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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. Trust me, I'm 100% with the fact that Lovie should've taken the 3, but what do you mean, "so what?" So what? Then "so what" Bush got stopped. Typically, when a ball is right in the WR's hands, he catches it. He's just as much at fault as Lovie is. If catches that, nobody gives a damn about a 4th and inches play in the 1st half. And FWIW, Marshall has been targeted about 90 more times than Bennett. There's a reason he has a few drops.
  2. Knox is a UFA after the year, unless the Bears want to exercise a new provision in the CBA where they can bring back a guy on his rookie deal who spent the last year on that contract on the PUP list. I believe it's just over $1M if they choose to do so.
  3. If the Bears can't beat the sorry Cardinals, bad Vikings, and/or the goofball-led Lions, Lovie then deserves to be canned.
  4. So he didn't make the first down. A great D made a great play, and it didn't help that the Bears' OL sucks. Had Lovie taken the easy 3 points, that game still likely goes to OT, as Tate's TD would've tied it at 17 and the Bears probably take a knee with 21 seconds left at their own 14. But here's my issue and I'd like to know why it hasn't been talked about more: Earl Bennett dropped an EASY, and I mean EASY, touchdown pass. He had Browner (IIRC) beaten by 5 yards and the ball hit him right in his hands. It couldn't have been a better throw. If he catches that and Bush gets stuffed, it's 14-0 and the game is most likely over.
  5. Ed Hochuli 3:16


    That's what I said. I said with "his current OL," implying if Rodgers' line was as bad they are at the moment with only 1 playmaking WR, would he be as dynamic of a QB? There is no doubting that Rodgers is a better player than Cutler, but Rodgers' #2, #3, and #4 WR's are all better than Cutler's. Cobb, Jennings, and Nelson would be most team's #1. I'd give up a 1st for Cobb. Jennings will get $8M+/year this offseason. Nelson had like 15 TD's last year. His TE, despite being a head case, is still light years ahead of Davis, Rodriguez, Spaeth, and Adams combined. Jeffery has been hurt most of the year. If you had guys like Bennett and Hester who dropped pass after pass, would you throw them the ball? He finally threw the ball to Bennett on Sunday. One went for a 12 yard TD and the other was a dropped 60+ yard TD. Why would he throw it to a guy like that? Yeah, he hasn't been great in the first 3 quarters, but since his concussion, he's only thrown 8 incompletions in the first 2 quarters of both games combined. First, everyone said he checks out of games. Now, he's playing well in the last quarter after struggling some in the first 3 quarters, and now it's not good enough. I think Cutler is worth it. Whatever he gets, I won't say it's too much. He will probably get around $13M/year, and that sounds about right for the best QB in franchise history, who gets better as the year goes on, who gets better as the game goes on. Had he not been hurt in 2010, they might have won a ring with the way Pittsburgh's D showed up in the Super Bowl. Had he not suffered a broken thumb because of an inept WR last year, they would've been rolling into the playoffs. There is money to be spent elsewhere, like keeping Melton, Paea, Jennings, and Louis. They also need money to get an OT or two, a G or two, maybe a C. They need a LB or two. Letting Cutler walk because he might want more than he might be worth is an idiotic idea, especially when an argument could be made that he's the most important player on the team.
  6. Ed Hochuli 3:16


    Look at the team when he plays and when he doesn't. Was this "your reaction" during the 49ers game? Yeah, an 86.3 QB rating with 1 good WR and 1 capable OL in almost 4 full years. How good would Rodgers be with his current OL + only James Jones? Yeah, exactly. Don't forget his QB rating in the 4th quarter this year.
  7. Let Hester walk after the year and draft a fast WR in round 5 or 6. Marshall Jeffery Bennett DRAFT PICK Weems Sanzenbacher Sign Jared Cook for a TE and Jake Long as a LT. Webb and Carimi battle for the RT job. Draft a OG with the 2nd or 4th round picks. Cutler then has his big, athletic TE + a quick WR to take some pressure off of the top 3 guys. Cutler, Cook, Marshall, Jeffery, Bennett, Long, and Forte can be great.
  8. I'm sure this is what Giants fans said going into the playoffs both times they won the Super Bowl. I'm not saying this will be the case, but everyones' tunes will change if the Bears win out. I'm not sure what you've been talking about. First, you say they don't finish anyone off, to which I say they've only lost twice since 2010 when leading after 45 minutes, to which you say "they didn't finish this one off." You said "anyone," not "week 13 of the 2012 season." Now, you say "they can't shut anyone down with this D," when they're in the top 5 in ppg allowed this year and have given up an average QB rating of 70. And now, you're claiming GB thinks the Bears' D is a joke, when they only gave up 16 offensive points 11 weeks ago to Green Bay.
  9. Lack of offensive production? On the year, yes, but today, they scored more points than Seattle gives up on average. If Bennett catches the ball and Lovie kicks a FG, the game is a blowout. Besides Seattle, who did they not "finish off" this year? They were 21-1 since 2010 before today when leading at the end of the 3rd.
  10. Yeah, the Seahawks' run D is giving up 4.8 ypc, IIRC. Bush and Forte have to play well.
  11. Ed Hochuli 3:16


    If he's not back for 12/9 vs Minnesota, he'll play 12/16 vs GB.
  12. There was also this one: http://www.awfulannouncing.com/2012-articl...-narrative.html and this one: http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl--jay-cutl...-020935212.html
  13. Louis will miss the first 6 games of 2013 as well. It's a shame. He was playing really good football. They drafted him late and ended up being a diamond in the rough. I do expect the Bears to keep him in the offseason, but he was in line to get a 3-4 year extension after the year.
  14. Huh? Allen had 3.5 sacks the last time the teams played before Sunday.
  15. Schefter reporting Harvin won't even travel with the team to Chicago. Bears 23-13.
  16. With the news, Chicago calls him "soft" for even having to take the tests. Pissed off, they head toward his home with torches and pitchforks screaming "KY-LE OR-TON" But really, per La Canfora, Cutler has passed the protocols and will play tomorrow.
  17. The play calling hasn't been good, but it's hardly been "inept." The Bears were sacked three times on 3 step drops vs SF. That's unheard of and even Tice said that being sacked on a 3 step drop shouldn't happen one time all year. On Monday, it happened 3 times in one game. Subpar year? He's had 1 bad game. Considering he's been behind this OL, I'd hardly call the year subpar.
  18. Jake Long has been horrendous this year. Not Carimi-horrendous or Webb-horrendous, but if you use Long's body of work, he's been nothing even close to himself after a back injury. He's not the guy I'd throw major money at. No way Clady leaves Denver. How could Elway sell that to Manning? "Hey Peyton, we just let our best OT leave..." Albert would be fine by me. He can play RT or LT.
  19. Google is a website to find sources. Where did you find those at? Bleacher Report?
  20. Yeah, and if Garza goes down, Spencer goes to C and Williams to OG. Now, they have no one as a backup guard OR center except James Brown.
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