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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. Peppers had a decent year but not for the money he made. I believe he led all NFC 4-3 DE's in sacks, but think of it this way- he had 11 sacks but 27% of them (3) came against the Cardinals. Every good DE had a good game against Arizona.
  2. Stop with the Pompei references. You've already said that multiple times. He's quite possibly the biggest hack of any Bears' writer, and instead I'd be more interested to hear what Jensen, Biggs, or McClure have to say. He writes irrelevant articles, with this one quite possibly being the most disgusting of them all. He also said they should keep Kellen Davis recently because "they might not be able to find someone better." I guess he's right about that too, but I'd beg to differ, as my 58 year old mother should be able to at least catch.
  3. This may or may not be a valid excuse for Albert, but the Chiefs were very bad and very average in 2009 and 2011 respectively. In 2010, they were 10-6, but that was a very suspect 10-6 and that showed in the playoffs vs Baltimore. When you're losing all the time, you are forced to throw as a team. Even for the best T's in the NFL, it's nearly impossible to stop a stud DE/OLB when they know you're going to pass every single play, because after all, when you're down by 3 TD's, you can't run the ball.
  4. I'd look to extend Marshall as well.
  5. I agree that Brown will make the team, but let's not try to believe that Emery had a good first year beyond Marshall because he signed James Brown. Come on.
  6. Yeah, let's depend on THAT to get to the QB next season. Is the goal to win a lot of 41-40 games?
  7. And then who comes off the edge and hits the QB in 2013?
  8. Faneca was also older. He went to Arizona and ended up being terrible. Levitre is in his prime.
  9. James Brown? I'm supposed to give Emery props for signing a UDFA out of Troy? He was supposed to be a 4th round pick and fell and we all saw why. Rachal was f***ing awful and quit in the end. Scott played well, yes.
  10. There is no doubt Cutler has to be better. Who is a perfect quarterback? Brady has as many rings as Cutler since Cutler came in the NFL. Rodgers takes a bunch of sacks and has just "as poor" of an attitude as Cutler has. Manning has 1 ring. Eli is inconsistent. Brees also has 1 ring and has the benefit of playing with great WR's, a great TE, and a damn good OL. All I'm saying is that investing that much in Cutler is idiotic if you're not going to invest much in his surroundings. They could've had Shanahan but kept Lovie. They could've traded for Marshall earlier. They could've signed some o-line men that aren't named Chilo Rachal and Chris Spencer. Once again, I realize Cutler has to be better, but so could the front office. They fired Angelo because he "couldn't find talent offensively," despite drafting Forte, Bennett, Louis, and trading for Cutler. In his first year, Emery did nothing besides trading for Marshall, but he didn't draft any OL or sign any either. If this was still Angelo, everyone would be giving him hell.
  11. Call me crazy, but making him feel as comfortable as possible would've been doing something to not let him get smoked once every 11 dropbacks. I know he felt comfortable a bit with Bates but I think he would've gladly taken an OL over Jeremy Bates As for Martz, he never wanted him. Martz was the Bears last OC choice and he had to have dinner with Cutler to smooth over differences. After that he respected him, but like you said, by 2011 he had had enough. Ask any QB if they'd rather have a friend as a coach and another as a WR or an OL to keep them healthy and safe. Any would take the latter, I'd bet.
  12. They could tag him and deal him, no? Richardson, according to some, is a can't miss prospect. I've seen a mock draft with him going #1.
  13. Robert Ayers sucks. I don't know why anyone would wish he was on their team. Mike Wallace is overrated too. So they give him a hasbeen OC Martz, a guy who was doing nothing in 2011 (Bates), 1 WR and 0 good OL since he's got here and that's "anything he's ever asked for?" He liked Bates, but didn't ask for him. He never got along with Martz.
  14. I don't see a mock draft. I just see an article explaining how the pick might be Sheldon Richardson.
  15. It does mean more for teams like Chicago though that have 8-12m to spend. If you have 8 and need a WR and G depth but now have 11 thanks to the new cap, you could now sign Wallace/Jennings/Welker and a solid G, where before you might get that G but a middle of the road WR. Obviously if you're a team like the Bengals who have 50+ to spend, an extra 3 isn't a huge difference.
  16. No. I didn't even see that listed. I meant the first name
  17. That's what it says... Did you read the "week 12-17" stat for Bushrod? King Dunlap is not a top 6 NFL FA T
  18. Found a cool little write up on a site regarding the Bears' best 6 options at T in FA, although maybe now it's the top 5 with Beatty being retained. It's the top article http://www.chicagobearsweblog.com/blog/index.php (no, it's not me despite the same name)
  19. Fluker's 10 yard split was 0.02 slower than Joeckel's and his 40 was 0.01 faster than Joeckel's.
  20. Up to 123 from 120.6, per Ian Rapoport Now Mort says 123.9
  21. His times at the combine that measure quickness and food speed were eerily similar to Luke Joeckel's. Fluker is a RT.
  22. It looks like Urlacher will be back.
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