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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. Don't forget about Bennett, who catches everything on 3rd down.
  2. What he said. Also, Coples, Kuechly and Ingram were all gone at the Bears' pick.
  3. I hope he's ready to go for about 9-10 practices before the Colts game and then for week 1. I'd hate for him to only practice a time or two and then play, reinjure it even more, and miss the next 3 games, which are all against the NFC.
  4. So the Bears lead off the year with 19, 34, 37, 40, and 41 points in 5 of their first 7 games, and I'm supposedly to believe that the team carried Grossman to those point totals? And BTW, the defense in 2005 was 2nd overall in ypg allowed. The defense in 2006 was 5th. Also, in 2006 the defense allowed 16 ppg while in 2005 it was under 13. Agree. Vinatieri missed a FG and Hester led the game off with a KR TD. When he's missing and Hester is doing his thing, it was destiny. I guess not. I think you misread my post. I was agreeing with you by saying that Hester won some games as did Grossman. The defense was GREAT that year but sometimes people forget that the offense was good and Hester was amazing.
  5. Exactly. So without Hester, they score 31 on the Giants, 19 on the Packers, 28 on the Rams. IIRC, there were no defensive TD's in those games, so I guess they magically scored those points. Wait, no. I'm wrong. Grossman went 5-0 in his first 5 games with 10 TD's and only 3 INT's. And then against Tampa and St Louis, when the defense gave up 31 and 27 points respectively, Grossman had 4 TD's and 0 INT's in the 2 games combined. Or how about when the defense gave up 20 against the Giants and 21 vs Detroit, and Grossman had 4 TD's and 1 INT combined in those two? But wait, he had a bad game against the Cards, so what did he do the next week? Put up 40 on San Francisco with 3 TD's. By my count, that's 10 wins thanks to him. Interesting how Bears' fans forget such a thing and want to believe Kyle Orton was good when he couldn't throw a ball further than my own mother. Again, Grossman had bad games like every QB does. He sucked in Arizona, he sucked vs Green Bay at home, he sucked vs Minnesota at home and was just average in Minnesota, and yes he was awful vs Miami. Oh that's why? So Lovie just took Orton out because he was SO productive just for shits and giggles and to say if the team would still be as good? Because Grossman went 2-1 to end the season, and scored 21 points in the playoff loss. Yeah, his fault. With Orton, the Bears score 30 and beat Carolina and win the Super Bowl.
  6. I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think Hayes/Roach/Briggs is nearly as good as Roach/Urlacher/Briggs. Keep in mind that the DL isn't too strong and that the secondary has issues, the Bears need all of their good defensive players in 2012.
  7. It might be too early to say so, but I might just have been wrong about this guy. He's come into camp in good shape, he's shut his mouth, and he's caught everything thrown his way. Good start, AJ.
  8. Did I say Benson was the reason? No. My point is that if he was such a cancer and such a bad person, why didn't he drag the team down? He wasn't a "cancer." He was a second year player who thought he was better than he was. As for the "defense dragging them there," is Grossman EVER going to get his credit for that year. Yeah, he had bad games. Yeah, he wasn't elite. He was a middle-of-the-road QB who had good games and bad games. Let's not act like Kyle Orton was any better (same defense in 2005.. why didn't he get to the Super Bowl?) and let's not act like the Bears won every game in 2006 10-7 like they seemingly did in 2005. In '06, they scored: 34 vs DET, 37 vs SEA, 40 vs BUF, 41 vs SF, 38 vs NYG, 34 vs TB, 28 vs STL (if you take away 2 Hester returns), 26 vs DET. Yes, he did need the defense vs ARZ, GB, NYJ, MIN x2. Yes, he was terrible vs MIA. Again, I'm not saying the D sucked nor am I saying that Grossman was the reason for them getting there. But when the defense wasn't great, Grossman was good most of the time. To say "the only reason they got to the Super Bowl was because of Thomas Jones and the defense" is insane.
  9. Conte was named All-Rookie by SportingNews last year. Take it for what it's worth, but it was his first year as a FS and it was in the NFL and it was in a division with Stafford and Rodgers. Ease up. Did you expect him to be Ronnie Lott in year 1? I never said "the season is done." I said if he's out for the season with another surgery, yes the Bears' season is done. They tried to play 2009 without him and how did that go?
