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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. Why would Forte even want to sign here? The Bears have one guy around him who can play (Cutler) and he never touches the ball anyway. Please, don't say "money" because he can get that on 31 other teams. Why would us fans even want him to stick? The Bears continue to show that their offense for the last however-many years is horsesh**. Want to know why? Their playcalling is so damn predictable and they don't use their weapons to their advantage. If they're only going to give Forte 35 carries every 3 games, they might as well use the money elsewhere. Of course I'm being sarcastic, but really, why would he want to stick with this organization? Or, why should the Bears use $7-8m per on a guy who won't be much of a factor AT HIS NATURAL POSITION? And for the record, for every Michael Haynes, there's a Lance Briggs. The Bears seemingly draft like s***, but all you have to do is go back and look at past Patriots and Steelers draft and realize that they miss on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rounders as well.
  2. Forte couldn't run yesterday EXCEPT when they ran him on some counters, and by some, I mean one. All of Forte's runs yesterday went up the middle except one. On that one, he gained 5 yards. What gives to not do that more? What gets me more is when the Bears had 1st and goal at the 7. There was about a minute left. Why not run the ball and let the clock run a bit? We all know he wasn't going to score, but 3 straight passes with these inept wideouts plus the possible ineptitude of the OL is inexcusable. Had the Packers scored after the FG the Bears ended up making, I would've left the game right then and there. NEVER give an offense like the Packers' 50 seconds with 1 timeout especially with the way they were moving the ball.
  3. The Bears will end the year like they usually do- anywhere from 23-26 overall. Same shit, different year.
  4. That was a bad throw by Cutler, but it was nice of Williams to make an effort to come back and try to battle for it.
  5. They have to win the next 4 or it's "complete" failure? They should be able to go 3-1. 3-1 to me is complete success. If Detroit is 4-0 heading into their first MNF game in years, winning that game for the Bears will be extremely tough. Tough crowd here.
  6. Yeah. That former head officiating guy FOX has said it was a penalty. He also said from the live view the call was obvious but no replays showed it all the way through. Oh well. Had the Bears played better all game, they wouldn't have depended on a trick punt return.
  7. Or the game a few years in Philly when Griese led the Bears back on that incredible drive at the end? Or when they destroyed NYG and SEA in 2006 at night? Or in 2005 on Christmas when the Bears beat GB in Green Bay for the division title? Or the Arizona game in 2006?
  8. Same with fakeforte. That's the point. Have you ever heard Hester talk? If so, can you understand him? If Hester talked in good English, I'm betting the tweets would be in good English. Follow?
  9. For those on twitter: what do you think of the Bears fake, parody accounts? fakeforte CoachLovieSmith UnJuliusPeppers FakeDevinHester FakeLanceBriggs JerryAngelo_Not NotJayCutler If you don't know them, I recommend following them. Hester and Forte are interactive and funny, Cutler Lovie & Angelo are all funny, and Peppers and Briggs are OK.
  10. There's no defending this. That's an idiotic statement. Sure they added an OT, but he's a rookie. Sure they added a G/C who's in his prime, but he's injury prone.
  11. Not only the more emotion, but he's more interactive. He seems more loose when he's doing press conferences, he agreed to do an E:60 piece (airs October 11), and he tweets a lot more, including the retweeting of this FOX article. No wonder he can't stand being outgoing with the media: because they all can't stand him behind his back.
  12. I know it's early, but I'm sick of talking about week 2. Time to try my luck with the gamethreads again (last year, whether my prediction was a Bears W or L, the Bears seemed to play well). Cutler 20-30, 243 yards, 1 TD, 2 INT Forte 21 carries, 89 yards Hester 5 catches, 87 yards, 1 TD Packers 24-16
  13. He may be only under contract this year. If they can't fire him, let him walk. Same difference.
  14. Frank Omiyale doesn't play OG, and the guards haven't been the problem this year. I vote pass.
  15. On CTL, I for once agreed with Dave Kaplan. He said that when Manning yells at a coach, nationally analysts say "look at Manning! He's putting his 2 cents in for what he thinks should be run on offense" and when Cutler does it, it's bad body language. Dumb.
  16. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2011/...aper-headlines/ Stay classy, FOX. Biased a**holes.
  17. They're back. The Bears will wear them Sunday and November 13 vs Detroit.
  18. Delete this post of mine, mods. Didn't mean to post in here.
  19. NFC teams, not NFL, but yes, still impressive.
  20. Brad Biggs is reported 2-3 weeks, BTW.
  21. Fired? No. Unfortunately, it takes a beatdown one time every year where he really fixes his style. Last year it was the Giants game. Hopefully, he learns his lesson and evens out the run/pass ratio next week and on. If he continues to have these brainfarts, then yes, fire his a** in January.
  22. Yes we will. His name: Nathan Enderle.
  23. I don't think he'll be out for the year. I heard this stat pregame, and Martz HAS to know this...right? If he does, why not find a way to run 25+ times? I heard 5 years/$32m. He took 5 years/$29m from Pittsburgh. I highly doubt the FO is going to pay John Gruden $8m/season to be the OC...
  24. If you read my "postgame thoughts" thread from yesterday, you will see we agree 100% with each other. You just happened to go much more into depth about it. It's not really soooo true that he would've blown the picks. He's made bad picks but he's made good ones too- just like every GM. He drafted Okwo, Bazuin, Haynes, etc, but he's also drafted Hester, Tillman, Briggs, Melton, etc. Agree with the second part. Orton would've been in a wheel chair by week 8 of last year.
  25. 1. If I was Jay Cutler, I would either demand that in the offseason they make a valiant effort to improve the OL or I would demand a trade. He's a human being; how much more of a beating can he take? Meanwhile, they invest $20m/season in him but do nothing to help. They have midgets out there at WR, Kellen Davis can't block, and their OL is trash. 2. Considering the circumstances, I think the defense did fine. The DL didn't get pressure but a lot of Brees' throws were quick ones. If they had more rest, they would've played better. 3. Chris Harris, as anyone today could see, is a key to this defense. The Bears other safeties are dogs***. Extend him and Forte asap. 4. To anyone whoever questioned Cutler's toughness: this one's for you. He got his a** whooped today but he always got back up. Happy now?
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