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jackie hayes

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Posts posted by jackie hayes

  1. He does make sense for Philly, I'll give them that. No idea how it fits with their cap situation.

    Historically, Philly's done a great job managing the cap. That's how they were able to break the bank for Kearse when the Bears were trying to land him. Not that that says anything definite about the situation today, but I imagine they're okay.

  2. You want us to give up a 1st, or a 2nd and a 3rd? I listed both as options and you said done?

    I'd do either deal. Going by the trade value chart, I guess I'd prefer the 2nd + 3rd, with a trade down from our first round pick to recoup something. But I don't honestly think the Browns will trade Quinn, and if they do, I'm almost sure they'll demand a 1st. But I'd give that up for Quinn.

  3. Balta, you're right that giving up on Williams and Okwo would show that a big mistake was made -- twice, even -- but if the coaches are confident about that, what's the point in putting them out there? If it's recognized as a mistake, it's better to cut your losses than to stick it out because of a bad past decision.


    That said, I can't imagine they're giving up on Okwo, at least. Sure, he went on IR, but the Bears love putting young defensive players on IR when they scratch a finger. What could they have seen to be so sure he isn't a good lb?

  4. Rotoworld speculates:

    Redskins cut WR Brandon Lloyd.

    The Redskins continue to clean house. Lloyd was due a $1.8 million roster bonus in July, but the Redskins got a jump start on relieving themselves of the colossal bust. Lloyd could end up in Chicago, where his former college coach, Ron Turner, is now the Bears' offensive coordinator. Feb. 26 - 5:49 pm et

    Source: Washington Post

    I just thought this would elicit those happy feelings, make the endorphins flow, you know, all that good stuff. ;)

  5. Can you say Jay Cutler??? Granted he isn't a top gun but certainly is showing his potential and poise. And he was pretty much the #1 guy by the end of his 1st year. Cutler was virtually an unknown until the Combine and all of a sudden he is a can't miss. I would prefer a guy that continues to grow, through the Combine, than a guy who was "a flash in pan" in college; see Chris Weinke, Andre Ware, Gino Torreta, Danny Weurffel and Jason White to name a few. Who were these guys? All QB's that have won the Heismann over the last 20 years or so.


    The point is, someone like Flacco is a great development player (especially a #3 QB in Chicago) and has a great frame to build on. 6'6" and 230 stands great in the pocket. The Bears would be lucky to get him in the 2nd round....and I for one hope they do whatever they can to get him.


    Cutler wasn't an unknown before the combine. Here's one mock from before the combine that has him going in the middle of the first round --




    -- which is about where he ended up. And not one of those guys you list was ever considered a strong prospect. Noone's comparing Flacco to Troy Smith, it's more a question of Flacco vs Henne, or Flacco vs wait a year.

  6. Matt Jones is a perfect comparison. I'm not talking about on the field ability in the NFL. I'm talking about someone who was relatively average as far as the scouts were concerned, maybe considered good, and then they DESTROYED the combine, and all of the sudden they are the best thing since sliced bread.

    Flacco didn't destroy the combine, not even close. Some thought he was good, but KFFL criticized his accuracy. His buzz has been gathering for a long time now, that's all.


    And why not pick Justin Fargas as a guy who killed at the combine? Did you just want to pick someone who failed to make your point? Why not pick someone who stayed at the same position?

  7. Matt Jones isn't a good comp. Jones had to learn an entirely new position. The only knock on Flacco is that he comes from a small school. I guess he'd have to transition from a shotgun offense, too, but that's a small thing, and pretty common for qbs.

  8. Henne, I believe can be a very good QB in the right system and if he can stay healthy. I don't want him because of his health problems that he has had and unless he has a RB that can run for 150+ a game he ain't worth it.

    Health problems? He had some problems his senior year, but he played 3 full seasons before that without missing a game. Why is this a concern?

  9. Not to sound racist or anything, but African American QB's have a hard time succeeding in the NFL (Vick, Vince Young, etc).


    Look, like I posted before, this was not meant to be an issue of race; just the simple fact that black QBs don't succeed compared to white QBs.




    This is like the Ricky Bobby line, where he thinks saying "all due respect" lets him say anything no matter how disrespectful.


    If you don't want to sound racist, maybe you should stop saying racist things.


    Also things that are bullshit, but let's go one step at a time.

  10. Does it really matter the color of the persons skin. I thought what matters is the persons skill level. Lets please not make this a race issue before someone gets offended. I know that no one is meaning to this into a racial issue but that is the path I see this going. Please debate the people and there skill sets and keep race out of it. Thank you.

    Well, yeah, that's kind of my point.

  11. The majority isn't good. Leftwich, Tavaris Jackson, Kordell Stewart...

    The majority of qbs aren't good. Expecting black qbs to be better than that is silly. And preferring Eric freakin Ainge just because he's white is idiotic. There's a reason he's expected to go late. He'll probably have a much worse career than ANY of those 3 you just listed.

  12. Not to sound racist or anything, but African American QB's have a hard time succeeding in the NFL (Vick, Vince Young, etc). I'd rather just go with Erik Ainge from Tennessee in round 5 or somethin', and with our first 4 picks, go Otah/Williams, Devin Thomas/LaVelle Hawkins, Chilo Rachel, and Quinten Demps. (that is, if Henne is gone with our 2nd rounder as well as Flacco)

    McNair, McNabb, Moon...



  13. As much as I would love to get a stud safety, Kenny Phillips is a FS, and we're in dire need of a SS. DM isn't going anywhere.


    It all starts with the O-line. Did I really just read a post where someone doesn't want to sign Faneca b/c he's 32, but instead wants to resign Ruben Brown, who is 37? I understand the economics of your rationale, but we screwed up by not pursuing Steinbach last year, and poor OG play is what really hurt our running game this year. Sometimes you gotta bite the bullet. Our receiving corp is going to be awful next season, irregardless of who we franchise or draft, so we need to have the running game.

    Phillips could play either safety position. He's got the size and power to play ss and the speed and coverage ability to play fs. I don't think that would be a concern. You're right, Manning will be here no matter what -- I'm just saying.

  14. Not exactly. You have to be able to read defenses, be mobile in the pocket, etc. There's a lot more than just having a good arm to make all the throws.

    Exactly. If Ryan Leaf couldn't make the throws, he never would have been drafted where he was. It's a lot more difficult to tell if someone can adjust to a more complex system, make pro reads (& much faster reads than in college), or if someone's just a general, total headcase. The arm is just the first thing. I'm not at all convinced about Flacco, but I haven't heard anyone question his arm.

  15. GMAB, Andrew Walter, Aaron Brooks, and Kyle Boller have absolute guns too. As does our very own Sexy Rexy. That's not a selling point. Look's like he has a low release point too and short arms his passes. I'll pass, unless it's mid-late round, on the I-AA talent.

    Well...the question was whether or not Flacco has an "nfl arm". He does, as do all of those guys. It doesn't mean they can play in the NFL, just means they can make the throws.

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