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Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Everything posted by Ed Hochuli 3:16

  1. I know we already have a thread about QB's holding team workouts, but Cutler told Sean Jensen that individual workouts are about to start for the Bears. Also, Cutler tweeted "Headed back to Chicago." Here we go...
  2. Peter King recently released a top 100 players list like the one on NFL Network and Cutler is his #85. I agree here. The Bears only have 3 more on NFL Network's list after Briggs was 93 or 94, so it must be Hester, Peppers, and Urlacher. Cutler isn't liked by many peers, but there's no way Donovan McNabb is better than JC is. Hell, even Greg Jennings was ranked like 73rd or something by NFL Network. Is there really 13 or 14 WR's better?
  3. Yeah, Conte seemingly has everything you need to be a good player in the league. He can hit and he can run. He was ranked higher for the Bears than for other teams, but so be it. Corey Wooton was almost taken in round 1 a few years back by Dallas. I like Mike Mayock, and he seems to love Conte. I think this means that D.Manning is gone, Harris gets a 2-3 year extension, and Conte is the future at the position, or so we hope.
  4. Can a #1 WR help? Duh, but I'd focus on finding some OL who can keep $100m upright.
  5. Once again, I DISAGREE with Mendenhall. All I'm saying is I can see from his point of view because I once took a class totally dedicated to who was responsible or partially responsible for the attacks. Do I think the US government is at fault? No. Do I think Mendenhall needs to STFU? Yes. Do I think he should be cut? No. Do conspiracies exist? Yes. Do I think what he said was necessarily bad? No. Do I think that he's under a microscope because he's a football player? Yes. If I said what he said, would anyone give a s***? No.
  6. Oh, so thaaaat's why I put 2 question marks at the end?
  7. Scholarly journals and TV shows have been dedicated to 9/11 conspiracies. Like I said, I don't agree with conspirators, but I can see how or why he'd believe what he believes. . I 100% disagree, but don't tell me conspiracies do not exist when they do.
  8. I think Walter Football (my favorite draft site) gave the Bears a B+. I just have trouble grading drafts the day or week after. What if Enderle is a solid starting QB for a team in 5 years, Thomas is a good ST player, Carimi is a good OT, and Paea is a good DT? The draft is probably an A then. It's hard to do right away.
  9. Nowhere did I say I actually WANT Sims Walker. I just said it's a possibility because he still has upside, he's still on the right side of 30, and he'll likely be relatively cheap.
  10. I don't really mind what Mendenhall said. Scholars and experts on the situation since 9/11 have said that it is possible that the US government were the ones at fault for the attacks. Supposedly, the towers had explosions before the planes hit and there is proof of it. I'm not an expert on it, and I disagree with these experts who argue the US was at fault for this. I have trouble thinking my own government would kill thousands of people. I do, however, have a problem with WHO SAID IT. Mendenhall needs to know that he's under a microscope being the RB for the Steelers and people are going to critique every questionable tweet that he tweets. Chris Harris, a Bear, said something of the same. He said he won't celebrate the killing of bin Laden because he's a Christian and the bible says you don't rejoice when the enemy dies, or something along those lines. My point is, if I said what he said, nobody would care. Mendenhall just needs to watch what he types or get off of Twitter.
  11. I thought you meant the first 3 picks. Apologies. But like the poster above me said, they should have done this. Their secondary was god awful last year. In a division with Peyton Manning, and future (star??) QB's in Locker and Gabbert, it's probably a good idea to load up on young DB's. BTW, I'd be shocked if Keo was an actual starting DB. He'll likely be a spark plug on ST.
  12. 1. Gabe Carimi, OT, Wisconsin 2. Stephen Paea, DT, Oregon State 3. Clint Boling, OG, Georgia 5. Chris Carter, OLB, Fresno State 6. Greg McElroy, QB, Alabama Really? McClain over Paea? Interesting.
  13. Where did the Texans go 3 straight DB's? IIRC, they took JJ Watt, then Brooks Reed, then Brandon Harris, which means 2 DE/OLB's and then a CB.
