

    S: Johnathan Hefney


    P: Brad Maynard

    K: Robbie Gould

    PR/KR: Devin Hester

  3. The problem with all these ideas of signing guys who were on different teams last year is that we have too many that were on our team last year to sign. Do we just let Brendon and Lance walk? Resign Rex and Berrian?


    If that's the case, then who do we make a push after? Faneca, and maybe Bryant Johnson? I feel better about going after Jacob Bell as an OG. He's 4 years younger than Alan is, so a 6 year, $42 million contract might be OK, but again, paying that much to an OG doesn't seem like the thing to do. We could then sign Sean Locklear who probably won't get resigned by Seattle b/c of their low cap- we can stick him at RT


    Let's say we get those guys. We then can almost hold off on an OL until round 3 or 4. With our first pick (if we don't gain picks or trade picks), we could take Flacco maybe, and with our 2nd, we can take Hardy who will most likely go to Minnesota if we don't draft him, so we mine as well, b/c not only would he help us, but we'd steal a guy who will probably burn us in the future otherwise. With our first 3rd pick, since JA loooves DT in this draft, possibly Trevor Laws? 2nd 3rd round pick- Johnathan Hefney, S from Tennessee would be nice, but he may not be there at that point. We'll go with Craig Steltz from LSU here. 4th rounder, Steve Slaton or Kevin Smith to give Benson some motivation to lose 10-15 pounds.


    QB: Orton, Flacco, Griese

    RB: Benson, Peterson, Smith/Slaton

    FB: Jason McKie, Jehuu Culcrick

    WR: Berrian, Hardy, Hester, Bradley, Moose

    TE: Clark, Olsen

    RT: Locklear, St. Clair

    RG: Garza, Beekman

    C: Kreutz

    LG: Bell, Metcalf

    LT: Tait, St. Clair, Miller

  4. So its ultimately us trading Hester and our first and third round picks for Anderson and a 2nd and third. Just about the worst idea ever...

    In a way. See, the Hester thing is what I want, while the Anderson thing could branch off from it.

  5. Isn't that the guy with the freakishly long arms and freakishly huge hands that Todd McShay was talking about on ESPN a few weeks back?

    Yes! He has the longest arms of any player at any position in the draft, as well as the 2nd biggest hands of any player in the draft, and that's including DL men or OL men. I want him in the 3rd or 4th round soooo bad. :headbang :notworthy

  6. Next time think about the ineptitude of our offense before making a statement like that. Great, so he gets us great field position. That doesn't matter when you have a bad offense. With the trading of Hester, we could get more picks to address bigger needs to make our offense better, like 2-3 OL, 1-2 WR, and a RB.


    I've heard many say that if we trade him, there will be riots. If there is riots in Chicago if the Bears do in fact trade Devin, then those people need to get a clue. You're going to lynch and riot b/c we make a move that could inevitably get us back to the Super Bowl? That's nuts. I'll take a ring or 2 then holding on to a player who will do nothing but set us up in good field position but will get wasted b/c of the inept offense we have, sell jerseys, put us in a situation next offseason where he will want $5-$7 million a year to run back kicks/punts and catch a few balls, and bring excitement. I'd rather have a boring (in a sense) team like the Giants and win then have 1 big star who will touch the ball 9-12 times a game. If we trade Hester, we get a 2nd, maybe a 3rd, and probably a 4th. The 2nd round through the 5th round is where Jerry Angelo makes his big draft splashes (see Nathan Vasher, Alex Brown, Mark Anderson, Charles Tillman, Mike Brown, Devin Hester, etc), so a 2nd, 3rd, and maybe a 4th rounder would potentially be great to get an exchange.


