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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. How much per team? I wasn't in last year, but I might want to do one this year if there's room and depending on the price.
  2. per Peggy Kusinski from NBC More to come
  3. For a late round pick. 6'1, 301. DT from Tampa Bay. I remember he was taken 35th overall a few drafts ago out of UCLA. Supposedly, he's a headcase. He punched a teammate last year. He's been in the NFL for 2 years, and had 0 sacks his first year and 3 last year.
  4. If Knox had been healthy, they still would've dealt for Marshall and drafted a WR in the first 3 rounds.
  5. Truthfully, I have no idea why Williams is getting no shot at the starting OG spot. Last year until he got injured, I thought he had a few good games and was just starting to adapt at that spot. Now, all of a sudden it's starting LT or bust, and at one OG spot, they're going to just hand Chris Spencer the job, where last year I thought he was the 2nd worst OL, behind Webb. It's kind of confusing. I'd prefer Webb-Williams-Garza-Louis-Carimi. If Williams is truly the best LT, then Williams-Spencer-Garza-Louis-Carimi, but unfortunately, I don't think Williams will have a fair shot at winning the LT spot.
  6. This isn't surprising. While it may seem like it, the offseason trade for Marshall and drafting of Jeffery, and even signing Weems and Thomas, weren't because of Knox's injury. Either way, Emery knew the Bears needed a major upgrade at WR. I'm not so sure Knox was going to be a Chicago Bear in 2012 anyway, whether it was a release or trade. His speed was always a plus, but his route running was poor and his hands were inconsistent. I wish him the best, but after he doesn't play this year, I don't expect him to ever wear navy and orange again, unless it's in Denver.
  7. And all of those other players aren't any good.
  8. Don't forget Melton, Moore, and Davis if he has a decent year.
  9. I can't say I disagree with anything. At least PFT recognized how great Cutler was last year until he hurt his thumb. Way to go, Knox. Anyhow, I will say I don't believe Webb is "penciled" in at LT. It's going to be a fair competition, and if the best man wins and it's Webb, I hope he has a (much, much) better year than last year.
  10. Ok, the point of my posts wasn't to poke fun at jason or anything. Jason might just be the most knowledgable poster on this board. The point was that every team might be good this year. However, by week 3, half of those teams don't have those "ifs" come true, and are 1-2 and 0-3 to start tne year. The Packers' fans DO have a right to say potential weaknesses in this Bears' team, just as Ravens' fans can do the same for the Steelers or the Patriots' fans can do the same with the Jets. That Packers fan is right. There are question marks. Bringing a post like this to a Bears board is asking for trouble. Packers' fans, from my experiences, hate the Vikings more than the Bears. They also couldn't care less about the Bears because the Bears haven't necessarily been a huge threat to them over the past decade.
  11. And FWIW, anyone can make a list of things like this for every team. The Packers will be good this year IF: 1. Woodson continues to play well. He's getting old. 2. Rodgers doesn't get hurt. His OL still isn't all that great, and he has a small history of concussions. 3. Their secondary isn't the worst in football like it was a year ago. 4. Matthews actually knocks a QB down in 2012, something he failed to do in 2011. 5. They have something that resembles a running game. See? Every team has "if's" going into 2012.
  12. Hopefully they never need him because that would mean Weems, Hester and Bennett got hurt, but Booker has something like 37 KR's in his career for 830+ yards. That's not terrible.
  13. Watch... in 2 years, he'll still be as productive, and we'll get the Briggs-esque BS again. "I know I signed a deal, but look, I'm still good. I want more!"
  14. I don't know where you got $8.8m as everyone else is reporting $8, but this is a good deal. I'm surprised Emery got him for 4 years. I figured Forte wanted the 5th year pretty badly.
  15. Bears and Forte "extremely close." minutes ago from PFT
  16. Brees just got $100m over 5 years from New Orleans. He'll get $40m this year. Wow. I hope something happens with Forte, because the last thing the team needs is drama going into the season. The offseason has been a great one and a breath of fresh air. They don't need this greedy bastard talking about his money all year long. However, if they don't get a deal done and he's not a distraction, I can't say I'd be upset. In 3-4 years, he's not going to be all that good anymore yet he'll be making a lot of money, and everyone will be pissed at Emery. My vote is to FT him this year and next, and after that, see you later.
  17. seems to me that everyone disagrees with Wesson and everyone should just agree to disagree.
  18. I was not talking to you. I was talking to the person who said they hope he gets 4 games after his ACL return. Read.
  19. Peterson will get fined by the league. There is a 0% chance he gets a 4 game suspension. Maybe that was you just saying that is what you hope, but there is no way.
  20. Cutler has always torn the Vikings apart. The Bears could've drafted me and I would've been #1.
  21. 1. Hiring Emery after canning Angelo ---The latter led to the former, and it opened things up for #2. 2. Trading for Marshall ---They got their franchise player his favorite player. 3. Firing Martz ---They got rid of their franchise player's least favorite person in the organization. Honorable mention: Signing Michael Bush ---This might be even bigger if Forte comes to camp late and starts the season slowly, or if he doesn't come at all.
  22. He has more Super Bowls than his brother, Rodgers, Rivers, Vick, Cutler, Newton, etc. I don't think he is.
  23. Today on ESPN, Jaws continued his QB countdown. He had Cutler as the 8th best QB, in front of Vick, Stafford, Ryan, Flacco, Newton and Romo, and behind Rodgers, Rivers, Manning, E.Manning, Brady, Roethlisberger, and Brees.
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