  14. Which is why if they add a mid-tier G, C, and WR, they'll be OK. Garza is better than he played last season. Once he got back in the lineup, the OL was better than when he wasn't. He's a mid-tier OG. If Carimi can be solid + the addition of another solid OL, the Bears should have no problem getting back to the playoffs. BTW, while I agree that Sims-Walker wouldn't be a HUGE acquisition, it would give Knox a kick in the a**. Last year, he digressed if you ask me. He never goes up for a jump ball (would it even matter? he's 5'9".) He drops too many passes also.
  15. I don't see any problems with Arizona's draft. They got the BPA in the whole draft at #5, and they'll probably end up with Matt Hasselbeck or Donovan McNabb to groom Skelton and Hall. Unlike Carolina, they didn't give up on a young QB for another young QB in 1 full season. As for KC, I fail to see how they had a good draft. Jonathan Baldwin is a cancer. Supposedly, the players at Pitt disliked him a lot, and it didn't improve when he threw his coach and QB under the bus after a loss late in the year. Also, he doesn't play up to his talents and size. This isn't even mentioning the fact that Houston just got busted for marijuana. While this isn't typically bad, Scott Pioli rarely drafts players with issues, and he took 2 in the first 3 rounds with Baldwin and Houston. Seattle's was pretty bad. I liked Cincinnati's.
  16. I posted a thread about him months ago: Mike Sims Walker. Just saying..
  17. Davin Joseph, OG, Tampa Bay Bucs: He was great last year until he broke his foot. Maybe he'll come cheaper than he would if he had played the whole season. Great pass blocker, good run blocker. Richard Marshall, CB, Carolina: Yeah, you stole this idea from me. He's good against the run and decent against the pass. Still, either is an upgrade over Tim Jennings.
  18. Biggs, JD, Jensen, Haugh, Zaidman, etc have all said that he can't wait to be a Bear and he loves to play ST. Also, I guess he's friends with Joshua Moore, and Moore told him that if he loves football, he'll love playing in Chicago.
  19. I got nothing on the kid..
  20. Cutler demonstrated enough under Martz. If you honestly can sit here and type that you wouldn't care if Martz left, you're nuts. Hanie will probably be here in 2012, and will be gone after. Just my guess. They aren't as thin as OG as you may think. To start, they're not going to give up on Williams there. If they get a good OG in free agency, that's good enough. Martz tried to get Cutler killed? Not necessarily. I agree he had him pass way too much at the start of the year, but it's also not his fault that the organization had a bunch of lunch ladies and construction workers playing the OL. And no, Kreutz was downright pathetic in 2010.
  21. If they take Herzlich, I'd be happy for the kid. He's a leader, and can have a very positive influence in the locker room. Who couldn't cheer for the guy?
  22. Am I the only who likes this pick? The Bears, IIRC, can still trade Hanie when the lockout is over and could get a 5th or 6th round pick for him most likely. Enderle has drawn comparisons to a poor man's Cutler. Chances are, using a 5th round pick being Jerry Angelo on a WR, OLB, CB, or OG wasn't going to pan out anyhow. Martz turned a 6th round pick into a Pro Bowler (Bulger) and turned Kurt Warner into a Super Bowl champ from a freaking AFL QB. If I had to guess, I'd say they use FA to address the OG position. I've said on here at times that the Bears would never draft a C because they'll never get rid of Kreutz or send him a message to wake the hell up. If he sucks again, they go C in round 3 or 4 of the 2012 draft, IMO.
  23. From JA and Lovie's point of view, I'd guess Chris Carter from Fresno State or Pernell McPhee from Mississippi State. I've mocked the Bears taking him in round 6 once before.
  24. I just don't understand the pick from the sense that Chris Harris had a good year last year and they drafted Major Wright last year.
  25. The Bears rarely draft how fans mock them. I'm thinking they take Ras-I Dowling (because Austin will be gone), and then Terrell McClain in round 3.
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