    Now on to Anderson. Let's say the Bears make the Hester trade and get a 2nd rounder and a 4th rounder. We now have a 1st, 2 2nds, 2 3rds, 2 4ths, a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th. That is way too many picks and it'll be way too much money to spend on a bunch of guys who you don't know what you'll get out of them. That is why to trade our 1st, and one of our 2 3rds, we'll still have a 2 2nds, a 3rd, 2 4ths, a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th. With those, we could take a stud OL like Gosder Cherilus from BC with our 1st 2nd rounder, and with our 2nd 2nd rounder, an above average WR like James Hardy from Indiana, or Early Doucet from LSU. With our 3rd, we could take Johnathan Hefney, S from Tennessee, b/c all of us that are Bears' fans know how bad that position is on the team with the young guys we have back there and the consistency of Mike Brown's ACL tearing. With our 1st 4th, take a RB, like Kevin Smith from UCF, or Steve Slaton from WVU. With our other 4th, take another WR, like Jerome Simpson from Coastal Carolina (yes, Coastal Carolina. According to Todd McShay, he's been the most impressive WR in workouts. He's only 6 foot, but he has the longest arms of any player there, and the 2nd biggest hands, and that's including DL or OL guys), or another OL.


    Just a thought...

  7. :o


    Huh? Please tell me you're joking, because if not...THAT IS JUST CRAZY TALK!


    What does getting a few more picks get us? It's a crap shoot in the draft. We already hit the Lottery with Hester! We would trade possibly the best return man in NFL HISTORY, for some "Maybe-Who-Knows"? And I don't believe we'd get that much for him. Minnesota (and the rest of the league) learned their lessen from the Hershell Walker deal.


    ...and what do we have left?


    We have the face of our franchise getting neck surgery, our best lineman getting leg surgery, adn...not much else!


    Hester is all we've got! He was the only thing that made this season bearable!

    Who do you expect to get for Hester then? Besides picks, that's all we could get.


    Listen, if teams start kicking to Rashied, or whoever we have back there on kicks with Hester, he's a non factor. If teams start punting it out of bounds every time, he's a non factor. Why not trade him now? His value will never be higher.

  8. Yes, I would actually do it. Whether you look at my username and sig and don't believe me that I want to make this work, I want this to happen. I've heard all the dopes say we could get like one team's pick for every round, which is obviously BS. But what could we actually get? I'm thinkin' a 2nd and a 3rd from a team.


    So we'd then have 1 1st, 2 2nds, 3 3rds, a 4th, a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th. Now, we can make that Derek Anderson trade and give up a 1st and a 3rd (no, we can't only give up 1 pick. if you want to try that, good luck getting him).


    With the Anderson trade, we now have a 2 2nds, 2 3rds, a 4th, a 5th, a 6th, and a 7th, which is still great!


    What do you guys think...

  9. Have you forgotten who their TE is? And yeah, their OLine is argueably the best. I personally feal that it is.

    Next time say "They have a stud TE and a stud WR", b/c when you say "They have 2 stud receivers", I automatically start thinking of all the WR's Cleveland has and at first I thought you meant Jurevicious, which is why I said "That's only 1 stud", b/c Jurevicious is clearly not a stud.

  10. Not a bad idea but overall I like your other idea better of Bringing back Rex, Berrian and signing J. Walker if he becomes available. FIX OL, Address RB Competition and Draft a QB of the future, S help etc.


    This way we would have less of a gamble while have the ability to add depth through Draft. The price of Anderson flopping would much greater than the cost of the resigning Rex, Berrian etc.

    Finally somebody likes me plan/idea :cheers :headbang :dabears


    I have another option: what about a trade of Anderson and a 3rd rounder to a team like Oakland who might budge on Dorsey at 4? They'd give us their 2nd and their 4th (assuming they only 1 have in each round, of course), and we'd give them Anderson and a 3rd rounder. This way, they could get Dorsey, a stuffer up the middle, and Anderson, a pass rushing machine. They'd be tempted by his sack #'s, but they may not know his run D isn't even above average.

  11. He might be a good option for us but if he's cut you have to wonder why. Injury worse than we know? Attitude or practice habits worse than we know? Or is it simply a salary cap move?

    My guess is a cap move and that he's getting up there in age. He'd be a threat, maybe even our #1, even if we keep Berrian, if Walker is healthy.

