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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. No one has interviewed him.
  2. I didn't hear PFF. I heard Stats Inc. Regardless, no way Clady leaves.
  3. Don't we have a thread for this?
  4. They are going to beat Green Bay?
  5. Exactly. He is one of the 6 I mentioned- Bushrod, Long, Clady, Beatty, Albert, and Vollmer. If they don't sign one of those, I'd be highly disappointed. Consider that guys like Lewan, Fisher, Fluker, Aboushi, etc will be in the draft, they need 1/6 UFA's and 1 OT in the draft.
  6. Reid is going to Arizona. No doubt.
  7. Forget Eifert. Sign Dustin Keller or Jared Cook.
  8. Emery mentioned the qualities he's looking for in a coach: -Energetic -Good with the media -24/7 committment -Can be a quirky personality -Exudes excellence -Money is no option Who does this sound like? Jon Gruden
  9. Christian Ponder went to Florida State.
  10. Did Dungy leave his Rich Gannon in Oakland when he won an MVP with Gruden? And if Dungy left that great team for him, why didn't Dungy win it with that great team?
  11. Nobody knows. I think his point is that Fisch would be a good fit for their 2 best offensive players.
  12. RT @PSchrags: One logical name I've heard for Chicago OC job--Jedd Fisch. Both Cutler and Marshall were very fond of him while in Denver. Good fit in Chi.
  13. Silvy from ESPN 1000, who is decently well connected with the Bears, reported today that Phil Emery loves Will Muschamp, current Florida HC and former Texas DC, and that he'd be shocked if he wasn't interviewed for the HC job.
  14. No, you put Wright on your list of bad picks, so don't try to say you weren't referring to him. Hardin was drafted to play DB. I think he's probably a bigger CB in the NFL. Give him a break; he hurt his neck. How is that anyone's fault? Why would you draft LB's if you have great ones?
  15. So...Jon Gruden? No Gruden? Gruden loves Cutler and Marshall. He won a ring with Brad Johnson and got Rich Gannon and MVP. He wore out his welcome in Tampa as most coaches eventually do. I'd love him as the next Bears' coach, but I doubt it happens.
  16. I was the opposite. I want the Bears' to draft Leonard Pope with that pick, the big TE out of Georgia. Obviously, I was pissed about Hester. He didn't have a true position. Like you, however, he was one of the most electrifying players to ever play in the NFL. He'll probably never make the Hall of Fame, but he was simply amazing in 2006 and 2007. Now, though, he is horrible. He's not fast, he can't catch, makes stupid plays, doesn't seem to know the plays, and continuously runs backwards on kicks and punts. His game yesterday on KR might have been one of the worst I've ever seen from any player. The Bears made him a rich man. He made a lot of money from them and endorsements. If he retires, all the power to him, but if not, I really hope he's not a Bear in 2013.
  17. Ah, one fan telling another how to be a fan. It happened all day yesterday on twitter over the Bears and Packers, who should Bears' fans want to win either game, and so on. Just stop. Let those happy over Lovie's firing be happy and have whatever mindset you'd like. I'm hoping Emery finds a great offensive head coach, whether it's McCoy (I'm not a fan), Koetter, Gruden, Reid, or Arians. He had a decent FA period last year and a bad draft, so hopefully firing Lovie will be a move we can all look back on in 4 years and say "awesome move, Phil." It's good to finally see a McCaskey who gives a damn, also.
  18. Ed Hochuli 3:16

    Thank god

    If you actually do research, then explain your post of the Bears not beating any teams this year when they had a winning record.
  19. Ed Hochuli 3:16

    Thank god

    Hester is considering retirement. LOL. Please, just do it then, Devin.
  20. To me, McCoy isn't a great hire. He has Peyton Manning. He is their OC.
  21. Huh? The news is official. An NFL Network guy, a Sun Times guy, and another ST guy all reported it.
  22. Lovie is gone, per Rapoport, McClure and Jensen. Admins, I guess you can now change the title of this to "Lovie has been fired."
  23. Remember when Emery was hired and all the meatheads said he was just a yes-man for the organization?
  24. I wouldn't say that. If they sign an OG, they still have Webb, Scott and Carimi. Sign a LT and don't depend on the 20th overall pick to be the savior next year.
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