  10. Moron? I'm sure most professional football players are stupid. Cancer? Didn't the Bears get to a Super Bowl with him on the team?
  11. They had their shot in 2009 in Cincinnati and Benson had 190 yards and a TD. Since 2009, he's had 1000+ yards and 6+ TD's each year. That's not really bad. I'm shocked it took him this long to find a team.
  12. Just like how it was in 2009? Oh, wait. The only place I heard that "rumor" is this site, and if you consider 670 a source, bless your soul. The Bears just loaded up their team for one or two more years of a chance at a ring. If Emery, Lovie, and company are really telling Urlacher "you gave us tons of years and right now we don't want to pay you a bunch so if you don't want to come, don't come," that is f***ing absurd. It's also absurd on Urlacher's part if that's the case. In fact, if I was Briggs, Tillman, Cutler, Forte, Peppers, Marshall, etc., I'd be pissed at them too. He's under contract. Show up to camp. If not, he should've demanded a trade in April.
  13. Desmond Bishop went down holding his knee and couldn't put any weight on it. McCarthy said postgame that they'll be "lucky" if it's nothing serious. (Bishop led the Pack in tackles last year)
  14. They've been horrible so far. - In the ATL/BAL game, the refs called Atlanta "Arizona" at least 4 times. - In the Bears game, I counted 4 missed holding calls FOR EACH TEAM. - In the GB/SD game, Nick Perry had a sack and got a 15 yard penalty for NOTHING afterwards. - In the BUF/WSH game, they called a punt that was downed at the 4 a touchback.
  15. I'm not worried at all. Maybe they didn't look THAT inept on offense, but the last 2 Super Bowl winners lost their first preseason games too. McClellin was solid and what I like most is that he never gives up on a play. I know it wasn't against Clady and I know it was against Hanie, but his closing speed on that sack was impressive. There is no doubt in my mind that he'll have at least 7 sacks this year. He's doing fast not to, in my opinion. Ozougwu and Collins were pretty impressive, but again, it wasn't against Beadles, Ramirez, Clady, etc. I can see Ozougwu making this team and Chauncey Davis being the odd man out, as I've never really understood Marinelli's and Lovie's fascination with him. Collins has a shot at the 53 man roster, but I keep thinking that the organization won't give up on Toeaina, although I've always thought that he stinks. Against Washington, we'll see Peppers for some of the game and Cutler/Marshall/Forte for a quarter or so. That'll be fun. There was no doubt that they were going to keep the gameplan vanilla especially with the weather and the fact that it was the first game, hence why I said yesterday I was going to watch McClellin, because to say I was going to watch for deep slants and posts would've been ridiculous.
  16. Yeah, I think the full quote was something like "he kept saying I was detrimental to the team, so I got frustrated and went out there was detrimental to the team."
  17. I'm looking at McClellin. He has to have 7+ sacks this year for this D to be successful. I hope he plays most of the game to get him up to speed on the NFL level. To go against Clady for a series or two would be good.
  18. They're paying Rice almost $10m/season, so yes, he does have Rice to compete with. Someone who's making 8 digits will always get the benefit of the doubt over a guy making the veteran minimum.
  19. If Urlacher is out for the year, this team is done. Period. Roach has never stood out enough. The front 4 isn't good enough right now. The secondary is seemingly always in question. Ugh, this news sucks.
  20. I love some of the quotes. They genuinely seem excited to play with each other again. Hell, even Shanahan seems jealous. I bet he'd love Marshall with Garcon for RG3. I also loved how Tice said that this is Cutler's team and he can't be a "crash test dummy" again. Not that it matters anymore, but the behind-the-scenes stories on McDaniels makes him look like an even bigger ass than everyone already made him out to be, which I thought wasn't even possible.
  21. 1. Decent? They were on a 5 game win streak and were great offensively. I'd say that's a bit better than decent. 2. Arizona ended up 8-8 but they finished with 7 wins in their last 9 games. 3. True. 4. Agree. Arizona isn't a place where NFL FA's exactly flock to.
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