  12. I wouldnt want to bank on anything based on whats going on in practice for the Pro Bowl. Its like the And 1 mix tape guys, nobody is playing real hard, especially on defense. Also, with how many bigger needs we have it wouldnt be a good idea to lose the 14th overall pick in a strong draft for offensive tackles. Even if we got a new qb he isnt going to be able to do anything without a much improved offensive line, a better running back and improved wide receivers. Dont forget about the money he is command in the extension we would have to sign him to also.


    I wouldnt want to risk losing two good draft picks and tying up a lot of money in a QB who has only had one good season.

    Actually, the things these guys are doing right now in the Pro Bowl isn't just for s***s and giggles, they are out there trying to impress, especially a guy like Anderson who like somebody said may want out of Cleveland. Now, come game time Sunday, they won't be trying, but as of right now, they are.


    Look, he's a guy who would finally end our annual saying of "When will we get a real fricken' QB?" Flacco has been compared to this guy, so pick your poison for all the Flacco-lovers.


    Also, it's not a big deal to re-negotiate his contract if we trade for him. With this, we could let Rex walk, sign Ayanbedejo, 4 years, $12 million or so, let Briggs walk, give Berrian 5 years, $25-$30 million, and then re-negotiate Anderson after the year. And, with this trading, we wouldn't have to use a draft pick on a QB, like Flacco or Woodson. We could use our first pick (actually our 2nd rounder) on an OL, say Cherilus like I have, then a S, then a RB, either Smith from UCF or Charles from Texas, then a WR to compliment Berrian and Hester, then a DT which seems to have JA jerkin' it, then a G.


    It's just a thought. I don't want to be bashed by this...

  13. YES!! My prediction on another site where I got bashed for saying Walker would lead us in receiving yards this year may come true. If we resigned Berrian, got Walker, and drafted Jerome Simpson out of Coastal Carolina, along with Hester/Bradley and Moose, we'd have one helluva WR corps.

  14. just say no the Anderson. He would be god awful without 2 stud receivers and the best O-Line in football. If I had that line and those two guys to throw the ball to, I'd probably have a QB rating above 30...

    2 studs? Try 1 in Braylon Edwards. Best OL in football? That award goes to NE or MIN

  15. Chris Mortensen just reported on SC that he has been the most impressive QB at the Pro Bowl. He has a rocket arm, and great physical tools, like his 6'6 height. If we could get him for our 1st and 3rd which is obviously what Cleveland is looking for, I'd do it instantly.


    So, now with the trade for Anderson, here's my latest Bears mock draft

    1 (2nd round). Gosder Cherilus, OT, Boston College

    2. Johnathan Hefney, S, Tennessee

    3. Jerome Simpson, WR, Coastal Carolina

    4. Jamaal Charles, RB, Texas

    5. Andre Fleullen, DT, Florida State

    6. Chad Rinehart, OG, Northern Iowa


    Thoughts on picking up Anderson? Thoughts on my newest mock?

  16. i think he led the nation the last 2 years

    Whether he led the nation in tackles this year, last year, or both years, knowing now that he was the Big12 DPOY, then I'm all for his drafting, maybe even in an earlier round, say 4. He could be an above average LB for us when let's say, Briggs moves on and Urlacher gets older.

  17. Here's my newest one. It's only switched around a tad but here it goes:


    trade with Atlanta so they can take McFadden at 3-5 and then get either Brohm or Ryan at 14; we get one of their 2nds and their 3rd

    1. Gosder Cherilus, OT, Boston College

    2. James Hardy, WR, Indiana

    3. John David Booty, QB, USC / Andre Woodson, QB, Kentucky

    4. Kevin Smith, RB, Central Florida / Jamaal Charles, RB, Texas

    5. Jamar Adams, S, Michigan

    6. Adrian Fleullen, DT, Florida State

    7. Todd Blythe, WR, Iowa State

    8. Jamie Silva, S, Boston College

    9. Jehuu Culcrick, FB, Michigan State




    Berrian, Hardy, Hester, Blythe, Moose/Bradley would be a pretty damn good WR core

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