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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. This is actually quite embarrassing by Rachal, because he'll probably never play again, but I will say this isn't exactly good news. If Spencer or Louis go down, their back-up is a guy just signed off the PS.
  2. You think QB needs to be addressed?
  3. This is impossible. If you use all of your supplemental picks, you have no more draft picks.
  4. Did you just ask who Joe Thomas is?
  5. It's really hard to use this site on a smart phone. Hey admins, have you ever thought about making a TalkBears app?
  6. He lacks concentration. He's slow on run blocks. He gets pushed over pass blocking. It's hard to say after only 13 NFL games, but s***, he does look really bad.
  7. The Bears 1st round pick in 2012 has a concussion. Their 2nd round pick has had a broken hand and is now out with a knee injury. Their 3rd round pick has a severe neck problem. Their 4th rounder has been hurt once this year and now he's a TE playing FB. Their 6th and 7th round picks are no longer with their team. If this was Angelo, people would be irate. Just saying
  8. You probably felt the same last year after the 1-2 start and in 2010 after 2 straight home losses to move them to 4-3. Adios.
  9. It's amazing how some people want a QB in the draft. LOL. A quarterback? The fact that Cutler has the team at 7-3 should get him an extension yesterday. This OL is the reason he has this concussion anyway. They were the reason he got his in 2010 as well. What in the f*** would Colin Klein do with this OL?
  10. Looks like Forte and Marshall got into a dust-up on the sideline. If that was Cutler in that minor whatever-you-call-it, everyone would be calling him a whiny douche.
  11. I wonder if people still think the OL should be ignored...
  12. This just has to be a joke. Right?
  13. "The TE Dilemma- who should play?" How's "anyone's who has name that starts with K and ends with N shouldn't play" for an answer?
  14. They can read this. I couldn't care less. I'm sure there is more than 1 person in the organization who has a friend named Brian. What will they do, go through every employee's phone for "BRIAN" in their contacts? There was never a need to get all frustrated and throwing swear words around. All I said was don't be surprised if he misses the 49ers and Vikings game. Nothing more, nothing less. And for the record, my source is a guy within the organization who has a pretty good job. Is he the GM, assistant to the GM, or assistant to the assistant? No. But is he on the custodial/landscaping staff at Halas Hall? No. For the last time, he's been right and wrong before. When everyone counted Peppers out for that Minnesota game last year when he was doubtful all week, I came on here and said he would play. When everyone said the Bears would land Vincent Jackson, my source agreed and I came on here and said the same. So, I've been right and wrong. Those are just two examples. In the future, I won't tell you all the news I hear.
  15. The Bears have to do a better job of getting the other WR's the ball, whether it's Cutler or Tice. Marshall has been terrific for this team. It's time for other WR's to be terrific for the team as well. You can't put that on Marshall's shoulders. What's he going to do, catch it and run and hook-and-ladder to get the ball to someone else?
  16. Leaving the game Sunday, I was thinking the same. Why would Cutler come back to the Bears after 2013 if they continue to do nothing for him in terms of protection? They've drafted 1 guy and signed 2 guys since he's arrived. The drafted guy has been awful this year (Carimi) and the two signed guys were either let go by their former team because they stunk and/or because they were injury prone. Rachal applies to the 1st one and Spencer applies to both. In fact, they've only signed 1 good offensive player in his time here as well and that was Brandon Marshall. You hit it on the head, pardon the pun, when you said that he's had 6 concussions. If they continue to barely add to the OL, he's bound to get 2-3 more behind this OL in the next 4-5 years. I know that $70M or whatever more in the back account sounds great, but he has a child now. Being able to play with his kid in 15 years is far more important than football.
  17. The funny part is...the 49.5 was the LOS. Cutler's heel is still on that line. The fact that they missed it and then missed it again when Lovie challenged is f***ing absurd.
  18. We've gone through this before. I'm not revealing who my source is within the organization. If you want to believe me, fine. If not, fine. Weren't you the one who DM'd me about who my source is? I told you the same thing.
  19. When did I say that? I said he probably won't play against the 49ers and he might not against the Vikings either. I never used words like "definitely won't play" or "ruled out." It's what I've heard. Sometimes my source has been right and sometimes he's been wrong.
  20. In an attempt to quickly forget the Texans game... Go to 8-2.
  21. I've heard there is virtually no chance Cutler plays on Monday. As a matter of fact, don't be surprised if he doesn't play against Minnesota either. Like B4E34 said, this is a run run run run pass run run run run run run run pass type of game. Unless the Bears get a D/ST touchdown, I don't see a way they win this game. If it was in Chicago, yeah maybe, but when you travel across the country to play the 2nd best D in football, blah.
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